And then you’ll open your mouth and any respect evaporates into space
I offered to send you (and Rayne) to EVO so we can settle this but you turned that down too.
So you’re also ducking me.
I. Don’t. Take. Charity.
If I can’t do it under my own power, then I don’t need to be doing it.
Also, NYC is only the best tourist spot if you have money. NYC is a giant mixing pot of everything, good and bad. If you can afford the good, HURRAY! If not, getouttahere!
I’d take a trip to San Francisco or Las Angeles over NYC
San Fran is basically just NYC with better weather. All the really good stuff is REALLY good, but also pretty expensive. And the shitty parts of SF are REALLY shitty.
Even LA is honestly not THAT much better, but it’s cheaper than the other two and is fucking huge. I’ve lived here for over 15 years and haven’t seen a fraction of what it offers.
If anything, come to NY just to hang out with us. Treat Smash as a plus.
Yo RedRick, I use to work as a vendor for this bullshit company. That was the day my ass fell hard when I let everyone know I was going to school (this is when I was completing my undergrad degree, I was too friendly then). In fact, a branch manager forced me off my route so that his son could do it and go to college. But that’s not all, they made my job as miserable as hell as much as they could. My new assigned route took almost 12-14 hours to do on average; they added new accounts to my route with no increase in salary. They even kept asking how I was going to school and If I could continue to work there. The funny thing is that I broke all kinds of sale records while going to school, I can’t remember but I think someone asked me if I was hiring someone to do my school work lol. In addition, my branch manager even told me that I didn’t deserve salesman of the year because of attitude. I probably did have a shitty attitude that year but I can truthfully say that your work environment has impact on how you feel about the company itself and managers.
This may sound strange but the less people know about you the more advantage you have in a corporate environment. I had to learn this the hard way. Thankfully now in my career I don’t have to deal with that type of bullshit or not to that degree at least. My best advice when starting a job is to observe, observe, and observe. Watch how people interact with each other, what do they share, are they close, who’s the leader, etc?
I don’t think it was a race thing. I believe it had more to do with jealously and people being insecure with their own careers. It has been deep learning experience because I know exactly what bad management looks like and how it alienates your staff. It’s helped me shape the type of manager I am today; the only drawback is sometimes I can be too nice. A few of my student workers that take advantage of this A good friend of my mine that helped me get that vending job told before I started to not drive a nice car to work or have someone pick you up in a nice car. He said “the day you do that that’s the day yo ass will fall”. He was right but not in that context.
Dre taking a loss: Posts a video of it and tries to go over why.
Po losing another rematch: Try that again bitch! It’ll never happen again!
You have to be a troll, there’s no other explanation. No one is that lacking in self-awareness.

New York is a shit city inhabited by shit people, and I’m sad my best friend has to deal with your shit.
Didn’t Olklahoma and texas vote for trump? Nuff said.
I already explained my reasons for not taking anyone’s charity, take it or leave it, but ***I ***don’t like feeling I owe someone, especially for something as trivial as this.
I don’t care who you’ve beaten, they certainly aren’t on ZeRo or Nairo’s level, and even if they were, I still wouldn’t care.
I don’t give a shit about names or past accomplishments- I’m Po motherfuckin’ Pimpus- Should our paths ever cross again, I’ll make sure, win or lose, that you put some respect on my name.
Nobody mentioned anything about beating certain players. And you are Po pimpus, the guy with the lowest skill ceiling; the almighty duck; the Proprietor of Ls
Ull get no respect from me unless you show respect to the guy that beat you time and time again especially after you talked trash.
And that goes for any of the rest of you mofos that don’t play this game, that wanna pop off like you’re some “top” player… I still do, and you’d do well to remember that.
So put together your little psych profiles, tell me I’m being scrubby when I’m the only one still trying to put in work whenever I can, while you theory-craft like there’s a Koffing logo at the top of this forum, but I know I can take every single one of you on a good day, and most of you on an off one.
Sit down, LW, cuz I’ll murk you too…
Fight me.
I play the game all the time. Offline and online. Even if I didn’t I still cook you. You ain’t beating nobody here on your best day. Theres no reason for any of us to believe that. You’ve proven time and time again that you are a scrub, with all this talk and no results to back it up.

I don’t give a shit about names or past accomplishments- I’m Po motherfuckin’ Pimpus- Should our paths ever cross again, I’ll make sure, win or lose, that you put some respect on my name.
Tall talk for someone whose only real ‘accomplishment’ is getting their ass kicked an inordinate number of times, to the point where reinforcement and conditioning apparently do not apply to your behavior. In other words, you might have an actual learning disability and you might want to get checked for that.
And that goes for any of the rest of you mofos that don’t play this game, that wanna pop off like you’re some “top” player… I still do, and you’d do well to remember that.
So what? You’re barely above average. Imagine if we were instead a community about making swords, but most of us stopped making swords for whatever reason. Then you popped off about how you’re the only one among us still making swords, but your swords are basically the tiniest notch above some pawn-shop crap fake katana. Are we supposed to commend you for that? No, and we’re not going to give a flying fuck about you still playing Smash slightly better than the average dumbshit who thinks “multi-jump as Kirby, down-B” is a great strategy.
So put together your little psych profiles, tell me I’m being scrubby when I’m the only one still trying to put in work whenever I can,
I barely have time to play because I’m working a job that pretty much pulverizes my body, on top of full time and sometimes ‘overtime’ college attendance. I’m pulling the kind of schedule that put Ono in the hospital, and basically gambling that I can hold myself together better than he did (not that I’m in any way suggesting Ono was weak for that; he was amazing to do as much as he did and capcom was wrong to push him that hard).
Then fuckwits like you vote for a man who is only going to make our socio-economic situation worse and act like you have some moral high ground because you can keep wasting inordinate amounts of time getting your fucking ass whooped in Smash. Meanwhile, I’m concerned because that man is targeting the very grants I need to go to college in the first place because he wants more money to spend on killing people!
Yet you sit here bragging about being vaguely okay at a video game. Fuck you! Stop voting to make my life worse at every fucking turn! Knowing what’s going on in your head from a psych-profile perspective doesn’t change the fact I fucking hate you and have very good reasons for it! Get off your fucking high-horse! You voted for an admitted sexual predator who is doing everything he can to turn this nation into an authoritarian shithole (more than it already was, at least) and is making policy decisions that threaten to outright ruin my life!
while you theory-craft like there’s a Koffing logo at the top of this forum, but I know I can take every single one of you on a good day, and most of you on an off one.
Bullshit. Pretty much everyone here has whooped on you at length. I did it while I was dying from an undiagnosed-at-the-time skull infection, using goddamn 50-50 size Mii Swordfighter against your main at the time! And I’m nowhere near the best player here; Rayne, LW, and I imagine CG have all likewise whooped the shit out of you enough to prove the point. Don’t act like you’re the king of the hill.
You’re fucking trash in any real competitive scope. When I call you ‘above average’, understand that I’m factoring in the general casual playing population too. I’m being generous. In any serious environment, you get destroyed.
Sit down, LW, cuz I’ll murk you too… Fight me.
Stop barking. Nobody’s impressed with your bluster anymore, if they ever were. You have no room to talk shit to anyone. Least of all LW, who has handed you your ass so many times I’ve lost count.
I’m pretty much ready to put you on ignore forever, as at this point I genuinely hate you and I find people like CG or UnSaxon or Rayne more fun to talk to!

This may sound strange but the less people know about you the more advantage you have in a corporate environment.
Marc, I really appreciate the advice and insight, but in a fairly rural region… ‘the walls have ears’, I’m afraid. It would have been impossible for me to conceal my college attendance. Management has on occasion made note of my vehicle being on-campus (not hard to do; my vehicle is VERY visually distinct) and making dean’s list is publicly published in the newspapers. (And I always make dean’s list; I get very few grants as it is, and am terrified of what will happen if I ever have a GPA decrease; I’m sure what little funding I do get would vanish on the spot.)
And this is only page 2.
Ignore would work better if I didn’t see quotes in other peoples’ posts.

And this is only page 2.
Now all we need is an emo pity party from me and the cycle will be complete!
…on second thought, let’s not.
No, I’m rather glad you’ve been improving on that front, LW.
Tell you what UnSaxon, I’ll go ahead and put po on ignore as well. I know full well what I said to him isn’t going to get through. (Edit: Mistakenly called UnSaxon “CG”. Oops. Anyway, done; I’ve put the little shit on ignore and this time it will not be coming off. Go have fun being the leader of an abandoned colony, po.)
So while I’ve got a few minutes this morning… do we have any news on a Switch Smash? It makes plenty of sense (see the MK8 port), but do we have any new info on it? I admit that what little free time I do have could go into a Smash game on the Switch; I’m interested to try Link again now that I’ve been proven wrong about him by T.
Lol @ putting me on ignore but taking Dre and Smashos29 seriously.
One’s arrogance and pettiness knows no bounds, and the other is a coward, bitch, and a fraud.
Funniest part? All of you are the real ducks. Only Davidstar actually plays… Hell, anytime the Blood Moon rises and one of you jerks is online, you duck and dodge like you’re playing Vanquish.

Funniest part? All of you are the real ducks. Only Davidstar actually plays… Hell, anytime the Blood Moon rises and one of you jerks is online, you duck and dodge like you’re playing Vanquish.
I. Don’t. Take. Charity. Wins.

[details=Spoiler]Lol @ putting me on ignore but taking Dre and Smashos29 seriously.
One’s arrogance and pettiness knows no bounds, and the other is a coward, bitch, and a fraud.
Funniest part? All of you are the real ducks. Only Davidstar actually plays… Hell, anytime the Blood Moon rises and one of you jerks is online, you duck and dodge like you’re playing Vanquish.[/details]
They’re not the ones spewing absolute nonsense 24/7 and being generally unbearable while deluding themselves into thinking that they’re above everyone else.
And I offered you the chance to play people offline. TWICE. Ya know, your preferable environment since you complain about online so much. You just make the excuse that you don’t take charity. So who’s the real duck again?
You don’t seem to understand. I’m not letting you waste your money to send me to NY to whoop on Dre because I don’t want to feel like I owe you, which I will feel like because I don’t like accepting charity.
If I can’t do it, earn it, or win it myself, then that makes me feel weak and helpless. I was kicking myself all last year at EVO because of it, and I ain’t doing it ever again.
I see I’m wasting my time with this thread and this forum, since no one here is actually interested in Smash, just petty bickering and shit talk, which would be fine if people actually played…
So fuck it, this shit can die… I’m going to go find some people that actually do play.
Don’t go @“po pimpus” . I’ll play you. At least stick around for me and Dre’s rematch.