Taskmaster combos - Anything you can do I can do better!

You can sacrifice a TAD bit of damage for a MUCH more consistent Double Super setup by doing this:

Instead of: jump delay charged down arrows xx Legion Arrows

Simply do jump then a VERY late falling SINGLE down arrow xx Legion Arrows…

The single arrow comes out very quickly, so it allows you to be really low to the ground when you super cancel.

Also worth noting, don’t overmash on the first super. Once it’s at it’s peak damage, start holding downback. Soon as Tasky’s feet touch the ground, instant TK Legion Arrows. It should work 95% of the time.

I hate to be like a nuisance, but i need help with the standard bnb. I just cant seem to do the M after the initial launch fast enough. Is it because i need to wait more after shield skills?

  1. If I’m going to meet someone air-to-air at normal jump height, is there a good air to air confirm sequence to flow into a ground BNB? I’d have Tatsu at my disposal, but I’m assuming there’s a solo one.

  2. I too am having a hell of a time with the BNB that involves the early launch (as opposed to the swing swing launch one which is cake). If I do the jM-swing as fast as possible, the swing does under them. If I delay it slightly, it hits, but then either:
    a. I do slight pause jH, slight pause qcf+M and they’re way too high when I land.
    b. I attempt to pause longer to let them drop, and the qcf+M doesn’t get close to hitting.

This is definitely something I’m capable of doing, but I’m definitely missing something important. Any thoughts? Thanks!

You can always try the combo with a j. :l: (it’s online friendly) and you only lose about 3-5% meter gain and about 12k total damage. The j. :l: allows you to nail the BnB 100% of the time (at least for me anyways)

As for an air-to-air conflict, if you catch them with a j. :m:, you can do a j. :h: into Swing, cancel into :m: arrows into the swing BnB, but when you launch them in the air do try NOT to do another swing because most of the time, the enemy will fall out of the combo after the swing, unless you end the combo prematurely with a Legion Arrow super

Yeah, just delay the launcher after the first Shield Skills.

I feel like these are noobish questions, but damned if I can’t figure these two things out. I’m running Task Doom-b Akuma (and fucking loving it!), and have two questions, one involving Tatsu pickups, and one regarding arrow OTGs:

Tatsu question- After a ground throw, or any OTG situation where I’m on the ground and need to quickly call Tatsu and air down-arrow for a pick up, how exactly do I do that?
-If I just jump and down-arrow, it seems too slow
-If I tiger knee the down-arrow, I get a super jump and that too is too slow/floaty
-If I swing xx down-arrow, it’s too low to the ground and no arrows come out

I’m sure it’s something stupid, but what am I missing here?

Arrow OTG question- When in the corner I OTG after a combo by doing jumping down-arrow with the intention of canceling to L+H Legion Arrow, it never seems to get that bounce right and hit. I can hit M+H Legion because it’s just straight down, but if I’m looking to extend by calling missiles before the OTG, it needs to be L+H Legion, correct? When I see footage of players doing jump down-arrow xx L+H Legion, they bounce up high enough to get easily popped by the diagonal super. When I do it they barely bounce as all.

Again, I’m sure it’s something dumb/obvious. Any thoughts on either? Thanks!!

All three of those work. The way you can tiger knee without super jumping is by holding the stick down before doing the motion, that prevents super jumping. You can hold down during the ground throw animation.

I did that in Vanilla, but I think the easiest method of comboing off of ground throw is mighty swing down arrow, you may have to exaggerate your motions a little bit if the arrows don’t come out. Try doing a mighty swing, then quickly perform a half a circle forward motion. That works for me.

As for your second question, this may have to do with your timing. You might have to wait a little more before doing the charged down arrows. It’s also character specific. Some characters are harder to pop up (Dormaamu) while some are extremely easy (Shuma).

this is more for folks who run anchor taskmaster since i just watched huoshen’s show or whatever and i got bugged that he wasn’t doing it but when you’re running xf3 taskmaster any time you get an airthrow at normal jump height where you can hit all 3 arrows you can easily do a combo from it. it’s pretty similar to the vanilla airthrow combo height but it’s much more lenient. just land and do st.l and it’ll hit.

Is there any way Task can convert from SJ height that’s not :m: :m: :h: fwd+:h: , :m: :m: Legion Arrows? As in…somehow get them to shield skills height or j.:m:height for a full combo?

Yes. I actually haven’t seen people do this at all but it’s really effective for people in the sky. I wanted to post about it a while ago since it was only possible in Ultimate but I forgot.

Basically whatever into mighty swing, then M, H, S, Land, Shield Skills. If the character is too high after the mighty swing, just do H then delayed S.

This is very good for catching super jumping Haggars, runaway Dooms, Crazy fly Magnetos, etc… Much better than the damage you’d get off super jump grab too.

It most certainly works, but it is not consistent. I don’t know what the conditions are for it to work, but it certainly happens more then never. I’ll see if I can record it.

Thank you so much for this, from SJ height with :m: :h: fwd+:h: starter I can gain about 1.15 bars and end the combo with Task doing about 642k, 848k with a DHC. This is exactly the kind of meter productivity I wanted from a conversion at that height. Awesome stuff :smiley:


Messing around with it some more, it seems like it works if you do it as fast as humanly possible.

Damn, I’m kind of embarrassed, but I still can’t seem to get this. They get up from. Ground throw so quickly! Do you hit the tatsu button before the swing or simultaneously? And do you shoot one arrow or 3? I have no idea why id be struggling with simple shit like this lol.

Delaying the arrows def worked for the 2nd thing, thanks!

Nothing to be embarrassed about man. It happens. Do mighty swing and call your assist simultaneously, and only shoot one arrow. I’ll try to make a video if I get a chance.

Heh, thanks just seems like it should be cake. Assist pickups don’t tend to be all that hard, but for some reason on this fwd ground throw it feels like they get up too fast. Speaking of video, I was gonna ask if u know a good place online to find footage of you playing your team. Youtube gives like 3 games from months ago. Like a specific stream archive(s) or youtube channel or something? The more tatsu-task I can watch the better.

Also, u ever try the duo with doom, out of curiosity? I’m running task akuma doom (had doom 2nd but the dhc is too good to pass on) and even with a scrubby bnb and no combos off throw yet, I’m doin 5x better than with any other team I’ve played, fuckin love it. And missiles-akuma is mad fun/good. Obv you’re not gonna change ur team, but just wondering if you ever tried it during your soul-searching phase.

dropped the basic bnb today seven times out of twelve attempts

I should probably practice this character again, I don’t get much in-match practice while playing anchor so I need to make it all count


On the plus side I did manage to get a few kinda unlikely starters and turn them into character deaths via improvised combos, and I was thinking of making another combo video. But, I can’t have things in one of my combo videos that I don’t feel I can consistently do in a match setting, as a mark of honor. Thus, I need training

I’m havin a helluva time with the bnb myself, mostly cause I’m used to the swing swing launch bnb from vanila. Feels weird to skills-launch so early. Weirdest part is having to let them drop before launching. It’ll come.

Don’t worry about it. I had a really tough time doing the combo myself in the beginning, but now it’s become 2nd nature. The only problem I have right now is messing up during the swing air combo in the end. Sometimes after the j.MMH -> delay Swing, the next M whiffs. Though I think it’s just a matter of when you relaunch to get the right spacing so that after Task hits Swing, he’s not too above the opponent.

I’ve just been goin old school at that point and just doing sjH, fwd+H. I guess I’m sacrificing two Ms worth of dmg, but imalso not dropping. Seems like a fair trade off to me :slight_smile:

Just curious, does anyone still use the swing swing launch BNB? I tend to due to muscle memory, and the only reason I’m workin to learn the quick launch bnb is because tatsu sets it up. But I was wondering if people still use the old combo or if its been rendered obsolete?