Taskmaster combos - Anything you can do I can do better!

Do you have a link with the said combo? I could see it and give you a transcript of the notations used in the combo.

I think you’re referring to this one -

The Taskmaster combo thread is weird. On one hand you have people coming in, not reading anything, and then just saying “what is the best combo available” and it gets posted for the 100th time, and then you have serious in depth regarding his moves,mixed in with combo videos. You guys are crazy.

If there is anyone interested, I have found a way to make this very practical with the use of Spencer assist and if you play Nova Task Spencer like me, the whole combo is basically doable with their assists. I might try to record it.

And here it is.

Through the use of assists, I made DuckStrong’s combo fairly practical. The Spencer assist is the one that’s key here. The Nova one is just to make the damage stupider lol. Also, I pointed out the moments when I didn’t get all 3 of Taskmaster’s arrows to hit so it’s clear that these combos can actually do a little more damage. AND I omitted 1 rep of j.H xx swing xx arrows. All of these break 1 mill. 2-3 meters used.

Thanks for the share man!

I have one issue with that combo, when I go for the 2nd relaunch I do, like you point out, j.M H(2) xx 6H j.M H(2) S. In the part between “_ … _” they drop out : \ Does that part require some specific timming?

Just do it a bit faster is all. Like when you’re so used to the timing on older Taskmaster combos it’s a little difficult to remember you need to do the inputs faster in the end.

The entire combo should be done pretty fast. That makes it a little hard though, since you still need to delay a few things. But like dougiie said, it’s something you’ll get used to if you just keep doing it.

I’ve only been able to get DuckStrong’s combo only twice… out of around 40 attempts. I just keep dropping them at the j. :h: into forward + :h: xx arrows section.

Yup same here. I can’t even get that part AT ALL. I get everything else. That’s why I made my version with my assists =)

Oh I see, guess it just requires practice then hehe

Thanks dougiie and Windu o/

i recently picked up taskmaster as i’m trying to run wolverine/taskmaster/akuma, but i have 2 problems:

  1. after his bnb i can’t find a way to use akuma’s tatsu to connect sting master after arrows otg;
  2. i’m trying to get 2 legion arrows in a single combo, but after hitting the first one, the opponent immediately wakes up, and no matter how fast i input the second tk legion arrow, it doesn’t combo. is this a timing issue?, or is there something that i am unaware of in order to combo 2 legion arrows?.
    i apologize in advance for my writing skills as english isn’t my first language.

Hmm…i’ll hit the lab tmm and check it out

The first legion arrow has to be the diagonal ( :l:+:h: ) version to pop them up in the air a little bit and give you time to land. You need to OTG with a fully charged :h: aim master from the air then cancel into diagonal legion arrow. After the first super, you tk the :m: + :h: version. Timing is a little tight, but you can buffer the motion a little bit before you land so that you jump immediately.

Is there any point to trying to learn to loop L+H legion arrows? I can get it three times but idk just wondering if there was much point

It’s ok if you run Task as an anchor, but I’ll be quite honest, I usually just DHC to the next character after the first super. Most characters’ supers do more damage than Task’s when fully scaled and some can get pretty decent followups too.

Yup like Duck Strong said, sometime’s just DHCing is the better option. My Taskmaster combos are actually to tag in Spencer when Nova dies. But when Spencer dies, I loop supers…even though THAT is a little unnecessary since you can just xfactor into another super. Looping diagonal arrows only works on big bodies at any position and to get it on smaller characters, you have to dash back…like WAY back lmao. Also, let’s say you do diagonal arrows into TK down arrows and it doesn’t kill…you’ll be TIGHT if the next character doesn’t have an OTG super lol. Diagonal arrows allow for DHC into basically anyone.

His fully scaled super does 197,500 damage (assuming full mash/all arrows hit)

The only Characters that do more damage with their DHC super are:

  • Nova (Nova Force/Grav Blaster with red health)
  • Captain America (Hyper Charging Star)
  • Iron Man
  • Rocket Racoon
  • Storm (Hailstorm)
  • Sentinel (Plasma Storm)
  • Hulk (Gamma Crush)
  • Dante (he’s ass)
  • Trish (Maximum Voltage)
  • Ryu (Shin Hadoken/Shin Tatsu)
  • Dormammu (Chaotic Flame)
  • Wolverine (Fatal Claw)
  • Arthur (Goddess Bracelet)

Edit: lol at Wolverine doing 218k in Maximum damage scaling

Spencer does as well if you count the OTG grapple. If you haven’t used the wall bounce it jumps to 303k fully scaled and builds you a nice chunk of meter.

That’s also disregarding all the install supers that allow you to do more and utility supers like Stalking Flare that arguably give you a much better leave.

But you’re right, most characters actually do less on DHC, my bad.

So, I did this thing


Iiii think it’s pretty cool.

I mean, it’s useful.

Hard, though.