it’s not character specific i think. i hit it on all the big bodies and small guys so i don’t think there’s any strange exceptions. even dormammu works
Pun intended?
Just out of curiosity, you guys DO know that if you ever end up doing one of those Taskmaster vanilla day 1 combos where u end up getting a hard knockdown and doing diagonal arrows across the screen, you can do a diagonal aim master into super for extra damage? Basically, the same way Akuma can throw an extra fireball, Taskmaster can.
Wow, that seems obvious but I’ve never done that in the rare occurrence that I end up in that situation. Thanks for the tip.
No doubt. I’ve known about it for a good minute but never mentioned it
Silly combo I did for that Wesker challenge thing. Half swing combo, half Duck corner combo. Works from a bit farther than half screen, because the swing gets you some extra horizontal travel. It’s possible to hit all of the arrows and the full beam after the shield, making the combo close to, if not completely, meter neutral, but it’s really tight. Combo in the video does 1.1mil+ if you do the double arrows, with the Dorm DHC doing a bit more than that.
Hey has anyone tried taskie and strider together was looking for some combos i could use since i just picked the master up
Could anyone tell me, or if it exists somewhere point me to, any non-inf TAC-into-task sequences for each direction? I assume he has better than jMH swing jMHS, but maybe not? Doesn’t need to be anything fancy, just something I can basically use as a combo ender for the tag-er (task being the tag-ee) that let’s me add a few extra hits and meter gain, then ideally be able to end with an otg M+H arrow super.
I checked youtube but it only has vids of the inf. Unless the tac inf turns out to be really easy, which I doubt, I have very little interest in it. Though I will check it out just to see what it involves. Thanks!
Oh, 2ndary question while I’m posting… does disruptor assist have any practical combo applications? Or is it too fast? Again, if the answer already exists somewhere, don’t bother retyping anything, but if someone could kindly point me, would be appreciated. I’m having a fuckin blast with this Task Mag Akuma team. SO MUCH PINK!!
@the secondary question, it actually has a very practical use. i cant remember exactly what he used to do when we played but i played a guy and in the corner, he would do something like (starting with a combo) sting master, swing (call magneto), shield xx stingmaster, swing, 1 down arrow and when he did it, he would end up on the other side, do down arrows and then shock wave for it’s MAX damage cuz its going from one side of the screen to the other
Maybe I’m not properly visualizing, but how is he going from a Sting Master, which knocks down, to a Shield Skills since Swing+Mag doesn’t OTG? Aside from that little part, though, that makes sense and is a great idea, thanks! If you played that guy with any regularity, I might as well ask if he did anything particularly annoying using the beam in the neutral game? Ive been using it to try and zap assists and pester people who keep try to keep their distance.
oops i meant swing and 1 down arrow…i made a mistake when i wrote it originally and cut/pasted stuff. His team is Taskmaster/Magneto/Ammy and he used cold star to f**k me up most of the time lol. He mostly used disrupter for the combos
Anyone able to figure out any task combo extension with rapid slash? I keep failing it, but wanted to be sure if it doesn’t exist, or if I’m just sucking lol
Just tested this in the lab(I’m 100% sure I saw it in a video before):
Any Hard Knockdown (jS or Shock Sting)
Call Vergil Jump H Arrows x3 land Shield Skills xx H Arrows x3(up arrows) xx Legion Arrow Super(straight). Very easy extension, and does 800k off his standard BnB off a crLMH with just Vergil Assist.
Ahhhhhh, so used to tatsu I kept tryin to make it work with 1 arrow. Nice, thanks!! I’m goofin around with task doom vergil w/ plasma. A la josh wong I’m calling beam then doing shield skills then S. But for that you have to S right away, so you can’t do the normal jM/L swing, jH xx arrow etc bnb. So iff a “normal” launch, any fun ideas? Or basically just jMMH swing jMHS, land, vergil extension?
I’m resigned to the idea that may be all I can get, but figured id throw it out there. Again, its off a shield skills xx S where you have to S immed as opposed to letting them fall as in the standard bnb
Hrm…I used Vergil and Task for a while, I was using Vergil assist almost exclusively for zoning and extension, so in blockstrings, not too sure about that one.
And hey, leafcolonel and I use the same extension.
So, I did some testing on the damage, cr.M st.H shield skills S, j.MMH swing j.MHS, Vergil extension is 728,500, not terrible, but Vergil gives you a free relaunch with only a few hits, so you have quite a lot you can do. In the corner I did cr.M st.H shield skills S, j.MMH swing j.MHS, Vergil and QCF+H (full charge), jump again (triming’s kinda odd) air QCF+M, shield skills, S S, OTG into super, and it did 748,600, and I missed a few arrows at that. Most likely you get a signficantly larger relaunch if the first air combo is just MMHS.
after duke made me realize that task grounded horizontal arrows caused a float so i could get non-idiotic levels, here’s the ‘standard’ taskmaster/trish/frank combos i’ve come up with. they’re kind of disgusting in how much damage and meter they build while also bringing frank to level 5.
here’s the high damage variation kinda mentioned in the video. it’s basically just the standard BNB with the frank extension at the end, so nothing too special other than the damage. really only good for the 1.2mil health characters, but it’s there just in case if you gotta fight big bodies. doesn’t build as much meter as the other versions so there’s less leeway on the ender with frank but it oughta still kill anyways. starting from a cr.m the combo does 1.27mil or something like that just in case if there’s some thor out there you desperately need to one touch
d: :h: :h::s: sj j. j.:f::h: (slight delay) :h: (slight delay) :qcf: (optional :h:) :h: (slight delay) :s: sj j. j. j.:h: j.:f::h: j. j.:h: j.:s:
Is it possible to hit the opponent with double sting master at the of this combo? Also with the arrow lift into shield skills are you guys tking the H arrows?
Quick question for thos who play Task+Akuma, what combo do you guys go into after confirming off of Tatsu? What I usually do is dash>Call Tatsu>shield skills>dash>st.M>st.H>Shield Skills>S>air series>land>J.Down Arrow>L+H Super(sorry for the shtity notations). Just wanted to know more damaging combos off of Tatsu, Thanks.
^ That’s what I basically do. Shield skills + tatsu, dash > shield skills > launch and basic air combo. I tried to do web swing versions after the tatsu, and I guess you can do this after the tatsu hits if you’re close enough:
j.M > web swing >j.M > j.M > j.H > shield skills > sharp sting
That’s if you want to set up the hard knock down and extend it with your other assist, or do double arrow hyper with Doom missile assist like I do on my team. I feel like it’s too unreliable to do basic air series and land and immediately call Doom with otg arrows into hyper. They recover too fast after the hyper to get the missiles to pick em’ up.
There’s not much that’s worked that I’ve tried since the Tatsu uses so much hitstun deterioration and they get popped up into the air a bit after it’s over.