Hi guys I’m a scrub to marvel and having a super hard time with task bnb. I can’t seem to land the relaunch. I am always too high to land the back H once task land. Any tips for me?
Use instant l into web swing after your first launch until you can get the instant medium timing down.
So its S into instant M then slight delay into web swing and then instant H after web swing?
No, you cancel immediately into webswing, then you delay the H and cancel into M arrows.
Wait for them to drop a little bit before launching them from the first (and second) shield skills. That should help too.
When I cancel M into web swing right away I always miss, I go right under.
probably because you’re not waiting for them to drop from the shield skills a little before launching
You can substitute a :l: instead of an on the initial re-launch, so you hit them earlier and makes it easier to land, but get in the habit to land the
as more damage is dealt overall.
Or be a scrub like me and keep using the L. You can get one-touch kills off either with the right assists
In the corner i can do it by using L but mid screen I go right under with web swing cancel. So aggravating! For webswing to land do I have to cancel super fast or what.
What is an online, reliable, 600K or higher bnb I can do with Task? Nothing that has tricky timing. I’m using Task /Dorm (hole)/Doom (missiles).
His basic Vanilla Swing BnB will always be self-sufficient for super and will do a MINIMUM of 650K damage SOLO off a cr.:l:. Adding a Dorm extension after the air series (but before super) will yield about 70K more damage for about 720K minimum. Using Both extensions (Doom is called as you jump and do Tasky’s normal ender), the missiles allow you to get about 80K more for roughly 800K minimum off a cr.:l: using his weaker Vanilla BnB:
The Swing BnB (a.k.a, The Vanilla):
cr. :l:, cr., st. :h:, :f:+:h:, j.
, j.
, :f:+:h:, j.
, j.
, j. :s:, [optional portion for slight meter gain: st.
, st. :h: ]
+:h:, :s:, j.
, j.
, j. :h:, :f:+:h:, j.
, j.:h:, j.:s:, into ender
y’all seen this?
I don’t have Marvel with me up at Syracuse U so I can’t check it out…but it seems pretty straight-forward, does the same damage as the normal BnB (with a j. added instead of j.:l:), just something new.
For some reason I feel like that’s pretty old though, so forgive me if it is!
Thanks! The thing is this is the EXACT combo I’ve been trying to do but it just keeps dropping. Basically the first jump special almost never connects. Is there some trick? I mean if I was landing this thing I’d be a 4th lord right now lol.
^ you can swap the S for H to ease the combo
Task can relaunch with arrows lift on either side with minimum hit to begin about 7 or 8 hits I only test it on skrull and iron man but I think the are big body side character
do you guys have any tips/a good explanation for hitting the air throw conversion solo? without x-factor, of course. I saw Honzo & Moons do it a couple of times and Honzo showcased it in his Taskmaster video.
I tried doing it and I got it a couple of times, but I just want to make sure that I know what I should be looking for in order to get it consistently (if that’s possible). I know you have to do fully charged H arrows, but I’m noticing there’s a definite thing with timing and height about it.
its just a height thing, right under the peak of normal jump height. you have to be able to judge it 100%, from what i’ve been doing.
it’s possible to get it pretty consistent but thats me in training mode when i was practicing it for a small bit, and not in match
When you do the Aim Master :h:, pay attention to the number of hits. All 3 arrows need to hit to guarantee a full combo conversion SOLO. If you do not hit them with all 3 arrows, then chances are, you’re gonna drop the combo.
the beginning part is sorta kinda old because I have seen someone do it before but when I saw them use the arrow to OTG…i had to change pants lmao
Can someone give me a combo after swordmaster L that builds a bar? I don’t know anything about taskmaster combos but I want to use his unblockable. My assists are peekaboo and missiles.
If you’re in corner, I know swordmaster L, unblockable, swing and call trish, arrow to pick them up, j.MH (may be able to do 2 M’s there) Swing, Arrows M (full charge), land, j.M Swing j.MHS Shield Skills Launch MMHS works well enough. That’s my usual, I don’t remember if you can do j.MH Swing MHS instead of a simple air combo, I doubt it but it’s because the MMHS while jumping back makes Dark Hole extensions easymode. Builds more than a bar, but I’m not positive how much more.