Super Saikyo Dan Match-up Thread

For Dictator, they have so much control over it that I don’t see it being a viable punish. After the Ultra freeze in most situations I predict it being avoided. I dunno.

Can’t you punish Dictator’s Psycho Crusher on block with U1?

Guile: U1, most guiles I face after they throw me do a sonic boom, i wakeup ultra and it works wonders

you can put the input d,df,f x2 when blocking and right before he crosses over or crosses you press x3 p. I’ve done it a couple of times, but I don’t know if it has to do with lag connecting.

As long as you’re close enough and you don’t time it too early so he can avoid it by flying over you it should be no problem. It works well with U2 too, but there you can be a bit earlier because of the pushback. The bad thing is its slow startup, so you can’t be that late with it, as you can with U1. Both methods have pros och cons.

U1 punishes EX Psycho Crusher on block at most ranges beyond point-blank, starting just inside LK.Danku range. Against a scared and cornered Bison who wants to GTFO from corner LK.Danku pressure, Buraiken wins the day. You don’t auto-correct for this, since Psycho Crusher leaves Dan in blockstun for so long. Haoh isn’t better in this instance, as it does less damage the further out it goes, and the longer startup means it actually has a less effective range than Buraiken.

U1 also stuffs crossup Psycho Crusher games better than U2.

nj.HP > Buraiken is also a pretty good psychic Scissors punish. I’ve landed it a few times.

Here are some matches I had with Dictator >>. These two matches I should of lost… because it was clear they where not spamming their headstomp and scissor kicks.


also legendary taunt at the end of this clip


Thanks for the input Skyler. Yeah, i definitely see why a lot of my choices don’t make too much sense. Soon as PSN goes back up ill mess around with U1 in some matchups I normally wouldn’t and see how it turns out.

Unrelated, sometimes when i do HK Danku it lands too “deep” and when i try to uppercut fadc and my uppercut never comes out. Is it because my timing is awful or if MK and HK Dankus land too close they become unsafe?

MK and HK Danku will always land at -2, except on the weird occasion where you connect with the very tip of the last kick on the final active frame, which leaves you at -1.

The reason you’re not getting anything after MK and HK Danku is that if your opponent is on point with their throw, or they have a 3-frame reversal, you have a whopping single frame to get your Koryuken out. Input Koryuken before leaving Danku recovery and you get squat. Input Koryuken after that window and you’re already sitting in the opponent’s active frames.

sometimes even if you hold up you can still get normaled or thrown. its weird

Jumping doesn’t make you immune to damage. You have prejump frames where you aren’t off the ground.

As for being thrown, that should never happen unless there’s some discrepancies in the frame data that we don’t know about.

it doesnt make you immune but you should at least get air reset instead.

the frame data is prob spot on, but like ill do hk dankuu (gets blocked) or hp koryu fadc nj and ill get thrown even tho i was holding up

You don’t reset if you get tagged in pre-jump frames.

As for HP.Koryuken FADC, if you’re not clean with the FADC, you’ll end up in negative frames.

My preferred ultras against certain characters…

  • Abel: U2
  • Adon: U2
  • Akuma: U1
  • Balrog (Boxer): U2
  • Blanka: U1
  • Cammy: U2
  • Chun-Li: U2
  • Cody: U2
  • C. Viper: U2
  • Dan: U2
  • Dee Jay: U2
  • Dhalsim: U2
  • Dudley: U2
  • El Fuerte: U2
  • E. Honda: U2
  • Fei Long: U2
  • Gen: U2
  • Gouken: U2
  • Guile: U1
  • Guy: U2
  • Hakan: U2
  • Ibuki: U2
  • Juri: U2
  • Ken: U1
  • Makoto: U2
  • M. Bison (Dictator): U2
  • Rose: U2
  • Rufus: U2
  • Ryu: U1
  • Sagat: U1
  • Sakura: U2
  • Seth: U2
  • T. Hawk: U1
  • Vega (Claw): U2
  • Zangief: U2

For AE opponents (for now)…

  • Evil Ryu: U1
  • Oni: U1
  • Yang: U2
  • Yun: U2

See ace plays a zoning, footsie style so I see why he picks U2

Hello there, godlike Saikyo masters. I, a Saikyo scrub, seek some everlasting knowledge and wisdom. I seek advice against three different characters in AE, namely Boxer, Guy, and Rufus.

I cannot KRK > FADC properly; my execution is horrible. I should definitely practice so that my expected time in a round is extended about ten seconds. I also don’t know how I can mix up after they block h.Dankuu; should I back dash? KRK? Hope they back dash so dash forward? U1 if they back dash on wake-up? nj.hp?

Boxer - His pokes are really good. Depending on the player, I certain I can handle rushdown players through mind games, gimmicks, and chucking my chair at him. Otherwise, a good turtle or someone with godlike reaction stuffs everything I have. Are there any tips or tools I should be aware of?

Guy - If he has meter, I don’t want to jump in. Otherwise, I can just go nuts. Supposedly, can stuff and of Guy’s flip gimmicks (pardon my forgetting the move) or shoulder.

Rufus - Dive kick pressure is hard to handle. What do I do?

Rufus:I usually FADC my way out of there. EX KRK goes through it if it is a cross up, so it’s slightly safe. Or I just block and attempt to see a whiffed throw
Boxer:XMao pointed out that crouching MK goes through BOTH Ex and regular headbutt. Use that for your advantage. Also in my experience, them Boxer’s hate my Gadoken >_<

have not played in a month… do to finals and psn being down here is some matches…

Backdash is definitely one of the most useful options after a blocked Dunkuukyaku… M/H/EX Dankuukyaku afterwards can really catch the opponent off guard too, but if you do it too often it gets predictable, so try varying between backdash, crouch tech, throw, or sometimes, when it feels like it’s worth the risk, KRK -> FADC.

Balrog, hmm… a big mistake I’ve done a lot against GOOD Balrogs is that I dash forward after a hit FA and attempt to KRK -> FADC but fail miserably against a stupidly fast jab. So… don’t do that against a Balrog player that seems to know that… Another tip; one of Balrogs biggest advantages is his EX rushes that absorb one hit; try to expect/bait those rushes and do a Dankuukyaku… since it breaks them… otherwise, just try to rush down insanely, and be cautious with the crouch teching after e.g. a blocked turn punch since many Balrogs feel the need to do Headbutt -> U1 after those. Be sure to punish failed Headbutts well, almost all Balrogs do them randomly.

Against Guy I have one tip… be VERY cautious with standing up while being rushed down; they’ll do somersault and if you stand up you will get insanely damaged by the grab. Just block crouching, it works well since Guy’s elbow move doesn’t need to be blocked high. Be sure to look out for the cross ups as well though, Guy’s jumps are really tricky.

Against Rufus I occasionally do the same as Nazeres… that is, focusing the dive kicks and dashing to safety. Although, sometimes I just block the dive kick and in panic try to dash away too. Probably a bit more unsafe but it works quite frequently. I’m glad Dan can escape so well, his backdash is godlike against Abel’s Change of Direction for instance.

Good luck.

Off topic: Has PSN been bahaving crazily laggy this day?? It has been purely awful for me all day.

Guy : You can Low Forward Guy off his izuna jump . You can also Low Forward his elbow drop also . Feel free to OS EX Hop Kick or Gadouken or whatever that works on hit-confirm if Low Forward hits . If it whiffs be aware of what can be done . You can throw on recovery , but he can also mash out that gimmick grab ultra or ex tatsu , so be aware of that .