Taskmaster combos - Anything you can do I can do better!

I’ll probably do that old swing launch combo from time to time just for kicks. Gives me some variety. Speaking of variety, I need to practice the Happy Birthday BnB combo.

Oh yeah, about using Tatsu, sometimes Tatsu seems to knock the opponent too far and when you launch, you end up on the other side and/or the opponent is launched a bit too high for the BnB to connect.

I don’t think there is any footage of me playing that isn’t from before February. I haven’t been to Bum’s house and I’ve been messing with Nova for the most part. I’ll make a video detailing some important technology between them.

I’ve messed with Doom a bit in training mode with Task and Akuma but not too much. I know there’s definitely good synergy between Task and Doom though.

are you using nova shield assist or nova overhead? nova’s shield assist has some kinda interesting gimmicks here and there. you can actually set up guaranteed unblockables using it if you’ve cornered an opponent (shield charge + shield assist at the same time into m unblockable, or well spaced shield assist into someone who is landing so when they hit the ground they get put in blockstun and you unblockable them) and extend combos decently!

it also helps control the screen a lot, and stops folks from approaching task freely unless they’ve got plasma beam. then it’s like blehhhh.
also it gives him the beam team super so it lets task do THC unblockables on people which is pretty dang awesome.

task/akuma/doom is my first vanilla tournament team and it’s really dang good until you lose taskmaster. then you better get ready to work really hard with akuma and doom because a lot of the cast gives them trouble despite being good characters. task/doom missiles has a good combo ender/extension that lets you do jump arrows + call doom->diagonal arrow super->doom missiles hit->shield charge, launch, j.s, down arrows, super again. if you have another thing to extend his combo before this ender you can bring up his damage to i believe 900k+ for one bar and easily over 1mil for two.

With Arthur dagger assist, I just do f+H+A2 into QCF+H (1 arrow) as fast as possible. Easy setup into s.M-s.H-swing-blahblah.

On air backthrow this is easy, but on ground front throw, you recover a lot faster than it looks like. Try mashing f+H to learn the timing of when you can move.

I wish Doom worked well with Akuma, but it’s only ok. It’s very hard to confirm with Doom off of tatsu assist. It’s only good for maybe pushing people away when zoning and for income character / corner mixups. But in open space, there isn’t really too much Doom can do with Akuma. It’s sad because Taskmaster works well with both of them, but the other 2 characters do not work so well together.

Omg you are so wrong its wonderful! Doom and akuma are fantastic together! First off, if you’re good with your tri dashing, doom can confirm any tatsu with jLMM foot dive. Check the games of vabjorn. He plays doom sent akuma and if he hits a tatsu, anywhere, you are boned. And second off, akuma backed by missiles is amazing. I’ve never had the success I’ve had since. Maining task. Doom akuma, which I switched to task akuma doom for the dhc to beam. Try it. Again, doom and akuma are freakin great.


I will check out this vbjorn guy. I do know that Akuma with missiles is good. I was more talking about Doom with Tatsu. But I will mess with it some more after your glowing recommendation. :slight_smile:

I’m using the Nova overhead for some dirty high/low unblockables with Task. Spooky never uploaded one of the recent Big Twos, but in one of my matches with Dieminion, I hit him with an unblockable like 4 times. It was kind of brain dead lol.

The Gravimetric pulse assist is good too for what you’re saying, but I use coldstar for stuff like that. I guess if I wasn’t using Ammy I’d have to check it out.

How do you tend to set up the unblockable, out of curiosity. Nova call + Skills?

On the incoming character, I’ll call Nova, then do a forward super jump tiger knee’d down arrows, then go low as soon as Taskmaster lands. There’s high/low and left/right. Very hard to block…

How do you deal with people’s strategic use of advancing guard to stay airborne?

I thought that as I would do the setup more, that would become the counter. People have tried; I play players who pushblock anything coming in and still these players get hit often. I’d say my success with it is about 50/50 with players I play a lot which is really good. It might be mistimed pushblocks from not being able to see the down arrows or it might be overlapped with the loss of guardstun from when a player lands. There’s also the left/right which will catch some players. I couldn’t tell you to be honest but it is effective.

I almost always try these mix-ups on myself but this one I haven’t tested much yet. I’m going to record the mix-up on myself when I get home.

So, I’m gonna advocate always doing the rising j.:l: instead of j.:m: for the basic bnb

for one it’s easier, it’s easier to learn and that’s cool, it’s something I can 100% of the time instead of in matches never really getting above 95% with j.:m:, and dropping combos really sucks.

For two, the way I figure it a lot of the times you can feel your timing being off and you know you can’t hit the :h: after landing, you just go to :b::h: to make it work. But I can always get it with j.:l:, been just grinding it for the past several minutes and hitting it every time against a variety of opponents. And if you don’t hit the :h: but do j.:m:, that’s less damage than hitting the :h: but doing j.:l:.

It’s not max damage, but it’s extremely consistent.

I fear this has probably been asked before(if so please feel free to point me, rather than retype), but if I’m doing the ol swing swing launch bnb, and they’re in the corner, how do I prevent task from crossing under them between shield skills and launch? Launching earlier, and later, with both it still feels random. I’m sure its not, but I can’t figue it out, damnit! Lol especially given that I have missiles with which to continue corner nastiness, un-cornering them is becoming increasingly frustrating! Thanks!

i’ve noticed with the combo i use (the one that stark mentioned was the widely used bnb at this point, i think?) if you do shield skill, and then wait as long as you can, so that they are just about to hit the ground and THEN launch, you dont pass under them if you’re in the corner

getting the exact timing down takes some practice but when you finally get it, it’s really easy.

Like Blblblbl mentioned, you might have tried doing it later, but you havn’t tried doing it late enough. With that said, the point at which your brain sees a character after SS and thinks “oh shit, they’re about to hit the ground,” is just about precisely the moment you’ll want to launch. No sooner or it’ll typically cross up, and no later or… well they’ll actually hit the ground lol.

There’s never discussion in the video thread, it never happens

So I’ll post this here, too


To make sure people see it

Yeah Im definitely gonna steal that superjump height conversion. I tried coming up with a good combo starter at SJ height a while ago but I completely forgot that j.s left them in that kinda soft knockdown state.

That’s cool. I stole it from moons. But it’s not really stealing if he brought it up.

I also want to highlight this as being the best piece of tech to come out of this thread in a long time even though I initially passed it up because 700k with one meter is not remotely notable. The call assist + delay arrows, jump arrows land charging star still works later in the combo off of basically any starter except ironically the charging star relaunch bnb, allowing for significantly more damage off of basically whatever.