Taskmaster combos - Anything you can do I can do better!

That is wonderful and overkill. I half-expected you to DHC to Spencer and kill a Thor and then some.

Lmao yeah I was gunna do all that but I mostly just wanted to demonstrate the Taskmaster part because I know there is more to be done. I just found out when you reach the corner, you can do shield xx arrows ~ shield xx arrows ~ shield (Spencer assist) xx arrows ~ shield xx sting lmaoooo… lord have mercy.

Hey guys! I have recently returned from an extended hiatus from marvel (thats what first semester of college does to you haha) . I plan on playing at big two in a few weeks and so I am practicing my combos for my team which is the following:
Taskmaster (a), Dormammu (a), Doctor Doom (b)
I am having trouble with using the dark hole assist extension with Dormammu. Is there a very specific timing I should be aware of? Thanks!

Off an j.MH swing MHS you dash back, call Dormy and the very quickly swing and shoot one arrow otg. That dashback thingy works with sharpsting too. Otherwise sometimes you’re too close to the corner and you hit with the edge of the dark hole and everything gets funky. There are other assist pickups with dark hole that work too, but I find this most consistent for me. Also, if hitstun is not too large, you can st.H Shield Skills Sharp Sting instead of just following up with Shield Skills Sharp Sting.

Other thing, I do this online sometimes so I don’t drop, sometimes I do a combo that carries to the corner and then jumps back with j.MMHS, leaves you at the same distance you would normally dash back too. Really easy, and Taskmaster gets high damage off of everything, so though it is a bit of a cheesy combo, you’re still fine as far as damage and metergain goes. I mean, it’s Taskmaster.


i made this for that weird team thread since im back at my apt

i never really understood why honzo or moons never did this kinda thing

I didnt know it worked tbh

Exactly what I was going to say…they’re obviously not doing it because they dont know they can lol

alright, this shit is as viable as doing double arrow lifts at the end of a combo. You won’t see this in a match since the link is too tight and doesn’t even seem consistent. I understand how it works, but it is too tight to be practical. Also, you can’t do it in the corner.

i replied in the other thread and also made a vid so i guess i should probably post that here too so folks can hear the timing for it. it’s about the same timing (a little tighter than quick work, but it feels the same as hopscotch) for comboing off deadpool’s quick work and trish’s hopscotch and probably other ‘slower’ assists so getting that down can open up your assist possibilities. it’s not as tight as that and with some practice you can probably get it down 100%, since i know i can combo off hopscotch and quick work 100% off throws


Hey tab, do you have any tips on the arrow lifts? I can get them, albeit rarely and im guessing with practice itll definitely be consistent.

It’s like I always said…things are only as viable as you make them…remember when people were like “TAC INFINITES ARE TO IMPRACTICAL YOU WILL NEVER SEE THEM IN A TOURNAMENT!!!”…

the first arrow lift is simple enough. pick spencer to practice them because he’s got one of the tightest of the lifts but also the most consistent falling spacing when doing so- the height you do arrows for him works against everyone else it works on. don’t ever go for a second or more though that shit is impossible and possibly a real 1f link on the few characters it even works on.

also it should be obvious but always practice it in the left corner, not the right. the right corner’s arrow lifts are really really easy and work on everyone, unlike the left corner.

i gotta practice this bc i still cant get it and your getting it free. I suck or your godlike or both.

I think the most important part to practice is making yourself call the assist faster than you want to.

it’s not too obvious in the vid but i actually press the assist button like right after the gunshot. like he still has the gun out and is pulling it back, which is what i meant by the recovery of the throw.

Can someone give me some tips on what I am doing wrong on this combo. I can get it sometimes but like 95% of the time after :b:+:h:, :s: it brings me in the opposite direction leaving me not able to do a ender by jumping qcf H followed by qcf ATK ATK. I can’t get it to bring me straight up with him facing the same direction I started.

Hopefully that makes sense


Delay the :s:. If you hit it too early you get the side switch, if you delay it they will stay in the corner.

Thanks Manji

I hit the assist button and :f: :hk: at the same time then cancel it into arrows and I get it pretty often. I do this with most my assist tatsu/wesker

I only get the side cancel if I wait to long to cancel into down arrows.

And my execution is terrible

It completely depends on the startup of your assists though. It’s fairly easy to do with a fast assist like Tatsu/Jam Session/Disruptor etc, but those have relatively faster startup than Cold Star. I mean it was thought impossible to do until tab posted that video up.