we have plenty of sticks/pads or converters for dreamcast or playstation 2. I do believe everything except for marvel and cvs2 should be played on playstation 2. My gripe for cvs2 being the game is a different speed on ps2 and we have plenty of good sticks for dreamcast. I think monday, wed, fri, sat and sun is good for me in the evening except for weekends. DON’T BE AFRAID TO POST ABOUT HALO AND SOUL CALIBER 2, but it redirects to anyway.
Name is Trevor, I spoke to a couple people in the arcade, I’m the weirdo that’s been hanging out with the red hair and the headphones leaking math metal.

I’m a computer gamer first and foremost, and I would be playing CS:S if my vid card didn’t fry recently… still working on getting it RMA’d, so… I prefer SC2 and Guilty Gear, but I’m pretty bad at both of em, yet still willing to learn.

Oh, and last time I was there I didn’t see VF4 anymore, but there’s a new Beatmania machine. =|

And if there’s any plans of anyone doing an FPS tourney of any kind (although I haven’t done halo on the xbox, just PC) let me know, those are my heroin.


hi, i’m jacob, but you can call me robin’s weird roommate. because i’m sure you will.

okay so i just registered and got all suited up… finally. just so everyone knows. robin forced me to come here… with sodomy! ;x ummm i’m going to try and help him make flyers [though i skipped out on the first one] that make people play games. i’ll also try to make it out to the vcu arcade some more… though i’ll probably just blow my money on [sucking at] ddr while i’m there. kids are always welcome at our apartment, though i may be sleeping, sitting at my computer, reading, or being pissy for whatever reason at whatever moment. i may also !!! jump in on a few games of 3rd strike. i play a green shippu ken, i am about as scrubtastic as they come, i don’t “know” any combos, i’ll continue to jump in and wiff dp’s until my face explodes, and i’ll low forward super you all day long until all of our eyes bleed. robin is trying to take me through the saikyo dojo and shit, but i’ve got so much to do, what with my to do list of anime, movies, internet, chatting, porn, hanging out, drinking, and working 40 hours a week, that i can barely find the time to drop into any games lately. so mostly it’s 3rd strike. i play [read: suck at playing] axl in ggxx, and i usually mix up the dream team characters and the fatal fury characters while having my ass handed to me x6 in cvs2. but hey! i know what all the grooves mean now… and i understand roll cancelling, and the fact that the game is more than i’ll ever care to be good at. anyway, that’s pretty much my shpeal [is that even a word?]. i’m really geeky when it comes to certain stuff. i’m also into music [a lot of metal, grind, chaos, indie, punk] and used to be sort of a scene kid. umm… i’m 20 years old and single! i have a blonde devilock. i work at bn. i am robin’s superior! that is all.

ps: to all the [read: the few] people who already know me… hi! :slight_smile:

pps: the copy of anniversary collection that robin will be taking with him everywhere is MINE. take care of it. <3

wednesday…cool, no doubt…i’ll come thru…3s, CVS? any1? any1?

nah…but on the real…i look forward 2 playing every1 & getting beat until i cant get beat no more. learn something. change up.then come back with some new tactics.


Hey all, Lol my Name is Fred and i just saw the postets and decided that it would be fun to join and whatnot. Me I play pretty much any game except sports. For example i Play Warcraft III, CS, And any PS2 game thats not sports lol. so i pretty much play everything except sports. my e-mail is and im pretty much free every day after 6 or 7 pm on friday im pretty much free after 9 am. just send me an e-mail or something if you would like to kick my ass in something or what not lol.

Student Fair Tomorrow 9/29… SC2 Tourney Thurs 9/30… CvS2 Tourney Fri 10/8

Student Fair Tomorrow 9/29… SC2 Tourney Thurs 9/30 CvS2 Tourney Fri 10/8

Ok everyone. The SOVO fair is tomorrow in the upper level of the commons from 12-3. I have class at 12 (I may miss it for this), so I’ll need help and just people to hang out. I’m bringing at least one TV (it would help if anyone could volunteer another). We’re gonna set up 2 PS2’s. One with Anniversary Collection, and perhaps another w/ Puzzle Fighter or something. I’m looking to get ready to set up around 11 (that’s when my first class lets out). Try to stop by if you can.

On this Thursday, 9/29, We’re going to be doing a Soul Calibur 2 Tourney, 3 dollar entry fee, Round Robin style pools. THis will be at Kevin Lewis’ house, 911 W Clay Street. We’ll have at least two TV’s/systems up and it will be on PS2. I’m hoping to get over 8.

Next Friday, 10/8 we’ll be having a CvS2 tourney. It’ll start around 7ish. I think. Same rules 3 dollars, Round Robin pool system. We’ll be having that at Kevin’s place too. I’m leaning toward making this tourney on the DC. However, if a majority of participants want it on PS2, i can do that. (From what I know, Billy has one PS2->DC Converter).

Tourney Announcement Thread:

VCU Thread:

Thanks Everyone,

Robin Palm

For the CvS2 and SC2 tourneys what at what time of the day are they planned to begin?

I believe both tourneys will begin around 7 at night. There is a small entry fee of 3 dollars. This is basically just to have fun and hopefully for everyone to learn new things and get better. Sova fair today!!! I had to go to court. OCVED the judge with a dismissal…WOOT!

The Soul Calibur 2 Tourney will start at 10pm. Lots of people will be getting out of class at around 9:40ish… Including the host. So that’s that.

you guys commin to gtr2

VCU Video Game CLUB 9/29 Welcome New Members+ Upcoming Tourneys (SC2, CvS2)

*Hello everyone,

First off, welcome new members. The Student Organization fair went really well today. We signed up over 30 people for the VCU video game club. Alot of interested people in HALO (7 people) or FPS’s in general (8 more people) and about 6 people were specifically interested in Soul Calibur 2.

I urge all new members to check out our VCU Video Game Club thread on It has all of the previous emails i’ve sent to the club members (describing what we do and such), and it also is a good common place for everyone to communicate and arrange to hang out and play games (what else!)

Here’s the thread, check it out.

There will be a Soul Calibur 2 Tournament at Kevin’s House (911 W Clay… left door) tomorrow night, September 30th, at 10pm. The entry fee is 3 bucks, and the tourney will be in Round Robin Pool Style. If you have questions about how this format is run, check out the VCU thread on

On Friday, October 8th, there will be a CvS2 Tournament. It will also be at Kevin’s place and follow the same Rules.

Next possible tourney will be a HALO tourney, now that there’s a decent amount of interest. All you Halo players let me know what dates/times are good for you.

Any questions/ concerns… feel free to email me

Robin Palm

Pat… I’m not sure about GTR2… I’m pretty sure Billy would wanna go. I have to work most Saturdays. I’ll look into it.

As far as “Round Robin” pool style rules:

Players will be divided up into pools… most likely of 4 players… but quite possibly 3 or 5 depending on the number of players. Players will Round Robin… and the top 2 players advance.

The last 4 players will be a single elimination finals, with seeding based on tourney record (1 v 4) (2 v 3)… and there will be a 3rd place match.

This is a fun format b/c you are guarunteed 3 matches instead of 2… and you don’t have to be the BEST player to advance in your pool. This limits people getting whack brackets.

Anyway, see you all tomorrow

i’m there…got class btw 7p-9p…but i’ll definitely make it…dont play sc2 but i’ll enter just 2 add the 3d fighter noobness(i only play 2d).hahaha


Well, I entered the SC2 tournament(Raphael) and was soundly defeated by Moosehummel and someother guy. That was my first true tournament and I choked, aw well. I promise I won’t disappoint with CvS2 and HSF:AE.

Upcoming tournaments

Hi everyone great showing yesterday. Mad props to chris for winning but Naomi disserved to win since she is a girl and kicks most guys asses off the face of the earth. Decent showing for our first tourney about 16. I encourage everyone to come out to cvs2. It’s my 21st b-day and should be a blast. I’m sure there will be plenty of partying going on as well as gaming. I also would like to take a poll to see what you guys would like to do next in the next tournament. My favorites include: GGXX, Virtual tennis…singles or doubles. NFL 2k2 or 2k3 or madden, nba jam…on my old school genesis, smash brothers! And we have got to do some UFC ULTIMATE FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP BABY OR KNOCKOUT KINGS. LOL JUST NO ROY JONES APPEARANCES PLEASE. Just everyone let either robin or I know what your interested in. I’ll promote any game even dead or alive beach volleyball or outlaw golf…even tho tiger woods golf is the best :clap:

Soul Calibur 2 tourney last night. Here are the results.

The format was Two rounds of Round Robin Pools, to get the the final 4. It was then single elim (seeded by records in Pools).

In the final rounds, Chris beat Naomi 2-1 to advance and J.B. beat Kevin 2-1 to advance.

Naomi defeated Kevin 2-0 in the 3rd place match.

Chris defeated J.B. 3-0 in the finals with Nightmare. Chris lost earlier to J.B. in the pools when he used Talim 1-2.

1st Chris (Talim, Nightmare) Total Record (13-3)
2nd J.B. (Sueng Mina) Total Record (12-7)
3rd Naomi (Xianghua) Total Record (15-2)
4th Kevin (Taki) Total Record (8-8)

5th Robin (Ivy) (6-8)
5th Billy (Mitsu) (4-8)

7th Greg (Ivy, Kilik) (3-9)
7th Lawrence (Xianghua, Ivy) (5-6)

9th Steve (Ivy, Maxi)
9th Charles (Raphael)
9th Ashley (Maxi)
9th Derrick
9th Geoff

Good games everyone. I had a great time. Comments/Feedback on the tourney or format are always welcome either directly to me, or at on the forums at

Next week is Capcom vs SNK 2. It will start around 7 and be the same format. It will also be at Kevin’s place… .911 W Clay.

It will be on Dreamcast, so I need volunteer Dreamcasts, Sticks, and TV’s.

We will also have PS2-> DC converters for those that prefer PS2 pads (namely the new SF pads)

I am going to check my schedule, but the next tourney after CvS2 will be a HALO tournament. I’m going to try to get this in the commons so we can get a projector. Sound Good?? All who are interested, please let me know, and if there are preferable dates times in the week of Oct 11-18.

Also, I had a special request… who here likes Smash Brothers?? Post on the thread or give me a shout.


Espn Football aka nfl 2k4

I will be running a tourney in this. Pick a friend as your teammate and your in. let me know if your interested. Rules will be 2 v 2 4 quarters with 15 minutes. No custom teams or trades and no all-star teams. Maximum passing not allowed. If you haven’t played this game before its not hard to pick up and learn. PM me or email at or aim is guillmoose

Hi, my names Ken. I’m the black dude with glasses who you’ve probably seen playing CVS2/GGXX at Breakpoint and I’m an alcoholic. I’ll probably participate in any 2-D fighter tournies. No FPS experience whatsoever. I play some Nintento/Super Nintendo. Until I acquire a job I have a lot of time on my hands and will probably frequent any kind of Tourney. I went just to observe the recent SC2 tourney. Say hi, if you see me.

anyone play mvc2 that won’t stop playing after they lose 3 times?

keeperofdagrove: what’s your name and server on wc3?