Taskmaster combos - Anything you can do I can do better!

Curious. What is the most damaging sequence people have off a sharp sting? I see mine connect a lot when I just intend for safety, and then I have to improvise something which never does too much.

outside of corner nothing solo. It IS possible to do an arrow and self combo but the timing is so strict i would never attempt it. You’re going to need an assist. I do:

Sting master, A1(cap charge)+f.H, QCFH(1 arrow), land, dash, b+H, etc,.

Yeah. I have rapid slash and dark hole, I’m set for picking them up, I mean after the pickup with an assist, it seems like hitstun doesn’t allow many of the relaunch combos I’m used to, so it’s just launch up, air series, hit back down. Boring stuff. I was wondering if there was anything different one could do off the pickup.

You might be able to get a modified swing combo out of it. Off of ground throw with Doom rocks, I get

throw, f+H+Rocks, qcf+H, cr.M, st.H, f+H, j. M, j. M f+H, j. M, j. M, j. S, b+H S sj.M, sj.H, sj.f+H, j.M, j.H, j.S.

You may be able to get the same thing of a stingmaster hit. Depending on your assist, though, you may have to shorten it.

Try going for Vanilla Mighty Swing variation combos, those work pretty well.

Went back to a team I played in vanilla and did an extended combo vid for them

Very nice, most combo videos I’ve seen lately have zero creativity, but you suprised me with a few things in there :tup: .

Any tips on connecting the OTG follow up with Cold Star assist after the Bread ‘n’ Butter combo? Do I hit f+H and A1 at the same time and delay the QCF H until I see the first shot, or do I call Ammy then f+H and QCF H immediately? Trying to delay the QCF H seems to let the character roll out, and doing it right away gets them hit by the first shot of Cold Star, which pops them out of the combo as well.

If it matters I’m ommiting the f+H M H (2 hits) S at the end of the combo and going straight to MMHS if that makes a difference in position when Taskmaster falls.

Made a crappy video of this combo if anyone is interested:


Disregarding how prohibitively difficult this particular example is, I think Task might have a practical BnB that focuses on looping swing xx :m: arrows as many times as possible.

Yo dudes, Picked up Task a few days ago for my new team’s set-up, and the only two combo’s I’ve got are:

cr.L, st.M (cr.M works too), st.H, Shield Skills, Delayed Launch, Immediate j.MxxSpidey Swing, j.HxxAim Master M (Full Charge), | Shield Skills, Delayed Launch, j.M, j.M, j.H (2 hits), Spidey Swing, j.M, j.H (1 hit), S, | jump Aim Master H Full chargexxLegion Super M+H.


cr.L, cr.M, st.H, Spidey Swing, j.m, j.m, Spidey Swing, j.M, j.M, S, | Shield Skills, Delayed Launch, j.M, j.M, j.H (2 hits), Spidey Swing, j.M, j.H (1 hit), S, | j.Aim Master H (Fully Charged) Legion Arrows Super M+H.

I know there is better. My assists would be Ryuenjin (Zero a) and Centurion Rush (Nova B)

Nova gives you a free Sting Master + full charge arrows x2, resulting around 80k+ extra damage by calling him after the :s:. You press :a1: or :a2:, whichever spot he’s in and neutral jump and Full Charge Aim Master :h:, the assist hits, you land, then do Shield Skills into Sting Master, and then do the finisher (Legion Arrows raw, Aim Master :h: into Legion Arrows of choice)

Depending on how late you are in the combo, with Spencer armor piercer, you can do the usual stingmaster or air chain ender, jump, call Spencer, OTG Aim Master, slight dash back, fully charged Aim Master, Shield Skillsxx fully charged Aim Master, Shield SkillsxxSting Master, then the usual ender.

That whole sequence nets you about and extra 145k damage. It works at the end of the most common BnB’s but do some testing to make sure.

I’d imagine this works with most wall bounce assists like Log Trap as well.

I would like to apologize for sullying the thread with this poorly shot, poorly executed, slightly team specific combo. [media=youtube]JYw4b02jd5E[/media]

Following that Duck Strong vid, I don’t even feel worthy to play this character.

Keep in mind DS himself mentioned that particular combo was impractical. So don’t feel too bad if you can’t do it.

Oh, I wasn’t serious about that. I’m not worried about being able to do the combo, though I would like to adapt it in some way that would allow it be used after a more practical follow up.

Task will definitely benefit from being able to get as many arrows and stings into a combo as possible, especially with damage scaling being what it is. 10k per arrow and 24k per sting at max scaling? If the OTG loop was easier, this character would be getting stupid damage. That’s how I came up with my combo. I just wish I had a better way to pick up after the first sting. Definitely a work in progress.

The first combo is character specific but it’s similar to that Magneto “EMP loop” and the second one is character specific as it only works on characters you can do the arrow lift on HOWEVER, i demonstrate how to MAXIMIZE the damage off an assist call from Nova (in the second one. Could have done it on the first one too but i was lazy)


At the end of the combo, you call Nova and do down arrows as usual BUT, you sneak in a swordmaster then do shield skills, sting master, blah blah

Hi guys. I just picked up this game was wondering what the Taskmaster BNB I should work on first. I’m not looking for anything to terribly complicated, just something to get me going for now.

Try the first page. I think the basic BnBs are there.

look through the pages around 10 to here. Look specifically for a post by Windu. That’s where the best BnB’s are at (the regular BnB, the Happy Birthday, and I think the meter-gain).

All of that page 1 stuff is either low damaging, obsolete, or can be optimized even further due to changes received in Ultimate.

Hey guys ive been doing task relaunch bnb but ive been seeing on stream a different combo looks like the vanilla mighty swing combo but with M arrows and a relaunch ive tried to replicate it with no luck so far does anyone have the notation?? I want a online bnb because of lag i end up missing the delayed launcher sometimes…