Super Smash Bros. General 2.0 - Git Gud or Whine Trying

Accidentally clicked on your post. Was surprised to see this line. Looked through a few more posts, surprised at their general content.

Am willing to see if this is actually the case, and have removed you from my Ignore list accordingly. (Not that this is any great cause for celebration on your part, but hey)

I don’t play smash anymore

When Nintendo implements GGPO I’ll return to Smash.

I really cut down on my forum usage, very good for my mental health.


So I went to my local yesterday in Mamaroneck. I recently fell off completely in smash due to college and just overall playing less because of responsibilities but I occasionally make it out. I admit I definitely havent been keeping up with everyone. Been really rusty. I was recently kicked off the PR because of not performing too good but I still numerically deserved at least #10.

I went yesterday mollies and was seeded very badly, and I had to fight basically the entire PR and I beat everyone. And I pulled CAPTAIN FALCON (talking to you @“po pimpus” ) out in losers finals against a lucas player (Grain) and ended up 3-1ing him. He actually sent my mario to losers but I came back and counterpicked him with falcon. It was really hype.

Ended up getting second place to a greninja in my crew. I got 2nd place after being completely slept on. So it was an amazing day.

The reason why you got second place now is because most undergraduate programs are a complete joke. They require almost zero effort to succeed, so saying that you’ve been occupied with your “studies” just doesn’t carry a lot of weight now lol. Dre how many people are in your crew? And who are they?

I went to deep in the Bronx yesterday (at night), and man, that borough is a freaking wasteland and they have mad zombies walking around. Every corner was sketchy as hell too.

He’s a nursing major, bruh lol. That shit is demanding.

I went to a local today too. Got there too late for Singles, but played Teams with a random Fox player and we got 3rd. Fox dude carried us hard in our first match, and I stock tanked the rest of the way.

Going to another tomorrow to see how I do in 1v1.

There should be a Twitch archive somewhere… Look for Eruption #26.

Sorry to disappoint you Tyrone but its not as demanding as you think. You study; you manage your time, you take a test, you pass. If you half ass study and don’t do the readings, yeah you not going to get a B or higher. Its that simple. Most nursing programs revolve around test taking. I don’t know Dre’s reading comprehension level, so maybe he has to read stuff multiple times, maybe he is like Mood he can remember shit just by looking at it once. I have no idea, just put in the work to overcome that.

@“po pimpus” If you got 3rd place in teams, how many people showed up at that tourney, 6 lol?

I got a near perfect GPA and I barely studied at all.

Dre has no excuses. :coffee:

Never underestimate the power of a good stock tank

Marc if you dont shut the hell up with your ignorance. Nursing school is one of the most demanding programs. Im sure its harder than learning to be a salesman

I had a 3.96 gpa before joining the nursing program so basically a 4.0. School has always been easy until I joined the program

Generally speaking, Marc is right that most undergrad programs are not exactly… demanding. And most undergrad students are not particularly dedicated. This is just a fact of most education.

However, basically any medical program requires a huge amount of time and dedication if you want to stay in, even at an undergrad level.
With that said, I’m surprised Dre actually has time to play any video games at all, much less go to tournaments. And if he’s working toward a Nursing degree, it seems even more silly how he’s constantly trying to wave his power rating at us.

When did I wave my power rating at you guys?

Honestly the only person I flex on is po. But thats cuz hes an asshole that talks alot if trash

And I’ll flex right back because you ain’t no better than me, son.

Dre is better than you at Smash.

Need I remind you, you have yet to defeat me in a FTanything. Even when you were using Sheik and I was using Mega Man which you claimed to be an impossible match-up at the time. Dre has beaten me in a FT3, and not because of online.

I mean I have a better Mario than Dre but that’s besides the point. :wink:

Maybe it is harder than learning how to be a salesman. I wouldn’t know, I never went to school to learn how to be a salesman. My cousin just finished her nursing program. She was lucky, she practically had a job waiting for her. Its a little bit of a travel but she gets paid decently I just can’t help but notice the rise of nursing schools around the country and how students are flocking to nursing programs because they think its a sure bet of making a really high salary. I can only imagine how much they charging in tuition.

Anyways, are you guys going to watch for Po and Rayne tonight on Twitch and check OKC competiton. I know its in OKC because Po doesn’t travel far for a tourney.

Rayne probably won’t go. I’ll ask him, but he seems done with Smash at the moment.

And no, Dre is not now, nor has he ever, or ever will be better than me. I don’t care how many cheerleaders he has in here supporting him.

I don’t need a forum full of non-factors hyping me up… I’ll go out here and prove my skills, one fight at a time., or something like that, I think.

i hate all of you