How would you deal against Morrigan and her abused Astral Vision teamed up with Tron’s broken Gustaff Fire? I main Skrull, Haggar, Wesker, Sentinel, Wesker and I don’t really what to do when facing them>:(
When Morrigan uses Astral Vision, she mostly comes with the approach by jumping :s:, and usually when they are too far from you, they air dash and then use :s:. So when you got yourself a good distance, wait for them to start air dashing then grab with a :h: Elastic Slam to get them out of the air.
If you’re in a situation where she’s too close or you’re cornered, Bait out her jump :s: then either jump d.:h: or Meteor smash in place. Remember that a Meteor Smash works as a teleport so if you’re trapped in a corner, use a heavy or light MS to get out. The Gustaff fire would be used during this point when they come on the approach so be careful here. You might get a few trade attacks here, but you’ll be doing more damage to Morrigan.
Also, if they use Astral and all they do is shoot soul fists, then get a bit closer and try to cross-up meteor smash her.
thanks for the advice everyone. yeah it was clearly me just holding :s: at the end of the combo. didn’t even know u could charge that move LOL.
anyway, that combo that i was ahving trouble doing doesn’t even do that much damage in the corner, but with a dhc into doom sphere flame, it’s pretty formidable i guess. gonna try to look up some japanese skrulls, see if i can pick up some tech. i dont care too much about the combos, more or less how to pressure an opponent with skrull.
Thx a lot, Hi Im Nastyy!! Let’s kick Morrigan’s ass to please the Skrull Queen!!
Is there anything Skrull can do reliably against advancing guard midscreen?
How deal against very fast characters like X 23 when doing random Jump Down H with Skrull, even I do my best to cover him with Sentinel’s drones and Haggar’s Lariat ?
Do all Skrull players think that Kl’rt has quite a lot of useless or barely usable moves in his moveset such as his Flame Sweep (charge Down H; connect only if you have delayed as much as possible your air series) or even his Stone Smite?
Does Dormammu have a good synergy with Kl’rt? It seems they DHC well each other ( I like leaving a Stalking Flare in the corner of the screen while Skrull comes to yell “Inferno”!!) and Dark Hole can help to lock the opponent before he’s been grabbed, whereas Orbital Grudge or Tenderizer assist are good for relaunching after a Flame Carpet.
I wouldn’t say those moves are useless, but they’re very impractical outside of specific combos. The closest thing Skull has to a useless move (outside of the infinite) is Tenderizer. That is the last move you want to throw out on accident. Unless you’re including normals . . . because he has arguably one of the worst sets of normals in the game.
I’d say Dorm and Skrull have lots of synergy. Personally I’d prefer Orbital Grudge assist because it helps Dorm’s combos and mid-range game more.
Stone smite is useful in several different combos and Flame Sweep is part of his (rather hard to perform) infinite. His only actual useless move to my knowledge is Worm Stomp ( :d::d::h:)
Thanks guys!! I’m always afraid to use my normals, especially against an incoming Ryu’s jump S which is hard as the Berlin Wall!! May be that’s why I am always criticized to spam so much Jump Down+H:(
Create space in those situations. Advance guard those jump ins and get him out of there. Because of Skrulls L normals you don’t want any character up in your face. Really though, Ryu’s jump S? I only ever see Ryu jump in with crossup tatsu. Skrull’s standing S isn’t the worst anti-air ever but I don’t know how it matches up against that move.
skrull has great normals, just gotta know their properties and where to apply them. worm squash doesn’t have many useful applications, but it does allow for some unusual combos with certain assists like arthur flame bottle.
Please elaborate?
When I think great normals I think characters like Zero, Dante, Task, Ammy, Wesker, Shulk, etc. I mean, he has normals, but great normals?
i posted this in the main thread back in april.
more quick notes…rolling hook can be performed with d/f,d/f,D/F+C. he’ll do the rolling hook without dashing. the system doesn’t seem to care which forward input you do, as long as it has a forward in it (sans u/f i think). in addition to charged sweep being a quicker otg than stonesmite, setting up infinite, and allowing for extended combos with assists, it can also lead to double inferno combos in the corner (charged sweep xx late tk inferno, land, S xx tk inferno). you can also do something similar with 1 hit otg meteor smash xx inferno. timing is kinda strict. i tried jump cancelling rolling hook from charged sweep, but hook is considered a normal, and the game doesn’t allow you to jump cancel command normals from what i can tell.
THANK YOU. That’s really helpful, should help me punish quicker into combo without getting the accidental dash.
How is the tenderizer assist’s hitbox? Can he be easily hit out of it? Trying to think of a good way to utilize my X-23 crossup, and Skrull would seem like a good choice, but if his assist is easily stopped, then I’ll have to find someone else.
you better pick someone else, they can duck under it. If you’re really keen on playing Skrull, use Orbital Grudge as cover
What does his Down down + H do? It doesn’t hit…nor I see any buffs or anything…
Its an OTG only move. It’s mostly for humiliation.