The combo listed does about 550K and that doesn’t include the down arrows used to OTG before super. So as is it isn’t that much more than the standard BnB and more likely to drop. But then again I can’t do the shield skills, into l arrows, into shield skills into sting master that Duck Strong does in his combo and I think that is what would really add on the significant portion of damage. Instead of doing the sting master you could also go into the arrow lift, but I haven’t practiced it myself so couldn’t execute. Basically you would need to be able to do the more advanced extensions with Taskmaster to get significantly more damage than the BnB.
I shall check this out by the weekend…very cool…thank you.
Here is a quick video I made showcasing the combo on Wesker. Also showed me doing the beginning on Tron and the coon. Hopefully you guys will have better ideas for the ender.
OH FUCKING SHIT…sir…you are broken and you just made this guy right here even more broken.
Yo! Someone send that video to Moons right away!!
Also, that’s genius what you came up with BlackMan. This is really good to be added to the community Tech Thread that Chrisis started a couple of days ago.
Lmao…already did it…as soon as I saw it, I sent it. As soon as I get home, I’m practicing.
Amazing combo! I’m also happy to see my old team, too. Extensions on that should be amazing for your assists.
Currently I’m having a problem getting the j.H after the second arrows. Are there any delays in the second air thingy?
I havent gotten it mid screen yet but i posted a while ago the the trick to getting that in the corner is to get the second arrow rep close to the ground and to the j.H as if you’re doing a TAC infinite where you make yourself jump off the ground ASAP
Taskmaster is actually the anchor on my team and I usually start Haggar or Dorm so don’t have a chance to do extensions too often. I actually discovered this while looking for more damaging combos off of Dark Hole and Lariat confirms when Task is on point by using L arrows, and noticed that it seemed to keep characters in the air longer.
In general if you have problems getting the 2nd j.H you in the previous part you need to slightly delay pressing :h: after and also a much longer delay after :h: before you do swing. You have a fair bit of hit stun left so you have a lot more time to delay the swing than you think at first. You can also use L arrows instead of M arrows since that will give you more time to connect the j.H. I haven’t figured out which is better yet.
Wasn’t expecting this much positive feedback, but thanks guys. I think DuckStrong deserves more credit for coming up with the corner variation, I just added a small tweak.
I started tryna find new ways to make this broken…I started labbing using L arrows in the air both times and after the second time, they are basically pushed into the corner after the second rep… dash xx shield skills xx L arrows linked to shield skills xx sting master is possible I believe. I’m still working on getting the jump fwd j.MM after the first arrows in the air consistently. Btw, Mo0Ns’s words when he saw this “Oh wow…”
Not enough credit. I posted your video (gave you full credit for it) on the Community Tech Thread. Everything can be improved upon, we just haven’t found it yet.
If you are having trouble with getting the j. M after the L arrows here are a few tips.
[]Make sure you are using j.:L: and not j. for the first launch. It may be possible to do for j. but I haven’t been able to do it yet so if you are just learning use j.:L:
[]The j.:H: after the first swing has to hit close to the characters body. If you are hitting them with the tip of the sword then when you do the :l: arrows they will be too far for the j.MM to hit. This is especially true for smaller characters.
If the initial j.:H: hits deep then the :l: arrows will pop them up and hitting the j.MM should be cake. The hardest part of the combo for me still is hitting the last j. arrows. Unless they are in the corner by the time I do the final j.H they tend to pop out before the arrows can hit. If there was a more consistent ender than doing another j.H that does similar damage then I wouldn’t have much issue using this as my standard BnB with a bit more practice.
Well, the tweak is useful, so yeah. It works great.
I took the advice and added the delays, now the combo’s almost consistent in training mode for me, on some characters. I love it! With Dormammu and X-23 assists I can get even stupider damage off a Taskmaster cr.M confirm, thanks! Once I’m confident enough to put this in battle, which will be probably forever.
I tried both arrows, I’m not finding too much of a difference, although sometimes when I connect the final shield skills too high they reset before sharp sting. I’ve been trying to use L arrows if they’re too low or if I delayed something too much, and M arrows if I’ve been going too fast. Seems to work ok. Also, Consider Tasky in front at times, even Dorm in front works on that team. Having Lariat assist changes everything, and could really mess up your opponent if you switch orders midway through a set…I’m starting to miss playing Haggar.
For everyone else labbing the combo, do you find the timing changes on different characters? I’m finding Frank way harder to land the combo on than Iron Man or Phoenix, it’s odd. I got him a few times, but it seems the arrows whiff him if you give the combo the same delays as you would on other characters. Same with Arthur, I’m finding. Also, good news, Shuma’s a breeze to do this on, he seems to make everything a little easier.
I practice these combos on Nemesis first and once I get used to how completing the combos feel, i practice them on everyone else and it’s cake so try practicing on a big body. That’s how I learned the corner version consistently. I’m still gunna keep tweaking the timing and stuff like that. The only things messing me up is making sure off the first shield skills into S, I superjumped up-forward and not UP.
Yea the timing definitely seems to change depending on the character. For the video the playback I used on Wesker would work on Tron, but the final arrows would whiff, while on Rocket Raccoon the j.M after the first arrows wouldn’t connect. How much damage do you think you can get before super with assist extensions? I’m thinking it has to be over to 700K with two solid extensions.
681 with Dormammu and X-23 extensions, before the 3 arrows (30k more) and first hyper. At least that’s it for me, corner variant, on Haggar.
Wait, I just added a st.H before the last shield skills on, once again, Haggar, starting at P1 spawn distance and moving to the corner by the first jumploop.
That works?! Dang. Got 729k prehyper now with extensions and those 3 pre-hyper arrows now included.
Update: So I been labbing the combo and I find this very viable in a real match because you can tell from the very beginning/during the combo if you’re going to get the j.MMH xx swing xx arrows or not…if you mess up the beginning, you can just go into a different conversion. …almost like an option select combo lol…win-win situation
Idk about other Taskmaster players but whenever I do the original mid screen arrow relaunch, I delayed most of the air inputs to keep them close to the ground and if not that, I never payed super close attention to how or when I delay the inputs once I got the hang of doing it. The key to this one is to be super conscious of when you delay the inputs, how fast you input, and how close you are to the ground unlike the original BnB where once you see they’re about average character height off the ground you just do charging star for the relaunch.
The first important delay is the S after the initial charging star. In the original BnB once you delay the S somewhat, you’re good to go because they’re not going to be at the kind of super jump height they would be at if you cancelled immediately. For this one, you want to delay that shit as much as you can. Shield skills pops up the other character a little bit…you want to do the launch when their body is parallel with Taskmaster’s. (NOTE: make sure you jump up forward when you launch…that momentum is crucial. This is another instance of something you may or may not have been conscious of while doing the original BnB because whether you went straight up or up forward, you could still get the j.L xx swing xx M arrows, shield skills, etc. This is also an instance when you can say “okay I have to go for the original BnB…I messed up”)
The first situation when you want to press a button immediately is the j.L after the S. And I mean like…IMMEDIATELY. Doing this in conjunction with delaying the S guarantees keeping them close to the ground.
Since they’re so close you can now delay the j.H after the swing also. This is super important for getting the link to the j.MMH xx swing for the second rep of air arrows as BlackManSmart said earlier. This delay allows the j.H to hit really close after the swing. The timing is a little tricky because you don’t want to do the j.H right after the swing or else they may not be close enough to the ground when you cancel so swing xx L arrows to get the j.MMH link…you also don’t want to do it too late because then the swing would have pushed them too far away to jump up forward for the link. The trick here is to **use Taskmaster’s momentum on the swing **to get his body to touch the body of the other character.
The same concept applies to the delay of the L arrows. You want to cancel the j.H to the first set of arrows (The L version) while you have that bit of momentum. You can tell when you got this because Taskmaster will kind of float forward while shooting the arrows because of the momentum (Note: this is another time when you can tell if yo go for the j.MMHS or not…if Taskmaster stays in one position in the air while he shoots the arrows, you have to go for the regular BnB…of course this is only if you have not pushed them close enough to the corner for it not to matter)
Once everything else has been satisfied, the last part is to use Taskmaster forward momentum again to jump up forward for the j.MMHS…This has to be nearly instantly after you touch the ground…like the TAC infinites. The momentum allows Task to get a little more distance with his jump…off the jump you do j.MMHS xx swing xx M arrows.
The j.H xx swing xx last rep of arrows is kind of tight especially if you’re not familiar with doing it in the corner. Practice the corner variation that DuckStrong originally posted. I don’t have any tips/observations to ensure you get the last link just yet. HOWEVER, to compensate for this, I found out you can replace the M arrows with another rep of L arrows…why? Taskmaster can do shield skills xx L arrows ~ shield skills xx sting master to replace that last rep of arrows in the air =)))
Overall great write up dougiie. In general I feel there is more leeway in getting the j.MM after the arrows then you think. I know for a fact you can hit it consistently super jumping straight up. That is what I did in the video if you look at my inputs. Also your tip for using the L arrows only will work on big bodies I believe. For smaller characters the L arrows will pop them up to high and the shield skill won’t hit.
You make an excellent point that with enough practice you can eyeball if the j.MM will hit or not and if not just going into the standard BnB. Even without any fancy extensions this adds about 20-30k to the BnB so with enough practice I figure this will become the go to combo for anyone trying to optimize their Tasky.
I do believe we need to experiment with when to use L vs. M arrows in the second rep. DukeofFortuneMan mentioned this earlier but you can use the second set of arrows to adjust their height. If the are too high when you do the loop M arrows will bring them down lower for the final j.H. If they are too low L arrows will pop them up. I think on heavier characters it maybe a good idea to always use L arrows and on floaty characters to use M arrows?
Also for big bodies maybe the final arrows should be L so you can do a shield skills xx L arrows ~ shield skills etc.?
6 Shield Skills, 18 arrows, 1 meter, 904,400 damage