I’m just curious to why someone is using my avatar WITH my fucking name on it. Makes no God damn sense. :lame:

Beat that ass! :p: :annoy: :p: :nunchuck: :nunchuck: :nunchuck:

:lp: :lp: :r: :lk: :hp:



Well, at least moosehummel changed his avatar, but I wonder who he stole that from. :rolleyes:

I was not stealing it i was borrowing it. I thought it was flashy :clap: …I don’t know why your so upset…everyone has an empire avatar…i liked yours so much i was sporting it.

That’s what I was telling my friend.
I wasn’t mad at all.
Makes me feel good considering someone likes my AV so much.

But Empire is a WIDELY used word. Empire this, Empire that. There is no 60mhz this or 60mhz that. It’s my nickname, lol.

No worries, I didn’t lose sleep.

Back to studying…

Yea sixty it reminded me of the roy jones fight. Balrog wouldn’t stand a chance against Dudley. I wish Dudley would be in more 2d fighting games. Hopefully in capcom fighting jam cuz they picked stupid balrog in cvs

Hey, I’m currently a freshman at VCU, 7th floor, Johnson hall. I was just wondering how this gaming club worked and whatnot. I have plenty of people that want to join up, but we didn’t make it to the community fair thing. Please email me with details:

Most of the people I know enjoy playing pc games (Dawn of war, Cs, UT2k4, Call of Duty, Wc3, etc.), but we also play some console games (Halo… and… thats it.) that include some fighters (Mainly just Soul Caliber 2 and a little Guilty Gear).

Anyways, looking forward to whatever this club has to offer.

you probably cannot play because the VCU server has not opened the ports required to play Evercrack…I mean Everquest online.

Looking at your name I a assuming you play WarCraft III as well.

If anyone does play WarCraft III please post up your name and server you play on.

We had a pretty decent tourney in Hampton yesterday, too bad we couldn’t see more VCU elites!

VCU is elite? When the fuck did that happen?

He means me Pat!!! Obviously…

VCU is elite when Robin’s not the best anymore… :frowning:

Dude, you don’t even live in Richmond anymore… come to think of it, neither do I. I should be back in the fall, though. You, on the other hand, have already graduated. Find this man some NOVA/DC competition!

Well this “eliteness” of vcu will try to rep this saturday at the tournamnet. I’m bringing roll, servebot, and dan to town in marvel :slight_smile:

Oh yeah!
I forgot about the tourney this saturday. I don’t think I’ll be going… but I’ll if I can drum up support. WHo’s driving?

Ok I know Kevin and I are going to this tourney. JB sAid he would go. Kevin and I are bringing tvs. Ken is going to. If you would like to go we will try and find a ride for yall. TVS take up alot! of space. And my stupid retarted car died yesterday in my driveway so i certainly can not give you a ride but we will definately try to help you find one if need be. We got plenty of room in Kevin’s tru :badboy: nk :slight_smile:


If anyone is interested in going to Gtr2 hook me up at my cell phone 901-2362. I have several people going already so if you want me to find you transportation let me know. We have around 10 people going already so don’t wait til the last minute…you will miss out. If you bring a tv you get in two tourneys for free

Kevin, JB, Naomi Kevin, Charles and another guy went to Gtr 2 yesterday. It was hella fun and I should have gotten 2nd in CVS 2 i got the matches to prove it on Kevin’s camera…just lost to a lucky break. There was Marvel 2, Magical Drop 3, Def Jam Vendetta, 3rd Strike, ST, GGXX, and Soul Caliber 2. Thanks all who came and for your support…hope more can make it for next time. Billy