Hey, figured I would get a tasky combo thread going. Going to start by posting the combos from the book. If anyone would like to take over this thread and run the Taskmaster thread just let me know. I constantly lurk, so it wont take much for me to watch this thread.
A - :atk: -Any attack (Unless otherwise stated)
L/M/H - :l://:h: - Light/Medium/Heavy
S - :s: - Special.
E - Exchange.
2A - :atk::atk: - Any two attacks simultaneously.
}:l::h::s:{ - X-Factor
QCF - :qcf: - Quarter circle forward.
tk.QCF - :qcf::uf: - Tiger knee motion Quarter circle forward.
QCB - :qcb: - Quarter circle back.
DP - :dp: - Dragon punch motion.
RDP - :rdp: - Reverse dragon punch motion.
SJC. - sj. - Super Jump cancel.
fj. - Forward Jump.
j. - Jumping.
st. - Standing
cr. - Crouching.
[media=youtube]Qr8HVML8Iw4[/media] (old day 1 video)
Spooty Whiteboy
cr.:l:, cr.
, cr.:h:, :f::h:, j.
, j.
, :f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:s:, st.
, st.:h:,
:h:, :s:, SJC., j.
, j.
, j.:h:(1 hit), j.:f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:s:, fj.:qcf::l::h: OR [In Corner], j.:qcf::h:(charge) xx :qcf:
[700,500 or 724,200 Damage] BnB. -
Forward Throw, j.:qcf::h: xx :qcf:
[388,100 Damage] Forward throw combo, skip the arrow and do :qcf::uf::h: if your timing is off.
Spooty Whiteboy
2.5 Back Throw, sj.:qcf::l::h:
Do it fast to get more hits.
Air Throw, j.:qcf::h: xx :qcf:
[391,700 Damage] Air throw. -
(charge) xx :qcf::l::h:
[356,800 Damage] Punish jumping target.
4.5. j.:qcf:(charge) xx j.:qcf::l::h:
[441,400 Damage] Good for punishing predictable assists. (650k +)
, j.
, j.:h:(2 hit), :j.f::h:, j.
, j.
xx :qcf:
xx :qcf::l:
[510,800 Damage] Airborne Enemy, if j.whiffs, air guard or use: j.
, j.
, j.:h: xx j.:qcf:
to lock your enemy in guardstun, and land in favorable positioning.
:qcb::l: or
, :qcf::uf::l::h:
[357,700 Damage] Counter combo, may miss hits depending on location. -
:qcb::atk::atk:, jf.:qcf::l::h:
[400,200 Damage] Counter hyper combo. -
(Enemy guards) :dp::h: xx :h: xx
xx :h: xx :h: xx
, :qcf::h:, :qcf::uf:
[451,000 Damage] Swordmaster H combo - Corner
8.5 (Enemy Guards) :dp::h: xx :h: xx xx :h: xx :h: xx
xx :qcf::l:
[370,900 Damage] Swordmaster H combo - Middle
:qcf::l: xx :qcf::l:
, }:l:
:h::s:{, :qcf::uf::l::h:
[688,800 Damage] 2 Hyper, level 1 X-Factor -
cr.:l:, cr.
, st.:h:,
:h:, }:l:
:h: xx :qcf::l:(charge),
:h: xx :qcf::l:(charge),
:h: xx :qcf::l:(charge),
:h: xx :qcf::l:(charge),
:h: xx :qcf::l:(charge),
:h: xx :qcf::l:(charge) . . .
[100% Damage] After activation you can:h: xx :qcf::l:(charge) up to 8 times before they can escape. That kills the whole cast.
Late j.:h:(2 hit) xx :qcf::l::h:, st.
(2 hit), cr.:h:, :f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:s:, st.
(2 hit), :s:, SJC., j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:s:, j.:qcf::h: xx :qcf:
[774,800 Damage] Lots of damage off of j.:h:. -
cr.:l:, cr.
, cr.:h:,
:h:, delayed :s:, SJC., j.
, j.
, j.:f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:s:, late :qcf::h:(charge),
:h:, :s:, SJC., j.
, j.
, j.:h:(2 hit), j.:s:, j.:qcf::h:(charge) xx :qcf:
[748,500 Damage] Jump vertically and fire the charged :qcf::h: as you start to decend. If done correctly you’ll have enough time to land and juggle the opponent with:h:.
st.:l:, st., st.:h:, :f::h:, j.
, j.
, st.:l:, st.
, st.:h:, :s:, SJC., j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:s:, j.:qcf::h: xx :qcf:
Use j.:qcf::l::h: if you’re midscreen.
cr.:l:, cr., cr.:h:, :f::h:, j.
, j.:h:,
:h:, :s:, SJC., j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:s:, j.:qcf:
Use j.:qcf::l::h: if you’re midscreen.
cr.:l:, cr., cr.:h:,
:h: xx:qcf::l:(charge) xx st.:l:,
:h: xx :qcf::l:(charge) xx st.:l:,
:h:, :s:(delay), SJC., j.
, j.
, j.:f::h:, j.
, j.:h:, j.:s:, j.:qcf::h: xx :qcf:
[780,000 Damage] Corner only loop. [[Only tested on Cap.]]
cr., st.:h:, :f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:s:,
:h:, :s:, SJC., j.
, j.
, j.:f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:s:, j.:qcf::h:(charge) xx j.:qcf:m::h:
Use j.:qcf::l::h: if you’re midscreen. A little easier then the bnb, does more damage but less meter.
cr.:l:, cr., cr.:h:, :f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:s:, st.
, st.:h:,
:h:, :s:, SJC., jb.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:s:, j.:qcf::l::h:(on the way down)
Good for DHC setups.
cr.:l:, cr., st.:h:, :f::h:, j.
, j.:h:, st.:l:, st.
, st.:h:,
:h:, :s:, SJC., j.
, j.:h: j.:f::h:, j.
, j.:h:, j.:s:, [ j.:qcf::h:(charge) xx j.:qcf:m::h: / j.:qcf::l::h:]
bnb type combo.
:h:, :s:, SJC., j.
, j.:h: j.:f::h:, j.
, j.:h:, j.:s:, [ j.:qcf::h:(charge) xx j.:qcf:m::h: / j.:qcf::l::h:]
Charging Star hit confirm combo.
st.:l:, st., st.:h:, :f::h:, :s:, SJC., j.:l:, j.
, j.:h:, j.:f::h:, j.:l:, j.
, j.:h:, :qcf::l:
or Team Aerial Combo.
Good meter building combo
st.:l:, st., st.:h:, :f::h:, j.:l:, j.
, j.:h:, j.:f::h:, j.:l:, j.
, j.:h:,
:h:, :s:, SJC., j.:l:, j.
, j.:h:, j.:f::h:, j.:l:, j.
, j.:s:, j.:qcf::l::h:
st.:l:, st., st.:h:, :f::h:, j.:l:, j.
, j.:h:, j.:f::h:, j.:l:, j.
, j.:h:, :s:, SJC., j.:l:, j.
, j.:h:, j.:f::h:, j.:l:, j.
, j.:s:, j.:qcf::h: xx j.:qcf:
xS A M U R A Ix
st., st.:h:, :f::h:, j.
,(delay) j.:h:, st.
, st.:H:, :f::h:, j.
, j.:h:, st.
:h:, :s:, SJC., j.
, j.:h: j.:f::h:, j.
, j.:h:, j.:s:, j.:qcf::h: xx :qcf:
cr.:l:, cr:m:, st.:h:, :f::h:, j.:h: xx :qcf:(charge3), st.:h: :f::h:, j.:h: xx :qcf:
(charge2), cr.
, st.:h:,
:h:, :s:, SJC., j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:s:, j.:qcf::h: xx j.:qcf:
[770,000 Damage]
Another good bnb option.
Spooty Whiteboy
cr.:l:, cr., cr.:h:, :f::h:, j.
, j.
, :f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:s:, st.
:h:, :s:, SJC., j.
, j.
, :f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:s:, j.:qcf::h: xx j.:qcf:
Omit st. before relaunch if you’re having issues.
j.:f::h:, j., j.:h:, j.:f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:qcf::l:
[560.000 Damage] Good for meeting target in air with Mighty Swing. Good DHC setup.
cr.:l:, cr., cr.:h:, :f::h:, j.
, j.:h:(2 hits), :f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:h:,
:h:, :s:, j.:h:, j.:h:, :f::h:, j.
, j.
, :s:, j.:qcf::h: xx j.:qcf:
Will not work on Captain America. The trick to the combo is do your j., j.:h:, ect. at the end of the first swing
[Akuma Tatsu assist Setup.]cr.:l:, cr., cr.:h:, :f::h:, j.
, j.:h:(2 hits), :f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:h:,
:h:, :s:, j.
, j.
, :f::h:, j.
, j.
, :s:, Partner 1/2, j.:qcf::h:,
:h:, :qcf::l:(charge) xx :qcf::l:
[900,000+ Damage]Akuma specific combo, you can DHC into beam super to finish combo.
[Akuma Tatsu assist Setup.]cr.:l:, cr., cr.:h:, :f::h:, j.
, j.:h:(2 hit), :f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:h:(2 hit), st.
(2 hit), st.
, :s:, SJC., j.
, j.
, :f::h:, j.
, j.
, j.:s:, Partner 1, j.:qcf::h:(charge),
:h:, :qcf::l:(charge), :qcf::l::l:, :qcf:
:h:(Hold H)
[900,000+ Damage]Akuma specific combo, can start combo with 0 hyper and complete it. “Taskmaster is the beast.”
cr.:l:, cr., cr.:h:,
:h:, :s:, SJC., :s:, :qcf::h:(charge),
:h:, :s:, SJC., j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:s:, j.:qcf::h:(charge),
:h:, :qcf::l:(charge) xx Qcf::l:
[800,000+ Damage] Relaunch with low j:qcf::h:(charge). You can add an assist after 2nd j.:s: for extra damage. (ex. Akuma tatsu)
Kryian / Spooty loop
:h:, st.:s:, j.:s:, falling :qcf::h:(charge). Repeat.
[[Don’t know who to credit, just let me know]]
All credit goes to the authors, I’m just trying to organize it into one place to see. If I did not credit you, let me know, and ill add you in!