Haha. that’s how you always lose, billy. Just some lucky break. Who’d you lose to?

Rugal and Jody…but they won 2-1…and rugal i almost sent to the losers my second match. I used my N team against jody and won but then iori got counter picked and i eventually lost a close match when honda game to rape him :(. But i have them on tape. I dizzyed jason (rugal b) and i was ahead all i needed to do was hold on to my super but i wasted it thinking he was gonna dash rc electricity. Oh well i tought them to stop rcing by throwing there ass so much!!! I GOT THIS SHIT ON TAPE. AND I TAUGHT THEM BISONS LEVEL1 SUPER IS NOT SAFE. I PUNISHED THAT SHIFT WITH A TWO FRAME JAB TO TIGER RAID. I tied for 5th out of 32 peeps.

You don’t even need a two frame jab to do that. A 4 Frame MK is more than fast enough.

no hes at - 3 for a level 1 super

Did you get our match? it goes both ways.

I hope u guys decide encode the matches.

I really wanted to attend but I had 90+ dollar CIRQUE VU SOLEIL

TICKETS. :rolleyes:

Congrats on getting 5th.

I know their was some really solid comp. :karate:

Street Fighter Alpha 3, 10/29. Games Night @ Commons 11/3. Upcoming Tourneys.

*1. ---------

Hey all. First off. I’d like to thank everyone for their ongoing interest in the Video Game Club. I’m really stoked to have gotten something like this off the ground.

Our Smash Brothers Tourney the other week went very well. 12 people participated. Aaron won the Singles event, and the team of Aaron and David won the Doubles tourney. We didn’t do the Free for All tourney… Not a whole lot of interest in that.

Congrats to Billy Hummel for placing 5th out of 32 at the GTR tourney this past weekend. (10/23). Considering many top players were there (including Justin), this is no easy feat.


Coming up this Friday is a Tournament in Street Fighter Alpha 3. This game is a classic for all street fighter fans, and the game that sharpened my teeth in competitive SF play. This will be a standard double elim tourney with a 3 dollar entry fee. It will be played on the Playstation version. Yes, the PS version is not arcade perfect, but it is the closest, easiest available option. As that we accept that it isn’t arcade perfect, T.Hawk, Dee Jay, Fei Long, and Guile all are allowed in tourney play. Evil Ryu, Shin Akuma, and Boss Mode Bison are all banned.

The location and exact time of this tournament are To Be Determined. I’m guessing around 9pm, and either at my place or maybe Shakir’s pad. This is maybe to change up the burden on Kevin. Haha, big ups to him for hosting everyone btw.

Next up on the schedule for the Video Game Club: Guys Night Out at the Student Commons. I have made a tentitive agreement with the Activites Programming Board to Co-Sponsor the Video Game Portion of Guys Night Out at the Commons. The Perks of this are plenty… we get to use ALL the commons resources for free. What the commons has asked of us is to provide the one thing that it is hard to procure these days by rental: Console Game systems. What I need from all of you guys is volunteers to attend the event (Wednesday November 3rd), and bring game systems for us to use. The following systems are a MUST:
Playstation 2’s: (Soul Calibur 2, Puzzle Fighter/Puyo Puyo, SF Anniversery, Madden 05)
Xbox’s: (Halo)
Gamecubes: (Smash Brothers, Double Dash, Mario Party?)
Dreamcasts: (CvS2, MvC2)
Older Retro Games/ Systems are appreciated as well.

Anyway, I can practically guarantee the availability of a projector for games like HALO or Smash Brothers.

This will be a great opportunity for ALL members of the club to come out, play some games, and have fun.

More information will be upcoming as soon as I have my meeting with the APB people.


For those who aren’t aware, I will be going to Japan from November 8th through November 19th. As much as I would like to run things during that time (cough* not * cough!), I doubt I will be able to. Any suggestions/plans/ or ideas about events, get togethers, or tournaments are dually welcome and appreciated. You guys get to have some fun without me! Feel free to throw some ideas via this mailing list, or the Message Board at Shoryuken.
I would like to see some decent organizers, so I can leave the club in decent hands when I graduate here soon.


Upcoming Local/Regional Tournaments

Durham, NC Saturday, November 13th.
CvS2, Sf3:3S (single), SvC, SamShoV, Sf3:3S(teams) (10$)
SC2, T4, Garou, GGXX#R, Hyper Turbo. ($5)

University Park, PA, Saturday, November 13th
:Main Games:
GG#R (PS2 or Xbox) - $10 singles, $15 per team CvS2 (DC or PS2) - $5 or $10 MvC2 (DC)- $10 3S (PS2) - $10 SF: AE (PS2) - $10 SC2 (PS2)- $10 TTT (PS2)- $5 Twinkle Star Sprites - $5 Vampire Savior - $5

North East Championship

Philadelphia, PA

Saturday 12-4-2004
SC2 – start time will be 12pm entry fee will be $10.00–Psi2
MVC2 – entry fee $10.00–DC CVS2 – entry fee $10.00–DC, Psi2
GGXX#R – entry fee $10.00–DC 3S – entry fee $7.00–psi2
SBM–entry fee $7.00(if i have 16 players)–NC
TTT --5pm Entry fee $7.00–psi2 TK4 or TK5 if its out.–Psi2
ST–entry fee $7.00–DC
MKT,the new MK will be played at the Tournament–entry fee $7.00–Psi2

Team Tournament:$5.00 per player
MVC2–3 on 3
CVS2’’’ 3 on 3
GGXX 3 on 3

Apparently there is an Empire Arcadia HALO 2 launch party and tourney in NYC.

Wow… that’s it.

Later Folks.

Robin Palm
AIM: Ownzjoo4free


Phone: 804 400 0744


Rob alot of people i have talked to said they would only enter this tournament if it was free…And a good place to hold some tournaments are in the tv lounges of like grc or some other dorm… Plenty of room :slight_smile:

Will the Underground arcade be getting Tekken 5? Can we persuade them into buying(finding) a CFE arcade? If they get rid of that Star Trek FPS cabinet then they’ll have room for both. They can’t be getting much money with that Star Trek game.

Um Charles the place they rent them from is games people play or something like that. It’s on most of their machines their number that is. I believe its 359-something. I was planning on trying to get some of our old games back like alpha 3 and possibly 3rd strike and ccfj. But you know not everyone enjoys playing fighting games but i will do my best!!!. Anyway everyone post here if you plan on attending the games night. Everyone should attend, great way to meet people on campus and great fun!

I’ll be going to the game night and I’ll bring my PS2. When they say that all their resources will be free do they mean free play on the arcades?

Billy why’d ya miss the SFA3 tournament? First tournament that I didn’t get double eliminated on my first two opponents. Although I was quite scrubby with it(Adon’s HK Jaguar Tooth->jump backxn,, s.HK, Jaguar Knee).

I won’t be at game night. I have many important appointments to keep…foreign dignitaries to schmooz with…YES I will be there.

General Meeting 11/5, Guys Night Out 11/19

*1. There will be a general meeting and game session at (I’m assuming) Kevin’s on Friday. 911 W Clay Street. Bring TV’s. We’ll have at least 3, so I can guarantee that one will be Soul Calibur 2, one will be Capcom vs SNK 2, and one will be Smash Brothers. I will need a gamecube for that. I think Steve has an TV in his room with an Xbox for HALO if people are interested. General start time 7 oclock. Games are welcome to change throughout the night to whatever people want to play… but those will be surely played.

The real purpose of this get together is to discuss Guys Night Out, which is now happening on November 19th (not the 3rd as I had originally heard).
What the deal is that the commons will be hosting a Madden 2005 tournament, and the Video Game Club will be able to setup games and projections while that is going on, as well as use the PS2’s when Madden is over. Our Club supports Madden (even though most of our members don’t).
What the Video Game Club needs from YOU:

  1. Volunteers to be at the event and help out.
  2. People to lend their PS2’s. We’re going to need somewhere in the ballpark of 10-15 additional PS2’s. I will provide mine, personally. As far as security, each PS2 will be masking taped with your name on it. Also VCU will be providing police presence at the event to make sure the equipment is safe. Also, your own presence and other video game club members will make sure the equipment is ok. So, there is no worries about the safety of your PS2.
  3. People to lend TV’s. We’re going to need some where around 5 or so TV’s. I will personally lend mine. The more TV’s we have, the more games, etc. etc.
  4. Someone to draw/design the VCU Video Game Club Logo. The Commons have been asking for one… I don’t have anything. Our Club Name is the Video Game Club of VCU, but you have total artistic freedom. Send them back to me at this email address.
  5. I need contact people for the Commons to speak for me when I’m gone. Kevin/ Billy, you ok with talking to these people? Anyone else?
  6. Does anyone have any T shirt connections? I’d love to get some VCU Video game club Tshirts to identify us at this event. This would be better still with the logo.

The projections that we should be getting will be HALO 2 and Smash Brothers. This is certain.

Anymore questions, volunteers, concerns, contact me.

Robin Palm

804 400 0744



Hey torney this sat in md cvs2 singles 5 or 10 dollar
entry fee im trying to get alot of players to go. Be
there and get good games in also Im trying to get
players to practice for the upcoming NEC torney.

Go to Koop’s thread in Atlantic North for numbers and directions.

i should be able to make to to Kevin’s tonight…

… for once

and i’m also seeing what else i may be able to come up with for the logo ish

i’ll probably be playing mostly CvS2, and if it’s set up at some point, MvC2

So who all is truckin down to NC this weekend? Just lookin for a headcount.

Pat it will be Me, Ken, Kevin, Derrick, and Mike

team vcu

It was great fun coming down to NC i will try to make it to fayetteville if anyone is willing to house us maybe it would be appreciated…team VCU represented too mad mike couldn’t take marvel with strider doom being counterpicked…he still almost one. But 1st cvs…2nd marvel and tope got 3rd out of 6th in soul caliber :). Way to go team vcu keep up the good work. Thanks to gamefrog, props to kevin micheals for mad skills and everyone who helped out with the tournament…especially to the random guy who had a saudering iron and screwdriver to fix my switches on my stick he saved the day. Great tourney everyone have a good turkey day i know i will…top tier mashed potatoes


If the this club organized the fight night 2004 tourney on November 8 2004, I missed the tourny on the eighth. I had a test at 6, came an hour late, it was over. They even told me I couln’t play because I missed the sign up the friday before. ****To the winner of the tourney, you are not the champ because I wasn’t there! If you want to have a friendly match, or reschedule the tourney, I will be there to show you who the real boss is and that goes to anyone else from the club who wants a piece.

respect to the new team vcu