Super Smash Bros. General 2.0 - Git Gud or Whine Trying

Busting out a character for fun on a stream is not the same as getting results with them in a tournament.

Oh, they do exist; I mentioned as much when tons of people abandoned ship on diddy, sheik, and sonic when they took nerfs (Which is hilarious since they’re all still very good characters). It’s just that NOT EVERY SINGLE FUCKING PLAYER ON THE FUCKING PLANET IS ONE, CONTRARY TO YOUR STUPID-ASS BELIEF. Stop seeing yourself as the ‘lone sane man’, you’re fucking not. If you were, Smash would sell all of 10% of what it does. Its primary appeal to most game-buyers is a love of the characters and gaming history involved.

It took you how many years to realize how futile an attempt that is? :rofl:

Nah I’m just tired of it. Don’t have the patience anymore.

Look, I do not understand “play to win, no matter what” when it comes to video games… A professional sport, a business, education… yeah, do whatever it takes to get ahead and succeed.

VGs? Lol no. No one except League and Starcraft players make anywhere near enough to justify all that heartless ruthlessness.

Picking Cloud because your Yoshi got bopped doesn’t make you Michael Jordan(know who he is yet, LW?)… It makes you the lame that had to shoot steroids into your butt to keep up.

Maybe it’s because I can’t play that way… I tried going Sheik back in Melee, and yeah I did better, but I hated myself for it because I wasn’t having fun.
Same reason I get extremely pissed and disgusted whenever I pick Cloud and ROFL-stomp some laggy FG kid when my MM was struggling to put them down.

Simply winning isn’t enjoyable enough for me. I need to win with my characters. So fuck Sirlin, I’ll put as much emotional value into my choice of colored pixels as I want, because that is where my fun is had- In beating all the dickriders that are just here because ZeRo said that Cloud is great.

Fuck them, and the Buster Sword Ho-train they rode in on.

It’s funny because Cloud STILL hasn’t won a major event solo

Neither has Bayo… :coffee:

Heartless ruthlessness? Lol no. It’s a tournament, you go there to try and win it, so you pick whoever gives you the best chance of doing that. Sometimes it’s because it’s a top tier, other times it’s because that character fits you perfectly. Other times it’s both because they’re top tier and they fit me well/I like their character, as is the case with Fox 'n Cloud.

It’s preference at that point and neither side is wrong in their decision of who they use.

Quit being a scrub and accept that others pick characters for different reasons.

Do you count Collision XIV?


Daily reminder this bitch wouldn’t duck a local challenge someone else paid for. You wanna pay for me to come out to you and play a video game? I’m in.

Daily reminder that “free” means you don’t owe anyone anything. They gave you a win-win situation free trip where you win money vs Dre or free trip where you just get a free trip.

So yes, daily reminder that Po is all talk, he’s the LTG of SRK Smash. Now I might be that pissy 3S fan of SRK Smash but at least I’m not LTG.

Your move bitchboy.

Edit: You know, you couldn’t be the LTG, at least LTG went to a local and accepted the challenge. You’re the po pimpus which is infinitely worse.

Been a while since Lythero put out one of these. Good times

Just call this thread “the po thread”

Aw. You got me all excited. That’s the one from a month ago.


Go learn how to fight Ryu.

The thing is I probably know how to fight ryu 10 times more than you do. I lose to the best player in my region currently. He jus happens to main ryu. Youd never beat him. Shoot youd probably get bodied by my ryu.

But dont respond to me, respond to @Smashbro29 , you know ur ducking me bro. We offered you a free trip to NEW YORK. The best tour spot in the country for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and you still proving to be all talk. Your pathetic lol

Po doesn’t need to learn the Ryu matchup; Ryus need to learn the Mega Man matchup


New York is a shit city inhabited by shit people, and I’m sad my best friend has to deal with your shit.

I already explained my reasons for not taking anyone’s charity, take it or leave it, but ***I ***don’t like feeling I owe someone, especially for something as trivial as this.

I don’t care who you’ve beaten, they certainly aren’t on ZeRo or Nairo’s level, and even if they were, I still wouldn’t care.

I don’t give a shit about names or past accomplishments- I’m Po motherfuckin’ Pimpus- Should our paths ever cross again, I’ll make sure, win or lose, that you put some respect on my name.

And that goes for any of the rest of you mofos that don’t play this game, that wanna pop off like you’re some “top” player… I still do, and you’d do well to remember that.

So put together your little psych profiles, tell me I’m being scrubby when I’m the only one still trying to put in work whenever I can, while you theory-craft like there’s a Koffing logo at the top of this forum, but I know I can take every single one of you on a good day, and most of you on an off one.

Sit down, LW, cuz I’ll murk you too…

Fight me.