Super Smash Bros. General 2.0 - Git Gud or Whine Trying

I’m not a big fans of mods in general, but I didn’t think there was anything wrong with them since they were mostly passion projects.

This is actually asking for money, which means Nintendo (and probably other companies) are going to shut this down right quick.

They put Sora in and I’ll pay the 11k.

Sora vs Cease and Desist is 0-10 matchup

They’re not tied to a Switch port after all. Alt versions of all of 'em too.

Cloud can’t even change poses between versions, smh…

Fuck him.

Still gonna buy OG Cloud amiibo…

Because FFVII Cloud is dope as shit.

Coming into contact with Sora made him sooooooooo much worse

I can’t speak for the character but Advent Children Cloud has the better outfit…so that’s the one I’m getting. :razz:

Po are you finally going to shut up about your Bayonetta amiibo now. And how Nintendo screwed your overall smash experience.

How many people am I going to have to tell that that is not KH Cloud? That’s AC Cloud. Which is better. Because fuck wannabe Zack.

Nope. He started acting like that when he merged with Vincent in KH1. That was the tipping point to a downward decline.

If the okc trip is a thing let me know! Ill drive up there!

About fucking time! Someone let me know when these things go up for preorder, I want to get a pair of FF7 (original design) Cloud Amiibo.

Because I deeply enjoyed the original game and am a fan of the character. And I’ve had $30 set aside for about a year now to do this.

EDIT: Preorders up at

I think AC and Classic Cloud are both great in different ways.
KH Cloud takes his brooding emo bullshit to a whole new level.

Cripes, that didn’t take long. Cloud is already sold out on walmart. Glad I got my orders in on best buy (watch, they’ll turn out to be the alt-costume one when I want the normal one)

gamestop has their Amiibo up.

Here’s the alt-costume Cloud:

I’m curious what custom amiibos will come of these three (six?)

Fuck Cloud. Who has the Bayo 1 amiibo? Gamestop only has her standard Bayo 2 one apparently.

Im reading she’ll be an exclusive T_T Just when I thought amiibo fever was over.

Yo are any of you guys going to Smash n Splash 3 this summer? I’ma be there for Splat. (I was at Don’t Park on the Grass too but forgot to check with y’all).