Taskmaster Matchup and Team building thread

My team is Task (vertical) Dorm (darkhole) and Akuma (tatsu kick)

Task is the main guy, he uses Akuma to extend and protect his offensive game and Dorm is used as the keep away guy and sometimes as the battery guy (i also dhc with task into dorm and at the end of dorms special, i switch to task again).

As an assist character, taskmaster helps Dormmamu in his keep away game, his vertical shot covers all the center of the screen (air and ground).

Yeah. I switched from my old Taskmaster (horizontal), Storm (WW), Dante (Jam Session).

Now I’m rocking Taskmaster (horizontal), Akuma (tatsu), Sentinel (Sentinel Force Charge).

Honestly, this team is better because of synergy with Akuma and the fact that Akuma and Sent are beasts.

Double Post

Right now I’m digging Task (Horiz)/Doom (Rocks/Missiles) and need a third. Either of Doom’s assist are great. You call missiles and pressure then they hit for more pressure or wait for them to hit then close ground or use rocks to move in behind. Need to experiment with rocks more, might be a great way to hold them up in the corner after OTG air 236H. Going from Doom’s Flare DHC Task Vert Arrows Hyper = lots of damage.

I had Felicia (Rolling Buckler) to compliment Task pressure so when I call Felicia, I 6H into C or S and go for combos and Felicia makes good use of the meter Task builds (Helper ftw). I tried Hsein Ko and had her on point til I could get Hyper Armor DHC to Task and go for that forever pressure with her pendulum assist which worked awesome the few matches I had it. Thinking of trying Haggar or Deadpool.

Still trying everyone out, not much time to spend on gaming with college and job hunting.

LOL, I use this exact team but with Ryu using Tatsu instead of Akuma.

is there a good sub for Storm?

I’m thinkin’ about runnin’:

-Taskmaster at point.
-Chun, or Dante next. I have an easier time rushing with chun, and love her lightning legs, but dante’s reach is better and his jam session is hard to give up. EDIT: it looks like Akuma could be another fit in this secondary position with hurricane kick.
-in the last position I’m trying to add: Iron Man, Captain, Doom, Haggar, or Phoenix. Iron Man has a good beam assist, but his moves don’t really fit my play style. Captain is pretty much independent if I use him, but his assists could be better. Doom and Haggar both have really good assists, but if it came down to one of them being the last one left on my team, I’d probably lose. I threw phoenix in there bc Task and Chun/Dante/Akuma can build meter pretty fast from what I’ve seen/read, and I like her play style a lot. but I feel as tho I’d be losing an assist character bc I’d probably be keeping her safe until I get to 5 levels.

any advice on which combination would be best?

Using Task(B)/Storm(A)/Sentinel(A)

The team builds meter very quickly and all DHC into each other easily, good at both keepaway especially with storm on point and parabolic assist Taskmaster. Task is better then storm on point on this team imo because the DHC’s seem to be smoother and his damage for me so far has just been way higher. Then sentinel is sentinel, so… ya he just does sentinel stuff.

Right now I’ve been using Task(Parabola) Sentinel(Charge) Hulk(AA Gamma Charge).
It’s really good. I can play keep away really easily with Sent Drones and Task shooting arrows. The Hulk assist helps get people off me due to the Super Armor. Lemme know what you think.

I’ve been using Taskmaster(Straight arrows)/Deadpool(Katana-rama)/Morrigan(Dark Harmonizer)

Taskmaster and deadpool build massive amounts of meter by themselves, and then spam morrigan assist on top of it and you have 5 meters in no time. 5 meters of DHC. As soon as I get a combo that I can DHC in with taskmasters straight hyper or deadpool’s ground happy happy trigger you are eating a good 700-800k from one mistake.

I’ve been fiddling with the training mode and the trio I like best is Taskmaster(Up arrows)/Hsien-ko(Senpu Bu)/Doom(Doom Rocks).

With both assists useful with protecting my Taskmaster on point, it seems I can have plenty of options. Also the DHC of OTG arrows>OTG Blades> Sphere Flame in the corner is crazy good. But I don’t if I’m missing something with my team…

With Taskmaster/Akuma (Tatsu), you can do 700k anywhere on the screen for 2 meters. 800k if your combo ends in a corner.

Im using Taskmaster, Wesker and Dante

Taskmaster is awesome, great range on normals, decent missiles, great stamina, quick dashes and his Charging Star and Spidey Swing are his best tools…I use his a Assist (Aim Master Front)

Wesker is incredibly fast and also have the same stamina as Taskmaster (which I find odd cuz “fast” character have very poor stamina like Zero and Akuma) Wesker is strictly a close range fighter but his teleports are great tools to approach the opponent…I use his b Assist (Samurai Edge Low) great to hit an OTG opponent after a nasty Taskmaster air combo

I really don’t like Dante that much I’m still not good with him I tend to forget what move to use in the right situation…when I face Dante online people just mash like crazy hes very mash-friendly character I just use him because of his insane range with his sword on his normals…I also find incredibly frustrating that when Im doing an Air Combo with Dante that sucky Mash C in Air ( the spinning down bullet-rain) comes in interrumping the combo, hes also very predictable and his moves take time to start maybe I’ll take Dante out from my team…I use his a Assist (Jam Session)

Taskmaster (H. Shot), Amatarasu (Cold Star), Magneto (Disruptor)

Taskmaster (Straight Arrows) Akuma (Tatsu Kicks) Storm (Whirlwind) or Sentinel (Rockets Mang)

Love all four characters… can’t decide on a set team.

Taskmaster/Akuma/Sentinel here. Taskmaster’s zoning combined with Sentinel’s drones is just too oppressive, and his vertical arrow assist with Akuma on point helps him get in really well. I’m loving this team. Everyone is capable of doing a lot of damage, have strong assists, and have good full screen and close games.

I’ve switched over to Tasky/Wesker/Chun. Samurai Edge was exactly what Tasky needed as it serves as a combo extender and opens up unblockable setups with j.C - j.S (3 hits of overhead with a low in between!). Ironman and Storm both made cameos in slot 2 in the past, but I think that Wesker is the better choice given my playstyle.

Has anyone had success with Viper? She seems to supplement him well too with both the low and oh hitting assists.

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I’m enjoying Taskmaster as well, and like some people in this thread I feel running him with Sent is pretty effective. Storm also makes a great addition to the team for obvious DHC purposes (as discussed previously), but combined with Sent/Task you get a great triple hyper cancel as well, since all of their supers can hit practically full screen. So far Task can fulfill a ton of roles at once, but I’m curious to see what people come up with to help his momentum and maneuverability issues. Is b. H xx arrows and mighty swing his only decent approach options?

Pretty much. I tend to dash, jump, and swing to close ground. Swing is -6 on block, but that is mitigated by range and it does chip. Covering yourself (carefully) with a solid forward moving assist will let you run down opponents quite easily.

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What about Sword Master if covered by an assist? I rarely use this move but I’m trying to incorporate it more in my approach, since people may forget to NOT block Sword Master, while blocking an assist like Sent Drones.

I could see that working. I hadn’t thought about it tbh. Can it be advance guarded? If not, then its probably the sickest ever since even LSM should give you an assist-ok. I hardly ever use it so I really don’t know how effective of a tool it is, but it seems good in theory.

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