Taskmaster combos - Anything you can do I can do better!

Yeah it’s pretty easy. I have been experimenting with stuff lately. And while this was not my most damaging find, it’s my most consistent that does more damage.

Yup yup. I have adapted variations of this for my throw combos with Spencer assist. Also works off of raw Sting Master or Shield Skills xx Sting Master too so look into that too!

Thanks for that insight by the way. Only assists I experimented with were Spencer Nova and Doom.

It’s funny because this combo isn’t really anything “new” per se. The first rep is something I always knew about but one day I was bored and thought “It would be funny if I could do this twice” and then boom…I found out it’s possible. I have also been experimenting with j.M xx Swing xx M Arrow loops which is the combo I found out does more damage but it is more tricky to get. My #1 reason for looking into these is that I play Task anchor basically so I was trying to find combos that will put them in the corner before hard knockdown so I can get a few reps of his x factor Shield xx Arrows loop.

Last note: Everyone experiment with your assists and see if you can get a rep of Shield xx Arrows ~ Shield xx Sting Master in the end instead of just Shield xx Sting Master. I didn’t think to try earlier when I was in the lab. If you’re not familiar with what I’m talking about:

For example with Spencer assist, I can do Shield + Spencer xx Arrows and he pulls them back down so I can do shield again. I know some assists can juggle them and allow you to do this too. Play with it and see.

I haven’t been able to get the Shield, Arrows, Shield, Sting Master extension with Nova B assist. They seem to flip out on the final Shield Skills and I get a whiffed Sting Master.

It may be a speed issue because Shield Skills is always a soft knockdown, just not very long compared after a really long/scaled combo compared to say Vergil cr.:h: (fuck that move)

I’m trying to get an easier extension using Drones assist.

I can’t seem to get Adelheid’s extension reliably, so I’m trying to find more damaging extension than the one I found a while ago (it does slightly more than the BnB but I feel I could get more. Any tips?

I already can get the extension from the grounded front throw. I can barely get something similar from an air throw since I can’t get the solo combo from an air grab unless I got them from super jump height.

If you’re doing it after the normal/current relaunch BnB, it doesn’t work. They pop out. The only extension you can get is: Nova assist, falling j.H arrows land L Sword Master ~ Shield xx Sting Master. It is reaally easy to do after a Sting Master so I personally suggest trying out that new BnB I posted because it will always allow you to end with a Sting Master.

Maybe if you do my combo, when you reach the corner you can do something like Shield + Drones xx L arrows ~ Shield (Drones juggle) xx L Sword Master ~ Shield xx Sting Master but I would bet it’s a stretch and might not work but I’m just throwing stuff out there.

EDIT: Yeah scrap that…I highly doubt it works. Maybe just do that Shield + Drones S super jump j.S ~ 1 H arrow Shield xx Sting Master extension posted on here a while back

I tried the new BnB and it’s really easy to do, but I think in terms of damage added, it seems to add a total of ~20k (it’s only 10k added if you compare it to the regular BnB that uses a j. :m: instead of a j. :l: after the first :s:

I haven’t really compared the meter gained.

Yeah I’m still messing around with it. It seems like it’s going to be situational for people depending on what assists they have for extensions. Some might not find it worth bothering with (although I still think it’s good to know for raw swing confirms) and also yeah…when I do more and more experiments, the damage margin isn’t that big. At this point, I think the #1 benefit if you absolutely have to/want to end a combo with Sting Master without an assist or hard jump loops. The other combo I been messing with is a VERY slightly modified version of the combo from that Japanese video.

Do you mean the combo with the j.:m: xx swing xx :m: Arrows x2-3?

Yeah. Well x2 and then the last rep is j.H and on the 2nd rep I do L arrows because it keeps them in the air at a better angle for the j.H to connect. The only thing that’s making it a difficult is cancelling the swings into arrows…if you do it too soon, they juggle too high and if you do it too late, you whiff…You gotta catch it on that sweet spot where Task swings and then the arrow momentum makes him glide forward. This is ESPECIALLY necessary for it to work perfectly from midscreen.

You can actually do arrows, shieldskillsxxarrows, shield skillsxxstingmaster with certain assists.

Gets even sillier against some of the weirder shaped characters.

Mentioned this some time ago.

Now having some time to practice Dougiie’s combo, I do believe that you can land a Shield xx :l: Arrows, Shield xx Sting Master solo.

The only problem is that the link can feel a bit tight because you want at least 2 of the ground :l: Arrows to hit them or else they flip out. I’ve been able to land it solo about 3-4 times in about 40 attempts, so I’m pretty sure that the link is a bit tight.

With the combo though, I’ve been getting 856k consistent damage, but I know you all can get more than me.

Oh word? Good to know. I SORTA thought about it and tried it like twice and said fuck it but good to know it works. I figured it would because the height they’re at looks like the sweet spot. If you wanna practice it to get it consistent, practice on Doom

I was trying this combo on Vergil but it was getting tiring (1+ hours trying to land it consistently) and another note:

If you want to get assists to attempt a shield xx Arrows, Shield xx Sting Master, forget it because they keep flipping out almost immediately after the shield skills, since the soft knockdown activates like usual but the hit stun of the move is practically gone.

I was hoping to get the Shield xx Arrows, Shield xx Sting Master solo, then the Shield xx Arrows, Shield xx Sting Master with an assist but I could never get it. The hitstun scaling wouldn’t let me do it.

Depends on your assist cuz I can do it with Spencer assist when I reach the corner but that doesn’t count cuz his assist pulls you loll.

made a quick vid on task+distruptor random stuff.

you can confirm from pretty stupid far with it. kinda interesting.

=O I recognize that combo you did off grab! :wink: lmao…good stuff.

I wish there was a vid like that for Task + Sent. :frowning:

I can’t record squat…

Task plus Disruptor is pretty sick. Plasma Beam is better for zoning/lockdown and extending combos really late(They pop out of Disruptor after certain HSD). But Disruptor gives throw/counter/unblockable pickups which I’m not sure Plasma Beam does consistently. It’s a really nice assist/poke for Task and it helps him clear out assists as Task’s arrows keep things standing.

You can also confirm/mixup since it’s positive on block near full screen with grounded kara arrows or dash shield skills plus disruptor. Again I don’t think it’s as good as Plasma, but Magneto is a stronger character than Doom and it almost does the same things Plasma Beam does. The speed of the assist is a really nice advantage too.

Okay so some progress has been made. I found out in the corner you can do the last 2 reps of my experimental BnB AFTER DOING our current BnB. It looks like:

c.(L)M s.H xx Shield Skills delay S super jump j.L xx Mighty Swing xx j.H xx M Arrows land Mighty Swing ~ j.H xx Mighty Swing xx L Arrows land, jump up back j.H xx Mighty Swing xx M Arrows land Shield Skills xx Sting Master.

I found it possible to do mid screen if you do s.H xx Mighty Swing to start everything off but hit stun deterioration makes it a little difficult on certain bodies. I was able to get it pretty easily on Nemesis but on Doom’s regular body, it’s difficult unless you start with raw shield

Is the damage any worth trying?

If I recall correctly, I believe I got like like 560k before the three down arrows into super and after the super it almost did 780k. After using my assists I think I got around 850k after super. I could be wrong though…it was a few hours ago and I honestly dont remember lol. I’ll hit the lab in a bit and update yall.

Before super (excuding the 3 down arrows) I got 582,800 but I started the 2nd half of the combo with s.H. If you go into raw swing, it does 562k