Taskmaster combos - Anything you can do I can do better!

And here, I thought that couldn’t be done. Guess I don’t have to switch to Doom rocks after all.

I knew this already ;).

Cool demonstration though :tup: . Some assists definitely lend themselves better to this than others.

Well, um… It’s still not enough time to make it work with doom beam! Sorry!


Viper/H. Arrows/Rocks here I come.

Though, I figured it wasn’t.



Question, has anyone tried doing any somewhat extended combos with Task after his counter super? I know it’s possible to just do his diagonal arrows and get like 4OOk with those 2 meters but in the corner I know for a fact you can get a little something off of Spencer assist but I haven’t really explored it.

I’m having issues doing Tasky’s self OTG loops after both an air magic series and his Sting master (Assuming they both have different timing). Is it character specific? Do I have to fully charge the arrows? Half charge?

Reference video

Better Reference video

Yup Character specific, iirc only works on small/low weight characters that are very floaty in terms being propped up and landing. It even says so in the 2nd vid.


do you know of any nice practical taskmaster combos utilizing both spencer (diag or armor piercer grapple) and doom (missiles) assists (none of that double meter stuff).

That makes no sense. Why wouldn’t you want the double super? You do know that a Taskmaster combo can build you about 1 meter in the process anyway right?. But anyway… Honzo Gonzo posted a video earlier using Doom missiles and i posted one using Spencer grapple and Nova assist. Maybe I’ll find a way to mix them. Till then just hit the lab.

Okay so after some time in the lab, I found a way to mix my new Task/Spencer corner BnB inspired by Duck Strong with something Honzo Gonzo did with Task and Doom missiles that broke 1M with two meters. From there, I remembered something I saw RayRay do a while ago on youtube which ended up being easier AND more damaging. I’m like half asleep doing this so I was missing arrows and stuff and probably wasnt mashing out the supers completely but yeah. I might try to post a video tomorrow.

Yea, i saw your video and was thinking “how can I do something similar with doom (instead of nova) in the lineup?”. I tried doing a modified version of the standard bnb (see stark’s video) where I call doom during the first relaunch and knock down the opponent earlier to get the missile otg. I try to convert the missile otg into somethin like shield skills, arrows, shield skills, stingmaster, arrow pickup + call spencer, shield skills, sting master, arrow pickup, hyper. Couldn’t quite pull it off, but maybe I’m not used to the timing yet. Would love to see what you have cooked up :slight_smile:

The reason I don’t do double hyper with task is I tend to miss the link for the second one. I’m not sure why. Either it’s a really tight link, or I’m not close enough to the ground when I do the diagonal arrow hyper. Instead, I’ll dhc into spencer, go for criss cross UVG, call doom, get 2 more uvg. That easily puts me around 1.1-1.2 mill depending on which bnb I did with taskmaster.

Well w/e works for you. The trick (for me at least) to getting the double super is to start inputting before the first super ends. but anyway, I’m working on recording some combos right now. Maybe if they’re up to it Duck Strong or Stak will recreate them if they like what they see…I don’t EXPECT them too but I know Spencer Task Doom is or was Duck Strong’s team.


These are just some quick combos I made for Taskmaster with Dr. Doom and Spencer. Like my last video I made with Taskmaster Spencer Nova, I only landed like 2/3 arrows in some instances. I wasn’t aiming to be combo movie perfect or anything. Basically, you get the idea with the stuff I did. Also, at the end with the Spencer using Doom missiles, I literally never did that before or even practiced it. I just put on the camera and did it looks sloppy compared to other Spencer/Doom players but you get the point. I might record over the last part and post that one clip.

EDIT: So after labbing for a little while with the team, max damage I got with 3 supers (all Taskmaster arrows) is like 1,205,300 or something like that. While missiles are hitting, you can web swing xx charged arrows xx diagonal super then TK down arrows. Doing the swing into the arrows puts Task a little below the other character’s body making him land first so the link into the TK arrows doesn’t feel as tight.

Edit AGAIN lol: Soooo…I lied…more lab time and the max damage combo (that IS NOT DHC into Spencer…all Task arrows) is 1,244,600. Lord have mercy Task/Spencer/Doom is crazy lmao.

Hello everyone

What is a solid TM BNB combo I can use anywhere on screen that builds me one bar everytime and does solid damage?


I usually do:

LMH-Spidey-MM-Spidey-MMH-MH-Shield-S MH-arrows but I know I can do better damage and get better meter build for him.

I haven’t played around with TM much since Vanilla and I need to know his new BNB in regards to his spidey swing cancels etc etc.

Also, chop sticks or his new move or whatever…when to use it other then to make him safe? Is it good to use in combos…ever? It doesn’t look good to use unless i have to make Task safe.

I don’t want to sound disrespectful or anything but did you even read the thread AT ALL >___<

Hey, there’s really no need to hate on him. There’s really no organization in this thread. Maybe I should make a new Taskmaster thread and actually update the OP for it. Amaterasu, too! People seem to like how I handled the Spencer thread, after all.

Naw I didn’t mean to come off rude lol I just feel like this WHOLE thread is full of combos and he could of just went back a few pages and found something…but anyway, go for it ! Nothing helps more than organization. Maybe, if you want, all the videos posted here can just be put in one big post to make life easier.


What I usually do is skim the first few pages of thread and look for some combos. 90% of the marvel threads have updated combo threads (for the popular characters anyway) and I would definitely classify TM as a somewhat popular character choice. Lots of people fiddle around with him and/or play him seriously. He’s a solid character. At least high mid tier.

I just recently put Task back on my team and I’m trying to construct an optimized BNB to learn. Task is 2nd on my team with Nova anchor so I only want to use the nova assist in it so I planned on putting the nova ender here…

After the first or second sharp sting here depending on how hard the arrow relaunch is for me [media=youtube]vag1Xpe0Jws[/media]

Will the hit stun not last long enough for me to do the entire combo?

It seems like a lot of task combos are character specific and I want to keep it simple for a while and just have one combo I can do and I’m not really sure where to start.

Also is there any tip on how to get 2 arrow supers to connect easier after sharp sting? I’ve been messing with it in training mode and I’m pretty sure it has to do with the heights of the characters after the fully charged aim master H to pop them into the diag arrow super, but it’s hard to get the same height consistently.

Just do the charging star relaunch combo with rising j.:l:

That’s what I do

:d::l: :d::m: :h: :b::h: (delay) :s: sj j.:l: j.:f::h: (delay) j.:h: (delay) j.:qcf:[:m:] |> b::h: (delay) :s: sj j.:m: j.:m: j.:h: j.:f::h: j.:m: j.:h: j.:s: works on everyone after all

Preview of the next combo thread:

okay but perhaps more seriously.

Well~ You do vertical arrows to lift them up into L+H Legion Arrows, right? There’s two tricks to this. You need to increase the window you have to hit M+H, such that it becomes possible without frame-perfect timing. And you need to make sure your timing is as tight as it can be.

For trick one, you need to get the opponent to rise fairly high relative to you when you OTG them. You can do this by hitting them while you are just above the ground, usually just hitting with one or two arrows, or you can do this by being at a moderate height and hitting with three arrows, which will lift them higher and make up for you also being higher. The purpose of this is to get the opponent to fall to their hard knockdown state as late as possible relative to when you land, giving you more time to do your TK M+H super.

The second one is a bit more intuitive, I think. You need to complete the TK motion a bit before you land from your L+H Legion Arrows, so that you’re already holding up-forward as you land. This will give you the fastest possible jump, and it’s just a matter of timing your M+H just after you become airborne.