Shieldskills then Stab.
Someone requested I do a combo using Sentinel drones assist. I thought it was cool enough to share here.
“Not every arrow in first Legion Arrow hit here with the high TK so it could do more damage, high TK done to show it can still work if you do that (though it’s more ideal and not as tight if you do it lower, of course!). The timing on the drones call is important so they don’t fall out which is why I have input display on even though I think it makes videos look ugly, in order to show the call timing.”
In the same vein, a standing throw confirm:
Not valid on Rocket Raccoon.
made a quick vid with task dorm hawkeye since i was told to pick up this team for my morrigan woes
there’s actually a better extension with dorm but it’s not universally applicable- only when it’s the first ender. you get a boatload of damage off it though. you spike, dash back and call dorm, immediately jump forward and do h arrows then backdash shield charge l arrows shield charge sting. in the left corner it looks super wacky because you do a front dash instead of a backdash into the charge and cross up and then do it
Thats my team! Love the first extended task bnb, the second combo is what i normally do, great video!
Even though it’s kind of pointless since Task corner carries for free, just thought you all should know you can side switch off of a hit confirm from c.MH by going into the shield skills jump arrows relaunch combo. Incase you all don’t understand what I’m talking about:
c.MH xx Charging Star (“Shield Skills!”) delay (note: delay this EVEN MORE than when you get the combo off a regular confirm) S super jump j.L xx Mighty Swing ~ j.H xx M arrows land
and from there it is kind of your choice…depending on the confirm, you might want to do s.H (or s.M or s.MH) slight delay xx Shield Skills to regulate their height and avoid those awkward moments when you hit with the top of the shield and then the air series gets messed up when you launch. Just know that the more hits you do when you land, the tighter your air series has to be in the end.
Just sharing this because I know there are a lot of times when I’m playing footies and I get a c.M but forget to return the analog or in some of your cases, the stick to neutral and get a c.H instead of s.H afterwards which makes a lot of Task’s combos a bit more awkward so I been experimenting ways to react when I see that happen…well this and because I have been messing with sideswitch combos for my whole team.
Ive never touched Tasky before, im just curious if the OP combos are still the current optimal combos for solo task. I can figure out the extensions on my own. I just need his optimal BnBs from a hit confirm / whatever else.
also, is taskmasters TAC infinite only from downTAC?
Youtube “AdelheidStark” and “Crouch Strong”. Their channels are your source for all things Task. Well, not ALL things but a lot of things.
Yeah I saw Adelheid on stream…pretty nice stuff. A friend of mine actually told me who she is. I wasnt familiar with her, but apparently shes a gdlk lab monster.
Quick question, to anyone who knows Task/Jam. What are the different extensions you can do under low hitstun when you pick up from sharp sting into jam and arrows? Any will do, I just only know the late-hitstun version of “immediately sharp sting again”.
Dash into jMH f+H jMHS,land Shield Skills, jMH f+H jMHS. I’m sure you can optimize that further and add a few hits here and there, while also adding assist extensions at the end.
I confirm off Jam Session using that hitconfirm or jMH f+H Kara M arrows land Shield Skills.
so…is this Task’s optimal solo BnB?
Yeah, you can say that. Just not really practical tbh. It can be really tricky. I was practicing it non stop at one point in time but I just stopped. I have it in the corner though. I would say learn these combos below which are very similar but done off of mighty swings and are wayyyy more consistent.
Anyone have any cool new Task combos? Don’t care how impractical they are.
I don’t think so. I think you took the cake with your last one. But I guess here is the last one I posted:
Yeah, I’m gonna put out a combo video at some point when I get off my butt.
Will probably use the same combo as last time, but with assists. Pretty sure you can always link a sharp sting off a properly placed j.m aim master, but the timing is a little tight.
With that I think I can get 900k meterless I believe.
Oh wow…good shit. Also, I think you should mess with that video I posted right above your initial post. That one allows you to do the same jump loops and stuff but because it doesnt start off of shield skills, it’s A LOT less tight. Something like
c.M s.H xx Swing xx j.H xx Swing xx M arrows ~ j.M xx Swing xx Arrows (x2) ~ j.H xx Swing xx Arrows like in your original video works and it is pretty easy.
After some time in the lab, I think found a new Taskmaster combo that is better than our current BnB (shield S j.L swing j.H diagonal arrows etc.) in terms of damage and corner carry. It does around 10-30k more pre super and 10k more after 3 down arrows xx diagonal super and it will corner carry 100% of the time before the hard knockdown. The combo is:
c.(L)M s.H xx Mighty Swing ~ j.H (both hits) xx Mighty Swing xx M arrows land s.H xx Mighty Swing ~ j.H (both hits) xx Mighty Swing xx L arrows land, jump best in the corner if you jump up back j.H xx Mighty Swing xx M arrows land Shield Skills xx Sting Master
Random note: The reason why you should do L arrows on the second rep is it allows you to get the j.H juggle A LOT more consistently.
Even if you all decide not to make this your go to BnB, at least give it a try because it also works off of raw mighty swing as the hit confirm and we all know how often we get those when we try to grab/tech. Essentially, now we get the same damage off of raw Shield Skills and raw Mighty Swing.
Love ya right now. I’ve been looking for some more damage off a swing confirm for ages, I had no clue that works.
Seems pretty easy. Is it?
it’s really really easy- definitely bnb status. it’s even easier if you omit the 2nd st.h and just do a raw swing but you lose out on 10k damage which is a third of the additional damage that combo gives.
the meter gain is about equal to the regular bnb too. it’s good shit. you can also do variations off throw combos (at least, with phoenix assist anyhow) that do way more damage than anything i’ve come up with.
edit: the only downside is that it scales harder than the regular bnb so assist extensions are more limited off it so if you’ve got assist extensions that overall add more damage it’s less advantageous to use it as your bnb.
but that’s only for stuff with actual scaling- hidden missiles and whatnot will still probably have better combos with this overall.