Super Turbo Tournament at Evolution: Las Vegas, NV July 30, 2011 1pm (the ST/SF4 video library website) is contributing $40 toward the Casino Cup: Super Turbo Tournament @ Evolution prize payout.

This money will specifically be distributed to provide $10 each to the 4 players placing outside the previously scheduled payouts. This will extend the payouts, and will hopefully provide an added incentive for players on the fence to come join the Super Turbo action.

Here’s how the Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo tournament’s payout schedule now breaks down:

If total players > 100 people:

If total players < 100 people:
12th--------$10 is happy to support the Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo tournament community.

Big thanks to:

  • The hard work and dedication of DGV, Papasi, Kuroppi, Bernie,and Kajoq
  • Mr. Wizard and the other great people of EVO
  • Capcom and their amazing game
  • The ST community and all of its great players and fans

And a special thanks to EA MegaMan for helping me out.

Hopefully more of you out there will take the opportunity to join the sponsor train and help support the community and game we love.

Info on the Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo Tournament:

  1. Forum Thread - Super Turbo Tournament at Evolution: Las Vegas, NV July 30, 2011 1pm
  2. Website -

Please stream every ST match!

Looks very interesting. Please record matches, wanna see some 2X old school action @ evo2011

I would love to hear how this went, videos if possible too. Hope it works out.

Yes we need to se some coverage of this event!

Here’s the link to the stream:

Tournament will start momentarily.

Super Turbo @ EVO Casino Cup results:

  1. Daigo Umehara
  2. Damdai
  3. Tokido
  4. Alex “Calipower” Valle
  5. Bob “kuroppi” Painter
  6. DGV
  7. Jason “AfroCole” Cole
  8. Arturo “Sabin” Sanchez
  9. Kuni Funada
  10. Julien “Zass” Beasley
  11. NKI
  12. Moocus

Grats on 5th Kuroppi.

Damdai, get in shape man, Daigo ain’t gonna be the rog you got to worry about at SBO. Bring home that gold!

Any videos where you can see who’s playing who? has the full stream but no player names.

How many players entered??

Wow, just found out about this yesterday. Hope you guys do this again next year. I’m going to try to start practicing again.

40 players

I can safely say that you missed out, sir. Cole recruited quite a few old school heads and a grand time was had by all.

haha, you are using the same line!
i believe this will happen again.
there is always a ST side tourney @ evo.

however, socal regional is coming up this nov.
should be even more convenient for you and afrolegend said he’ll be there in his interview.

Nov19th we’ll also have ST @ Keystone 2 milpitas golfland

btw i want to hear stories. fudd, maybe i’ll ask you next time we meet at south town.

I handed off your sticks to bitkid, but I still have your red duffel bag that they originally came with. I’ll bring it on the next Southtown visit.

It takes some time, but not that much to get links to the particular matches. If the organizers could do that and post the match links here or at the match discussion, it would be great. I could get who was who a few instances, but others, it was hard to tell.

Yeah, sorry about that. There was some confusion about doing the stream and long story short, we had to setup the stream right when I got there (I arrived right before the tournament started) and there was no time to set up a better stream but we figured any stream is better than no stream but next time we will have it set up in advance. :slight_smile:

We were giving the player names and updates in the Ustream chat, on GGPO and also via Twitter.

I will see if we can split up parts of the stream and have them labeled with the player names. Fudd did record a lot of the matches so we should have those to view sometime in the near future.

And on that note, big thanks to many people:

[]Fudd for running the brackets and all the other help he provided.
]Ken and Ty who planned this whole thing.
[]Papasi who helped out tremendously though he couldn’t make it out.
]Zenblaster who let us use his monster laptop and provided the capture device to stream the tournament.
[]Arturo for helping with the chat/Twitter announcements and for being hilarious the whole time. :slight_smile:
]Zaspacer with the donation to the prize pot .
[]Everyone who showed up and played!
]And anyone else who I may have missed. :slight_smile:

We got good feedback from the players there so it was great to see that so many people had a good time. And it was great seeing so many old friends again and meeting new faces.

Edited with more shout outs. :slight_smile:

It is not needed, man. Don’t worry, unless you want to make some new videos, such as those from Ken Bogard. See, for instance, this part of the footage. There is an link, below the video, which reads “Highlight a moment”. You can use that to get links to certain moments of the recorded stream.

It is good to know people had a great time. What you have done is highly appreciated, kudos to you, DG, Fuud and all others. Without it, I guess it must have sucked horribly to see MvC3 and 4AE footage nonstop for two days. They gotta get ST back to EVO, BTW.

Amazing tournament everyone, give me a bit to upload all of the matches that happened on station 3. I’ll post up the playlist once that is up.

Shoutouts to Old Ryu, sweeping the leg, and red pants.

Thanks to Kuroppi, DG & V, Fudd and anyone else that helped with the tournament, that was a lot of fun. I’m glad we were able to come together and play some SF2!

Also, thank you to everyone that showed up to our room and made casuals fun as hell. We were going until 5AM on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We put back 6 cases of beer, 8+ yard long drinks, 1 bottle of tequila, and more green than you can imagine. So much fun. I’m back at work today, really wiped out, but I’m already excited for next year.