Super Turbo Tournament at Evolution: Las Vegas, NV July 30, 2011 1pm

The players attending list has been updated on the ST EVO Website.

If you’re interested in attending fill out the form on the site or post here. And if there are any errors (your name on there when it sohouldn’t be, etc.), please let us know.

Wish I could go =((…

Damn, I want to make it to this. What time you guys doing casuals on Friday? Def won’t be able to enter on sat though due to prior engagements. I should just say f them and enter though lol

Yeah, you should come by so I can at least give you your $10 haha

Hah, I totally forgot about that. if I don’t make it, use it for prize money or something. 9th place or 13th depending on turnout I guess. Or have a drink on me. Either is cool with me lol

Add me to the list. Accepting money matches, ft5 for $20, ft10 for $50.

Love the player list on the site, so many killers. Also I’m from Des Moines, IA not CA :slight_smile:

Damdizzle I’ll ft5 you. Any word on if Mizuki will be streaming? I’m bringing my camcorder also.

Updated. :slight_smile:

Oh snap, dat Vegas attitude. House’s favor as usual…house being Damdai.

Less than a week away and more names added to the list!


add me too please if it’s not too late.

Its never too late… Team Denjin > Vegas!

guys, if you have PS2 sticks, please bring them along.
There are 5 superguns but we don’t have enough sticks.

You should add Megaman to the list. Even though he will object at first, the only thing going on Sat is Marvel and I know he doesn’t give a shit about that :wink:

But he has a curleh mustache.

I posted this in the thread in the Evo section but thought I’d post here as well. Mizuki told me he will not be streaming. I’ll have my camcorder with me but it only has about two hours worth of charge on the battery. If someone wants to join me on commentary let me know :slight_smile:

hey guys, i’m posting for papercut right now but he’s trying to find a room to crash in. he’s looking to split the room price so if anyone has extra space and wants to save some money then get at him, or me so i can relay the message.

Moocus, why you reject paper?

There are a few guys offering rooms here

Hey papasi, can I split a room with you?

Not going to be there.