I found another thing with Task/drones. (i hope this isn’t old news, if so i’m going to sound really stupid)
After his bnb, if you end up in the corner (which you usually should haha), you can do a dash back-drones call-tk diagonal legion arrows and still get an :l: sword master -> shield skills -> sting master off. Of course, the timing for this is pret-ty strict…like you literally have to call drones and do the tk super at the same time to make the extension after the super as easy as possible, but it’s definitely manageable!
I have no idea how that could possibly be beneficial unless you only have like 1.8-1.9 meters and need to build the second or something…i’ll get a video of it up soon once i test it out more, i’ve only done it on she hulk and wolverine since it just popped into my head a few minutes ago. i got out of bed because i wanted to figure out addf mag blasts and i was like hmm…the beauty of the lab, right?
With the way I play my team (task/mag/sent) the only real options i have when i have 2 meters is to either go for the double arrows super or do the side switch off of a sting master to get m+h legion arrows into shockwave…i’ve honestly never thought about drones extensions like this.
i used to play mag/task/sent so i’m still getting used to not having plasma storm as a dhc option with taskmaster.
in all seriousness though, how do you guys feel about task/drones?