Are you fucking serious? TO THE PS3!
Edit: Can’t link it if I start Sword Master point blank, but you can def start it much closer now.
Fucking retarded. GJ, Capcom.
Are you fucking serious? TO THE PS3!
Edit: Can’t link it if I start Sword Master point blank, but you can def start it much closer now.
Fucking retarded. GJ, Capcom.
I completely forgot about that move. So then can you jump, down arrow and diagonal super? If so, is it a full charge down arrow? That would make things a lot easier in general regardless because at the point of the combo where I’d do either the hit stun decay is really high.
Stingmaster does slightly more damage, :s: into sj.:s: builds slightly more meter and does marginally less damage.
Also consider that late in a combo, if the assist hits them too high, they will probably pop out before you can connect after shield skills. The launcher will still combo after shield skills long after the point where they would pop out if you try Stingmaster.
Almost regardless of the characters, I find DHC’ing to the next guy is almost always a better idea, but that’s just me. shrug
Well regardless for my team to be able to DHC I have to do the diagonal arrows (I mean, I could set up horizontal arrows for less damage, but I’d rather not). I’ve pretty much gotten the hang of using Stingmaster to do it though.
Like the combos posted on this page.
Need to learn them now, heh.
Wow I just saw this now. Well I run Spencer, Taskmaster, Dormmamu, but I use purification as it’s like jam session. Dark Hole, I find, is inconsistent in terms of timing, range and the fact that it subtly disappears if used to close to the corner. With purification I do this combo, it’s a swag combo.
LMHS, (immediately)j.m, Web swing, j.H, qcfM (Fully charged), -land- (and then jump), j.mhs, -land-. Dorm Assist. (Backdash a bit). qcfH (fully charged), 4H, qcfS. -jump- qcfH, qcfLH.
Only if you want to use purification.
I really like Task and Dorm for controlling space with Dark Hole. You can get quite a bit of damage with Dark Hole + Air M arrows, Dark hole will also hold them in the air long enough to do L Arrows once you land and you can super cancel that for more damage. Not sure if this works on everyone though, I normally catch Zeros with it due to all that jumping and dashing about they like to do.
This is my Taskmaster combo accompanied by Dormammu purification assist. The combo is corner only, but can be carried from midscreen. I didn’t know what to do at the end so I left it blank, possibly for you all to think what you could have done for your respective teams. Lemme know what you guys think! [media=youtube]mQpczN1LFCE[/media]
Yeah but you’re just relying on keepaway, how about affiliating dark hole in actual combos though? Dark hole is easy to dodge especially when you’re playing keepaway with it because it forms a pattern, and once your enemy exploits your pattern, dark hole’s purpose is neutralized. But if you find it does its job, then keep doing it.
you can just do backdash call dorm swing arrow single shot cancel into shock sting for dark hole extender in the corner (which all combos bring you to anyways…). it works as the second extension ender too i believe because they don’t appear to flip out of dark hole due to hitstun.
Thanks for the tips Tab will try that later. I use Dark Hole more for Keepaway and to cover shield skills and swing. My main game plan is to chip/build meter and annoy people for the start of the match and then rush in or throw when I can. For combo extension I’m using hidden missiles to get 2 supers if I have the bar.
just do dark hole shock sting extender> call doom missiles jumping h arrows full charge into super -> missiles hit -> shield charge s j.s full charge down arrows then super it does really obscene amounts of damage. i think the one meter version does like slightly over 900k starting from cr.m
Task (H.Arrows) / Dorm (Hole) / Doom (Beam) here
:a1: = Dorm Hole / :a2: = Doom Beam
That’s not necessarily a bad thing, Shield Skills ( + :h: ) + :a1: xx :s: is one of the best traps in the game because it results in an easy confirm and the hole doesn’t affect it on hit. Plus, most people have it down to muscle memory to punish that string from vanilla so they rarely expect it to be a trap. If the opponent blocks , you are completely safe and if they push any buttons, you can begin an easy combo (albeit a damage scaled one). Hell, it’s even pretty safe on whiff because Task usually ends up sitting in the hole. Most people I play against know of this trap after falling it to it so many times that they don’t push buttons, which allows me to get 1~2 fully charged Aim Masters :l: ( :d::df::f: + :l: ) when they block the initial Shield Skills (
+ :h: ) depending on whether I cancel the shield skills or go for a :s:. That’s ( might have to check the math on this one).
3~ 6 Arrows @ 15,000 chip each
The string is Shield Skills ( + :h: ) + :a1: xx :s: or Aim Master :l: ( :d::df::f: + :l: ) , [Opponent held in block from hole] Aim Master :l: ( :d::df::f: + :l: )
That’s a completely safe block string you can initiate anywhere from the screen using the dash into shield skills and allows for a clean hit confirm or pushes someone to the other side of the screen (non-zoomed) plus does a huge amount of chip. If they AG, you basically get a full screen of distance at the cost of a little chip damage. That kind of screen control is huge as you can negate a lot of tactics with this alone and makes Task’s keep away far more complete. Once the screen is unzoomed, a combo of :a2:, Aim Master :h: gives me control of the far side of the screen and then I can start firing arrows safely by reacting to the moves my opponent makes while assists recharge. Task arrows on their own are pretty good but combined with Doom Beam, the chip adds up really fast and is really hard to get in on while being unpredictable. Most of my Guard Master’s ( :d::db: + :atk: ) come from the fact that people try to do full-screen get in’s that I immediately catch (She-Hulk’s wall bounce, Morrigan Airdash :s: , Doom Foot Dive ( air :f: + :h: ), Felicia Delta Kick are common ones.)
This results in no frame advantage for them from me blocking and I get either 100k damage on them into a combo with Beam re-launch or I can dodge & punish or cancel into Legion Arrows to punish since I can read the movement from a full unzoomed screen away. Most people don’t even realize that Task has counters because no one uses them, but when you force the opponent to come at you from predictable angles, they are amazing since you even negate someone’s ability to get in on you with frame advantage.
Also, while Task is decent at rushdown on his own, his rush down is magnified immensely by having a strong keepaway game. He doesn’t really have that much in terms of cross-ups or mix-ups, so forcing your opponent to come at you at predictable angles allows you to maneuver into an advantage position to footsie or mixup someone. If you can rush someone down with Task master w/o assists, then that means the other person doesn’t know the match up as his only cross-up is j.:h: is very spacing specific and is dangerous to go for because a lot of characters can crouch under it. His throw is a good tool, but unless you want to burn meter after every throw, you need assists that let you combo off of his throws. After that you have to rely on footsies and while his are good, a good player with a decent assists will make your life hell.
I agree that finding ways to incorporate hole into combos is important (especially for me) to take it to the next level but if an assist can give you control of a huge portion of the ground game, I’ll take it as you then know someone has to come at you from specific angles which is a monstrous advantage in UMvC3.
I agree with you 100% Beast. I’m pretty new to Dormammu actually, I transitioned from Task, Spencer, Doom to Spencer, Task, Dorm. I didn’t quite know that Hole was combo-able after the blockstring you had listed. I had always imagined the enemy being hit by it and then falling to the ground instantaneously.
I run Task H. Arrows, the same as you, but as you saw in my video, I really like purification because im able to produce the fanciest of combos with task and expand combos with Spencer. I think I might steal that blockstring, except use Purification. What I use right now is…
LMH, f.H, qcf.L (fully charged), land, cr.LM st.H, Charging Star, qcfS.
Idk if this is too long of a string, but I find most people don’t know that the qcf.L (fully charged) puts you at a frame advantage, thus allowing for me to punish them if any buttons are pressed… and of course the cr. LMH continuation to get the Charging star, S, j.M, f.H, qcfM combo.
For Corner I really want to hit the combo you saw in the video so I just do…
cr.LMH, Charging Star, qcfS… Sometimes I feel this string can be punished at times if not done correctly.
All in all, I’m going to take your good advice and use…
Cr. LMH, Charging Star, A2, S. It does work, it’s just you need to combined S+Purfication so that you can launch from the air. If you continue the combo in the air, you won’t be able to launch.
Glad I could help! I’m not the fanciest combo person (I prefer simplicity over flash…I’m old school…) but hey if it works and you like it, why change it right? I’d be curious to see some match videos of you using your new found tech!
Haha, thats very true. Simplicity is the way to go, but if you have room to style, might as well right. And I’ve recently shown my friends my new tech and the reactions they give off is just … it makes you feel like your combo was worth discovering, lol. I’ll be sure to record with a camera next time around. A lot of my new tech centers around Taskmaster so I should be uploading these vids on tuesday,wednesday or thursday – the days I go to my university’s mvc club or to the arcade.
cr. :h: :f:+:h: j.
j.:h: (land) cr.
:h: :f:+:h: j.:h: xx j.:qcf:+:l: (land)
+:h: :s: sj.
sj.:h: sj.:f:+:h: sj.
sj.:s: (land) :a2:
+:h: xx :qcf:+:s: :a1: j.:qcf:+:h: (land) :qcf:+:s: j.:qcf:+:h: xx j.:qcf:+:l::h: xx :qcf:+:atk::atk:
1,013,000 mashed, guaranteed corner carry, ~10% meter loss
Can I see a video?
I do a similar combo, except no Wesker assist and get about the same damage… It’s pretty nice actually.
Amish, I think that’s you as that combo looks awfully similar to the one that TOD’ed my Task in Loser Final’s Last Friday…
Does anyone know the Task combo that generates the most meter? I’m trying to find a combo that carries corner and generates 2 bars, as I want to see if I may have a TOD with Task / Dorm / Doom.