Taskmaster combos - Anything you can do I can do better!

It works midscreen when it’s spaced close to the corner. I remember people saying they found out you can do it midscreen by dashing but I never practiced it. In the corner, It is DEFINITELYYYYYYYYY more useful than the normal BnB in my opinion. It can be made easier with assists like I use Spencer and Nova to make things with rough timing very easy. Like everything else, it will take practice but it’s my corner BnB so it won’t kill to learn it.

Been battling back and forth with teams lately, but Task and Spencer always seem to be on my team. So I have a question, I was thinking of using dougiie’s Nova/Task/Spencer team, and I’ll keep my Haggar/Spencer/Task team as well. But I was thinking about the TAC reset that Nova has and how threatening it would be with Task behind him. Is the Task TAC worth learning? Or is there just enough tech with NTS that I shouldn’t bother?

I tried to jump on the Nemo band waggin, but I’m not feeling Strange, and come on, it’s fucking Taskmaster.

I personally don’t really bother with TAC’s with my team. It’s either I run a train with Nova, I go stupid with Spencer and arrows (when Nova dies, I find a way to get Spencer in), or I have to play smart and calculated with Taskmaster. I never really feel the need to do a TAC nor do i end up in situations where I may be able to use them. But of course that’s just me.

heres a bunch of shit that you should know with task, and if you don’t learn it


I also have some snapback stuff I need to post with task, so stay tuned

that’s a pretty good compilation of just about everything that’s been posted here for solo task. you’re missing the throw conversions that duke’s got at the top of the stage when in xf2/3, but other than that there’s only a few things i can think of that it’s missing like meter building combos and arrow lift tight nonsense

I don’t know if this has been put up yet, but I just found this combo in the game using xf1 and the corner that can almost be a touch of death for the whole cast, dealing 1.13 mil damage

The only thing I seeing missing from that combo compilation is sj. conversions, I’ve got one I’ve been using, and I’m pretty sure I stole it from Honzo.

I was trying to do the conversions but I just couldnt get it too work o ironman so I thought it might be char specific or something, and I try and keep that stuff out of the videos and just make a separate video about it. You might have to do a St. L on ironman, I dunno I was tired and wanted to go to bed so I said fuck it.

Finally got my Taskmaster combo to 890k

:l:, :h:, :b: :h:, :s:, j( :m:, :f: :h:, :h:, (Fully Charged) :m: Aim Master), (land) :h:, :b: :h:, :s:, j( :m:, :m:, :h:, :f: :h:, :m:, :h:, :s:), :f::h:, A2 (Akuma Tatsu), (One Arrow) :h: Aim Master, :l: Sword Master, :b::h:, Sting Master, (jump) A1 (Dante Jam Session), (Full Charged) :h: Aim Master, Sting Master, (jump) (Full Charged) :h: Aim Master xx :l: :h: Legion Arrows.

someone definitely needs to make this a video because I can picture it in my head and all that but I’m in the lab and can’t get it.

EDIT: 5 minutes later (literally). Forget it…got it…yeah that’s sick

How do you get the full jH Aim Master + Jam Session assist extension? I find that they are too high for Sting Master to connect. I usually just do f+H (1 down arrow) + Jam Session into Shock sting into nj H arrow x3 into super.

dougiie: For me, at first I had a problem with tatsu and sword master connecting until I stopped pressing web swing and tatsu at the same time and instead I pressed web swing then tatsu in between the aim master.

leafcolonel: It’s kind of a rhythm. As soon as I reach near the peak of my jump I press A1 (Jam Session), and immediately charge my H aim master. I could try to to record it if it is becoming a problem.

Will that work with Dorm’s Dark Hole assist? I run Taskmaster/Dormammu/Akuma and I mostly play keepaway so I don’t care much about combos because people rarely get in my face lol.

yeap same problem here but i actually still press them at the same time…I just input the sword master faster but i shall try your method. I’m only really so interested because I’m trying to find ways to OD on Taskmaster’s damage.

WHOOA so um, idk if this is known yet or not but the arrow lift is possible on Sentinel on the right side of the screen

arrow lift is possible on all characters on the right side, but not left side
it’s also way, waaaaaaaaaaaay easier on the right side

big bodies don’t work on the left side (also dormammu)

it’s not player specific either, it’s literally just the sides of the stage

Goooddd shit…thanks for that piece of info! Oh and just so you know the only big bodies that it works both sides on are Tron and MODOK

Hmm I’m not next to a set up right now but I think it will vary too much on the spacing because the distance that dark hole comes out from Dormammu and where your opponent will be. It could be possible though.

I haven’t been able to do it with Dark Hole, but I haven’t really been trying. I usually go into st.H shield skills sharp sting.

With Dark Hole usually shield skills + assist > forward arrows. If your shield skills hits, the arrows will hit them and keep them up while the dark hole materializes and then holds them in place which lets you combo. If not, well, it does good chip and lets you start pressuring more when the hole goes away.

I prefer shield skills + tatsu to pressure, then combo, then using dark hole in corner + swing and arrow lift to extend the combo.