There were several people playing MvC2 today. Mike Clark, J.B., and even Billy’s trying to get into it. There are several other guys who indicated interest in MvC2 on the mailing list. If you want me to put them up, or for you to get in touch w/ them. Let me know.

O O O O Can I play 2?

Wow Tourney on Friday and J-wong’s g/f goes to VCU OWNAGE we can get more competition and hopefully a better tournament scene. Is he coming to the cvs 2 tourney…Hopefully he can show me some pointers in marvel

wow… my srk account’s still alive.

i’m Brian, that vertically-challenged (but not really) filipino dude in MvC2 who tries to own up with Anakaris, Zangief, and SonSon (and lately as Hulk, Felicia, T Bonne). In CvS2, I’ll try the same stickin with Morrigan Zangief-2 Chang C Groove. I’m not sure who dave is (i’ve probably seen you), but i tend to not leave after losing 3+ times :slight_smile:

i’m also the no-good president of DDR club who did pretty much nothing last year except flyers.

I’ve gotten out of DDR for the time being, to focus more on school-y stuff, but i’ll still check in often enough to get some thrills out of above mentioned games. I miss Tetris Attack :frowning:

a bit late, but thanks to everyone who showed up to check out our table at the SOVO Fair, and also Robin for allowing me to help out and also showcase my DDR Club music video… I really coulda used my own half-table, but o well, next time. We had a fair showing of random peoples, and Robin got many names for his email list, so that’s always a good sign.

dan pose

*Hey everyone. CvS2 tourney will be tomorrow, 10/8. I want everyone to be there around 8pm. It’ll take me a little while to make the brackets, so if you want to come, but can’t make it till later, call me at 804-400-0744. I’ll put you in the brackets.


911 West Clay Street

Easiest way to get there is on Broad Street, between Belvidere and Laurel, there is a street called Goshen. Turn on that street (it’s one way), and then make a left onto Clay. That’s the correct block.

We have two TV’s so far… and I have to see if mine and Jacob’s Dreamcasts actually will play CvS2. Patrick said he is bringing 2 PS2->DC Converters, and Micheal Young has one, as does Billy. So we should have 4. This is so people can use PS2 pads, the Street Fighter pads, as well as PS2 joysticks.

That being said.

We need at least two more TV’s.
Several Copies of CvS2
Several more working Dreamcasts
Sticks, pads, etc.

Same format as last time.

The cost again is 3 bucks. Call or email me if you have any questions.

As far as HALO goes. The primary motivator behind the tourney, Scott, has a wedding to attend this weekend, so won’t be here from thursday to sunday. Because the end of the week is usually better for people, I’ll delay the tourney. Besides, I have to reserve the common ground projection.

So, then, next friday is an open slot. Tourney suggestions, people?

Robin Palm
(804) 400 0744

Nah, Billy. Justin’s not coming till later in the month. Even then, I’m sure he’s gonna be spending time with his GF. I’m just helpin a guy out.

UPDATE: HALO TOURNEY 10/12 TUES 9PM at Johnson Hall

  • just received word that a large group of HALO players are throwing a tourney in Johnson Hall Tuesday, 10/12 at 9pm in the Johnson Hall TV lounge (which is to the right of the entrance).

They are playing 4v4 CTF pro over a system link. If you don’t have a team, contact them, and all efforts will be made to find you one.

This is a free tourney.

Johnson hall requires sign-ins, but there are plenty of people within Johnson Hall to accommodate guests. Make sure you have an ID.

For more information/sign ups, contact Clint at or AIM at GLEAPSITEvcu .

If I have the time, I will be there to check it out and to socialize. I get fragged too easily to actually play.

I’d like to thank these guys for throwing this tourney, takes a little planning burden off my shoulders. Look for more HALO events in the future.

Robin Palm
former 7th floor Johnson Hall resident
AIM: Hydraburnt

I’m in robins vote with halo. I can play but not at a tournament level. But i’d be happy to play on a capture the flag game. As for a tournament scene. I will be holding what I call a training session soon. I met Germaine and Emanuel or E today and they suggested I teach Charles and some other people the basics, strats, and simple combos to them. I will hold a casual get together soon and we will try to accomadate all by playing all sorts of different games… keep posted for more information. As for marvel, i can not teach in that game i need to be taught! So volunteers help me :slight_smile:

Hey, I’m Cash. I lived in Johnson Hall last year, and still live on campus. Anytime anyone is up for a game of HALO or knows of a tournament, give me a ring/im/email. Me and my team play almost every night online on XBC or lan it if theres enough people. I am ALWAYS up for a game of Halo.


JohnyBroken (AIM)

Lol Gregory and E suggested you teach ME some of the basics? They’re the ones in need of teaching. Until like a month ago they were baffled by the crossup. But I’ll still be there. Who is that guy that uses A-Hibiki? I was so close to getting second in my group.

We really need a 3rd Strike scene, fellas. CvS2 has just lost its charm with me these days, but its always nice to play people who still have an interest in it. I mean, I’ll still throw down for tournies and stuff, but I really have no interest in getting better at the game. I blame it on Sagat. With those big beefy arms, that ugly scar, and the fact that he likes to dress me up like Chun and bend me over; I just don’t like the guy anymore. I mean, me and Sagat were hanging out two weeks ago at this bar drinking, right? I was slowly nursing a frothy mug of beer and Sagat was sipping his cosmopolitan, and then for no reason what so ever he just punched me in the back of the head. I woke up the next day with spike bracelets on and I was walkin bow legged for a week.

Anywho, I was the guy in the third group, Patrick (or Pat, doesn’t matter to me). I mostly stuck to K and random characters, sticking with Ryu and Mai alot. I saw alot of real potential and skill just waiting to be polished, perfected, then given up on because CvS2 is just a horrible game.

So everyone do the world a favor.

Learn to play 3rd Strike.

LOL at pat…I would not go as far as saying it is a horrible game but 3rd strike is just as fun…I agree if everyone plays that game too then that would be fun also. But Cvs 2 is like a boxing match you can’t just go attack because you will get counter hit bad if u leave your guard open got to pick your spots… POOR ROY JONES!!! HE DIDN"T HAVE A CHANCE :frowning:

Halo Tourney Postponed. CvS2 results 10/8

*Due to schedule conflicts with the room, the Johnson Hall HALO tourney has been postponed till 10/19.

Direct all questions to Clint Titsworth: or AIM: Gleapsite vcu (or is it just gleapsite?) whatever.

CvS2 Results:

1st Billy Hummell (15-1)
2nd Robin Palm (14-4)
3rd Kevin Lewis (11-5)
4th Patrick Perrone (6-9)
5th Mike Clark (5-7)
5th Ken Hamilton (7-6)
7th Derrick
7th Doc Johnson
7th Charles Branch
10th Micheal Young
10th Greg
10th Trish
10th Emmanuel

Kevin was the only person to beat Billy a game, and came mighty close to knocking him out.

I don’t know what to do for next friday. I’m thinking Smash Brothers, A3, or 3rd Strike.

Robin Palm

I’m up for HSF2:AE, Smash Bros. or UMK3.

Is this arcade getting Capcom Fighting Jam cuz its out now.

Casual Games 10/12

this is a late post but today there will be games at GRC marvel vs cap 2, 3rd strike, and cvs around 6 meet in the commons around 6 in the underground douwnstairs and we will go from there.


*Yo listen up all Smash Brothers Melee Tourney Friday 10/15 @ 9pm. The place is to be determined.

There will be 3 events:

4 player Free for all

I need your guys’ input on
Time or Stock?
Banned Stages? (obviously Ice Climbers and Game and Watch)
Whether you want entry fee and prizes for winners or free tourney?

To give your input, either contact me, or post here on this thread.

I will try to get a place in the commons or arrange something for the tourney. I need at least one (preferably two) volunteer gamecubes and 4 (or 8) pads.

Thanks a bunch, sorry for the slightly late notice. Hope to see you there!

Robin Palm
AIM: Hydraburnt
804 400 0744

Um robin no time…3 player stock and what i have seen the stage is a coin toss and the loser always picks. And i have only seen. Best out of 3 games…except for free for all. that is just done once

3s…3s should b next…tight game

Im just lost

Hey guys, sorry that i havent posted in a while but i ve been trying to figure out how to get my darned Everquest game to work in the Dorm room. Im thinking that i cant play Everquest seeing as im totally lost at this point on what to do. If anyone else plays Everquest, i am having a problem where i cant log on to Everquest, I apologize if this isnt the right place to put this reply but im totally lost and wondering if it is at all possible to somehow connect to Everquest while living in the dorms. =\ If anyone can help me i would greatly appreciate the help and any information would be greatly appreciated if i got it at my Hotmail or yahoo mail account, they are and, Im usually on AIM MSN or even Yahoo MEssanger and again i apologize if this is an inappropriate place to post this.