Hey guys listen up, I think we should start a weekly smash meet up online for an hour or 2 (there will be no obligation to attend). 1 or 2 people can create a room then people can drop in freely; this will be an opportunity for all of us to get better and “experiment”. I’m still new here and maybe you guys have already tried this and it just didn’t work. What are you guys thoughts about this? We would just need to coordinate the best times for everyone. If you are interested, what time works for you. I’ll start putting everyone into a sheet or something.
@“Phantom Angel” @dre37k@Mood4food77 I’m visiting OKC in August 17th-28th. You guys should come visit for a couple of days, especially since OKC is having more weekly smash events and you’ll get to play Po on his home turf. The food prices are dirt cheap and they have some really good spots. It will be a good change of scenery. Tyrone before you go on some I don’t play smash rant and I only play Street fighter. They have some people there that will give you some work in Street fighter.
Im down for the online thing. Someone has to just make a time and stick with it.
Also about going to OKC. How much is that ticket? I’m sure me and @“Phantom Angel” would be down if we got the “pop pimpus donation” eye emojis lol.
In other news, I went to a foredam university tournament cuz Im on spring break. Prizes were a 100$ amazon gift card for 1st, 75$ card for 2nd and 50 for 3rd. Me and my brother went.
The players were ok, until late rounds. Manie almost beat me but I clutched it out and then he lost to a little mac in losers semis. He wasn’t happy about that. I had to face him in losers finals where he 2-0ed my mario. I honestly couldn’t believe I was losing to a little mac. But I counterpicked to sonic and reversed 3-0ed him. I ended up getting 2nd place because I was double eliminated by a player named jack777. I was happy
Goes to show that having secondaries can really help you pull thru in the end.
Oh shit @“po pimpus” ! I think you guys can get some type of donation from everyone. Also, it would be pointless to look now because the prices will not be same in a few months from now. The best days to book a flight to OKC is to arrive on a Tuesday and try to return on a Thursday or Saturday for a lower price. But off the top of my head, I’m guessing that the prices for a round trip will be anywhere from 299-350.
If you are interested in the online thing, just put the days and times that you are free.
I’ll donate some skrilla for these scrubs. Dre will probably do well until he loses to like Johan or Deezus. Tyrone will continually get rocked in everything he plays, especially if we can lure @Rayne_ out of his cave to play some anime games.
I would be totally down for this. However, chances of me finding a reliable time each week is very difficult with my work schedule, my wife’s work schedule, and kid responsibilities.
If you are able to put something together, I’d join in whenever I could but make no promises.
Yeah, I saw it. I want to go so bad, but that weekend is my anniversary, so probably not gonna happen.
Stupid real life, always getting in the way of awesome video game stuff. </sarcasm>
See, this is why you should’ve stayed single like me. Who needs a relationship with someone you truly cherish when you can stay at home and be with PLASTIC and PIXELS!!!
Marc, I’d love to participate but there are a few things I’m waiting for:
1 - A Switch version of the game. My Wii U is in storage and I do not feel like digging it up.
2 - My life schedule needs to improve. Turns out stacking multiple math, hard-science, and computer programming courses on top of one another in one semester was basically ‘RIP my free time’. We’ll see how future semesters look, since I kind of designed this last one to front-load most of my sucky courses. Some future ones will be ALMOST as bad, but never this shitty as far as I can tell.
Other than that, I am interested. T’s run as Link did a lot to improve my interest in the game.
Asking money for making a mod is something that I never saw before. Why people can’t just try to make a different game following Smash’s model? Something like Rivals of Aether. What’s the point of re-making an already existent game?
No. I’m not against paying money for really good mods depending on the game, but this is not $11,000 worth of work. They’re mostly ripping models from other games.
Also they’re going to get fucking annihilated the moment Nintendo, ubisoft, Konami, or microsoft hear about this.
How could they possibly think this is a good idea?
Also, I got one half of my wish. My Fall semester is going to be busy in terms of sheer class hours, but the homework on some of these is going to be nonexistent so I’d sometimes have free evenings. If we get a Smash for Switch, I’m in.