It’s possible to know when Haoh Gadouken will connect and when it won’t by feel alone. You have to be very familiar with the timing window, though. Aim for as early as possible and option-select with EX Koryuken.
Input that, and timed for the extra meaty LK.Danku normally required for LK.Danku > Haoh, Haoh won’t register if you’re not meaty enough. You will get the EX Koryuken juggle, though. It’s easier to time if you watch the opponent’s juggle animation as he’s popped up.
This way, it’s Win-Win, but you’ve got to have pretty precise timing lest you blow your Ultra prematurely. A frame too late with the Haoh and it may register when you really didn’t want it to, and you need to watch for Negative Edge, I think. Use KKK and hold it while you input EX Koryuken.
The window for EX Koryuken is pretty gaping, so I think this is practical. (I’ve pretty much dropped Haoh for Buraiken at this point due to AE’s nerfitude…)