Taskmaster combos - Anything you can do I can do better!

I found another thing with Task/drones. (i hope this isn’t old news, if so i’m going to sound really stupid)

After his bnb, if you end up in the corner (which you usually should haha), you can do a dash back-drones call-tk diagonal legion arrows and still get an :l: sword master -> shield skills -> sting master off. Of course, the timing for this is pret-ty strict…like you literally have to call drones and do the tk super at the same time to make the extension after the super as easy as possible, but it’s definitely manageable!

I have no idea how that could possibly be beneficial unless you only have like 1.8-1.9 meters and need to build the second or something…i’ll get a video of it up soon once i test it out more, i’ve only done it on she hulk and wolverine since it just popped into my head a few minutes ago. i got out of bed because i wanted to figure out addf mag blasts and i was like hmm…the beauty of the lab, right?

With the way I play my team (task/mag/sent) the only real options i have when i have 2 meters is to either go for the double arrows super or do the side switch off of a sting master to get m+h legion arrows into shockwave…i’ve honestly never thought about drones extensions like this.

i used to play mag/task/sent so i’m still getting used to not having plasma storm as a dhc option with taskmaster.

in all seriousness though, how do you guys feel about task/drones?

  1. I’m so mad I never thought about doing this kind of extension
  2. In reference to the bolded part, this is definitely doable. I’ve actually been working on these kinds of things in the lab. You can call Assists while inputting directions and when you think about it, a command is just a bunch of directions so I been tryna practice basically calling assists while inputting things. This SHOULD open a few windows…

I found how to do this consistently. In the same way I addressed in my last post, the key is to call the assist while inputting the arrows. In this case, press down + drones when inputting the TK super =)

yeah I got it down consistently in about a half hour. TK supers isnt too bad because it’s what we do with Tony Masters lol

I feel like that’s the only real extension we have with drones…i mean, it builds a little meter at the end with the drones + ender, but most of the time I would be following drones anyway to get in. I have magneto at second so it literally falls on me to either do that, or I am forced to go for the tk arrow super…i feel like i don’t have a true dhc option for good damage except for the side switch.

the only thing i could possibly think of with task and drones is to probably do an air series into :s: knockdown and try to get a shield skills or something. i tried that before but it never works because of the height.

Maybe try seeing if you can get some kind of juggle off drones with the midscreen relaunch?

What I’m doing with Task-Drones, I do the relaunch BnB up until the point where you land from the air Aim Master :m:. Then, when I land I do :a1: + st. :h:, Shield Skills, Aim Master :m:.

The Drones hits them just as you finish recovering and I then neutral jump Air Aim Master :m:, land, Shield Skills, Sting Master, then proceed to ender.

With this, I’ve been getting 560k-ish depending on the start. (It’s midscreen to corner though -_- ) I still have to add my Nova extension with 3 sets of Aim Master (an :l: and 2 :h:'s ), 2 shield skills, Nova’s assist hit, and a Sting Master to add the total to about 140k extra at maximum damage scaling before super.

oh! I never did try to see what I could get off of that from corner to midscreen. Did you try anything? I’m going to hit the lab for a bit.

When I do that ender I always have to use a swing cancelled :h: arrow with Disruptor assist if I want to get extra damage.

I’ll see what I can get…Nova/Task/Sent sounds like a really fun team though! Well Nova and Taskmaster together in general are just a solid pair.

With Magneto Hyper Grab assist, I can do the same extension as Nova’s Centurion Rush assist.

I played a while with the combo to feel the combo down. The only slight problem is that if the opponent is too high, the sting master may whiff, but you can remedy this by doing a backdash shield skills, Aim Master :l:, Shield Skills, Sting Master. My problem there is that I’m currently inconsistent with the backdash Shield Skills like in tab’s video:


i haven’t figured out the consistency on it, but you can do the arrow relaunch bnb (up until you use the aim master :m:) and then do j.:m:j.:m:j.:h: into swing -> Aim master :m:, shield skills, and as you’re launching with :s:, call drones. if you do j.:h:j.:s: (i think this is all the combo will allow for) it’ll cause a knockdown and the drones will miss, at least, until you use an aim master :h: (you really only need one) and cause the opponent to relaunch into the drones. then you can get shield skills into sting master. this did about 552-4 k depending on which swing you use. Co-Jones, your ender still does more damage haha

also sorry for the elaborate explanation. i can’t really record right now, unfortunately

i don’t know if there’s enough time with that to do a backdash->shield skills :l: aim master into shield-sting master.

with this i can squeeze out a mil with a double super, a bit more if you add nova/whatever your assist happens to be for another sting master. your ender actually does a bit more damage than the one i was thinking of, and yours is easier.

i’m really trying to milk the hell out of drones because i really like how beneficial it is to my team. I originally had Akuma in the back and it was okay, but I felt like something was missing. The only adequate replacement for drones imo would be missiles really.

I am currently running task/skrull/doom, but ive been contemplating using drones instead. Limit if you can post a video of the new ender your messing around with, id appreciate it very much.

You sir…are a damn genius.

@ Dougiie and Limit: Can I see a video of your concept? I’m not sure I’m getting it right. Also, I need to know if there’s a way to make my drones extension a little more consistent? I kinda drop it at the first Sting Master because I may have mis-timed it.

I’ll try to do Limit’s extension to verify that it potentially gets more meter than my combo.

I have the videos, I just recorded them a few minutes ago in the shittiest fashion possible haha. That’s what I get for putting my TV at the highest point in my room with no recording device but my phone. It was MUCH easier to record in my dorm room lmao.

anyway, without further adieu:

this first video just shows a basic idea of The Co-Jones’ ender and what he came up with, in video form. I ended up missing the TK super but I got lazy (you can probably hear an “eh, whatever” at the end). I’ll upload a cleaner finish later today, maybe.


the second video involves my newest ender (POC) for you guys. I figured out what the issue was on the consistency, you basically have to shoot one :h: arrow but you have to do it as late as possible, so that as the arrow comes out you are able to directly go into shield skills + sting master. As you’ll see in my recording, I messed up twice because my sting master never came out, but I was in the clear up until that point. I get it in the third attempt and have been consistently doing so ever since.

so yeah, you only need one arrow, it’s the easiest that way. i also miscalculated the damage, i actually got 563k, but that was with a j.:m: at the beginning of the combo. it built 1.6 meters, it’s extremely hard to tell in the video…i apologize.


from corner to corner, you can’t add the jump loop, but the concept still applies: you do the normal relaunch bnb but call drones as you hit :s:. you can actually do j.:m:j.:h:j.:s: and get the same single :h: arrow and get a shield skills + sting master for ~540k.

and guys, forgive me with how awful the quality is, when I said I had no means of recording I really meant it. The TV is like…on top of my dresser so I had to stack a shoebox on top of a chair so my iPhone could record it properly. That’s why there’s an awkward pause in the beginning of the videos. It only took me 5 minutes to get it right but I feel so ghetto hahaha

Thank you for the video on the second concept. I was playing around with it and I could not get the arrow to come out. I can see it clear, perhaps dougiie or myself can try to record it again to put a cleaner version.

That use of Sentinel assist is so sick man. And LMAOO at the shoebox thing…I KNOW EXACTLY how you feel because in all of my videos before getting my cheap ass capture card, that is exactly what I did.

okay so I’m revisiting DuckStrong’s Taskmaster combo as seen below (which i used as the starting ground for my new Taskmaster BnB’s in the corner with my team) and I must say, because of how insanely hard everyone made the second swing xx arrows rep seem, I never bothered really trying it and out of boredom, I actually tried it and it’s really not THAT hard at all. You really just have to do it similarly to how the TAC infinites were found (jumping what seems nearly instantly after landing). So yeah…now I’m labbing to see what kind of damage I can get.


EDIT: SO, after a few min in the lab here is the result…with the extra swing xx arrows, I get 163k more damage with my Task Nova Spencer team. I stopped at the 3 horizontal arrows that would come before a super. The sad thing is I’m pretty certain I could get an arrow lift after this too. Max damage looking like it will break 1.12M or something like that.

Hey guys can you give me the full notation to the Taskmaster combo Moons does? It goes something like :l::m::h: :b::h::s: SJ :h::f::h::qcf::m:. I can’t seem to get what’s after that and also I am not sure of what to do after the :b::h::s: but I’m sure he’s doing arrow so I put something like that.

EDIT: I just noticed it’s something similar to that video above but it finishes way much simpler than that of the video after the first arrow.

Yeah I mentioned before that you could probably get an arrow lift into another stingmaster, maybe even 2 reps. The hardest part of the combo isn’t really the third set of arrows off the jump :h:, but rather linking the shield skills into sting master off the ground arrows.

Getting the 1 arrow lift would push it over 1.1 million solo and make it meter positive. If 2 arrow lifts is possible, that would be just over 1.2 million.

Ahh, yeah you’re definitely right about that. I don’t even practice that since I use Spencer assist to help me with that. Doing the 3rd air arrows boosts the damage but I can’t get another rep of shield skills xx arrows, shield skills xx sting master off of Nova assist. Doesn’t really matter because the former gets more damage anyway…it just woulda been cool if I could get that second rep lol.

Just wanna clarify something, does the combo that dougiee posted work mid screen. Sorry if it has already been posted if it does work mid screen. And how consistent is this as a BnB, it seem rather normal to do, the st. H, shield, arrow, shield sting master is probably tight for a BnB maybe will try it out bec i want a new bnb for my task/trish/frank team.