There is a tournament at a Quality Inn in richmond in December i suggest everyone attend. It’s only 2 Miles from VCU!!! If i don’t see everyone there i’m going to SPD everyone that doesn’t show up peace. It is December 11th :slight_smile:

One thing cool about the VCU arcade is CvS2 and MvC2 has the P360 sticks installed in the machine. Also, the CvS2 has Japanese style buttons. I don’t think any arcade uses those.

I wonder if you guys are planning to get CFJ as well? BTW, what kind of buttons are on that GGXX machine?

Yo, I heard there was a Madden tourny going on at VCU soon…can someone give me any details…I could always use some money. A date and any other info would be great…thanks.

Picked up CFE. Its ok. I’ll have to play it against real people. Mostly playing with Rose/Karin/Hydron (He seems like a trap character, I like those). Karin has this ghetto custom, mash on fierce xN, then dp + fierce into upkick super thingy. Nice damage, so easy to do. You can almost do the Rose VC from A3 I like, but the timing messes up. I really wish I hadn’t left my stick in NC, I dislike my SC2 stick and I can’t do motions very well on this.

I’m not sure I can make it down this Friday; however I might be able to head down sometime next week during the break.

Madden Tourney is tomorrow, Hesham.

I caught two guys taking out Star Trek a while back and asked them to try and get CFE, they said they’ll try. I’m sure they’ll get Tekken 5, but it’ll probably cost $1 for a game like just about every other arcade with it.

You know… in Japan… games are usually 100 Yen. Which is about equal to a dollar. Maybe that’s why their arcade industry is doing a little better. Americans usually won’t pay over 50 cents. 50 cents hasn’t changed since the early 90’s.

You can also buy girl’s underwear in japan from special stores with two way mirrors and you get to pick the girl. Did you bring me back any, Robin?

What’s up? It seems like you guys have a pretty dope scene happening in Richmond. I just started going to college at HSC and have been missing fighting games so much. I’m only an hour away, and would love to come visit for some competition. Right now, I’m playing 3s, #R, and i’m giving CFE a look. Let me know what’s going on.

Oh yeah, I’ll most likely be at the tourney on the 11th.

Tourney in Richmond on Dec. 11

CFE Evolution
3rd Strike

all are 10 bucks
Robin is graduating on the 11th probably leaving responsibility to the club to me…but he will still be at tourneys so wish this warrior luck as he graduates and on a bigger note…this tournament should be dope i expect all to show up Li will have his capture card and matches will be saved and put on the web

General Update 11/30

*1) Guys Night Out was a pretty good success and a lot of fun. We had a projection HALO 2, and SC2, MvC2, CFE, SSBM, and even some A3 and beat mania going at one point or another. Thanks everyone for coming out!

  1. Upcoming Tourney in Richmond: CvS2, CFE, MvC2, 3S 12/11. Be there or be square! This is in your backyard!
    More info:

  2. I’ll try to get some games going down over winter break… I’ll be out of school then, you know.

  3. Planning for next semester tournaments. I plan on having 2 tournaments in the commons next semester. One medium sized one in January (about when school starts again), and a big huge one in late February/March. The first one will be a test run for the big one. Count on our club staples being represented: 2D Fighting, 3D Fighting, HALO, SSBM, and perhaps DDR if I can drag up enough people on that list. I’ll give a couple of puzzle games a shot, too. What I need from you guys is: Volunteers to organize/run, players, and volunteers for equipment. Details will be forthcoming.

5)T-shirts. I kinda need to get on the ball on this. For one, it will be necessary by the tourneys next semester. We will need to have these to identify club members/staff at our events. Also, we could use them to rep at tourneys. I only got a limited about of feedback for Tshirt/Logo design, keep em coming! (thanks to those that already contributed some) Also, this could also be a potential fundraiser for the bigger tourney in the springtime. How much is reasonable for the club Tshirt? 10 bucks? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  1. Although I am graduating this semester, expect me to still have the main influence on the club until the end of the school year. Billy and Kevin will engage in any cooperation between the club and VCU that I can’t do b/c I’ve graduated… which I don’t expect to be much.

  2. Would/Should the video game club have actual meetings? I’m thinking once a month. You know, for some old fashioned FTF contact. Or is that asking too much? We should definitely do it for the upcoming tourneys, to get them planned.

  3. Does anyone have online skillz? Like HTML and jazz? VCU gives us as a club free web hosting. I’d be super stoked if someone could whip up some stuff. I’d be glad to help with whatever I can. The website can also be used to post news, pre-register for tournaments, and have a BBS, maybe even a chat room! Or that can also be done via IRC. I think the club needs an official web guru, btw. We will all bow before your 1334 skillz.

9)Flyers for the new semester. I’m thinking about posting a new round of flyers for people interested in the club. I’d like thoughts/feedback on the old flyers, as well as ideas for new ones.

10)Funds/Fundraising: With console tourneys, and other stuff of this nature… cost obviously become a factor. In order to cover costs (VCU commons space, A/V Techs, Security, etc, etc) Will we invariably need to do things. I will entertain ideas and so forth as to how to raise money. Obviously, we will need tourney entrance fees (not per game, but entire tourney door fees) to help cover costs. This will vary due to the size of the event. :wink: If kids can fork over 50 bucks to go to an anime con to fork over MORE money to vendors… they can obviously afford to donate the money they would spend on quarters in an arcade to help cover event costs.

Thats it for now


Robin Palm

(804) 400-0744

Shoryuken Forum BBS:

PS In a couple of days, after I get all of the replies about the game lists… I will email name/email lists of the different groups. So you guys can keep in touch better… Awwwwww!

^ Wow, nice efforts there Robin…

…and congrats on graduating soon.

Good games last night Team VCU… it was a pleasure to travel u north a bit… Holla at me anytime if im off, ill definitely drive up again… :tup:

Yes Germaine it was fun. Especially the card glitch…

Wondering if anyone of yall was going to the Fatteville Tourny in NC this weekend. It will have the usual capcom games, but will also feature T5!

No dummy lol they are taking money out of the pot and the one in Richmond will be 10x better and not money taken out of pots for cover charges

Good fun this weekend, I enjoyed the tourney. Wish I had set up the capture stuff right so my matches had audio, but meh… I’ll know what to do next time. For my first time capturing in a tournament setting I’d say I did pretty well. I found my old capture card so I can toss together a small box and this one, which gives me TWO devices to capture with for the next tournament in February or whatever.

Anywho, mad props to Billy takin 2nd in CvS2 and 1st in SFIII:3S. I choked so bad in semis and only got 3rd, made me feel bad. I lost two in a row and then thought that was it, Li said I had one more, and I just wasn’t feeling it at all (as was evident from my gameplay… I cry when I watch those matches at how sloppy I was.)

Anywho, Applebees was fun, the waitress was cute, and games afterwards were fun too… We need to start playing some more Marvel; Brian has been somewhat tutoring me online, but I need to play against real people.

So yeah, I’ll be back in town this Friday for Robin’s graduation party; I want to show up early and get some matches in with him and whoever else wants some.

Anywho, I’m working on compressing just a few matches to transfer online; if you have any requests I’ll do a few more… But I want to save the bulk of them for the DVD.


Robs Graduation Party

I wish Rob and others of yall could have been there. It was a fun tourney and lots of Drama. It was all in good fun though and it brought out the best in me. Robin graduated on Saturday and props to him for making it through school truly! Team Richmond needs to buff up so we can all truly go for broke… Its hard to carry all the shit on my shoulders and mike has the potential but hasn’t stepped it up yet. I know Robin, Patrick “the beast” Perrone, and Brian “Crazy Asian” has the talent they just need to step in the dojo and time chamber to increase there skills. Team Richmond will represent and take all by storm after finals of course :)!.. Other notes…

  2. No rape chants during strider doom matches
  3. Random Integrity check from the B-more crew
  4. Free apples in the hotel lobby which i only knew about :wink:
  5. Robin did not get a chance to participate in any money tournaments boo!
  6. My saiyan blood raged and I finally showed true potential against gay rcs like electricity…Chang came out to play :slight_smile:
  7. Chang came out to play thanks to Brians Influence
  8. I hate getting beat by random rolls
  9. lasted 27 seconds against Isaac Graham in casuals and did not get ocved :slight_smile:
  10. My sticks fierce button didn’t break woo hoo!!!

FUN TIMES MORE VCU PEEPS NEED TO REP+++and more need to make an appearance for this club to work

Billy is awesome he owns me for free.
I can probably still beat him in Marvel though. :wink: we’ll have to see.
And we’d have to try AE/ST.
It sucked I couldn’t play tourneys… there is always next time.

Chill pill rob