Super Saikyo Dan Match-up Thread

Thanks guys for the matchup help. I beat the Ryu but I lost to the Dan (making me now "worst Dan in San Diego :frowning: ) and I didnt get to play the guile because our team didnt win enough games so by the time it woulda been my turn even if i won 5-0

Donā€™t take it bad man. You are going to lose and win. Just make sure that you never get upset. I purposely will go to a rank match and get my ass beat. Iā€™ll go into a match 3-6 times and lose a shit load of PP. I do this to just learn something with each fight and usually I do. I would have a helluva lot higher pp, but meh.

But good job PkSkyler.

Thanks man. Iā€™ll keep trying.

If it makes you feel any better, Iā€™m pretty terrible in Dan mirrors myself.

I think the key to dan mirrors is the gadoken. To me it is. I just also realized that EX Koryu beats all Dankus, but iā€™m sure about EX Danku.

EX Koryu stuffs everything except Seths U2, Seths EX DP, Bison EX Headstomp and a few others. That shit double stuffs Oreos even.

EX KRK probably beats Tandem Typhoon in AE, they cut the invincibility on that. Basically it beats everything with less invincibility, providing it actually collides rather than passing through, and it has a shit ton of invincibility :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, Ex koryuken will lose to most other ex uppercuts. (Ryus and Akumas fa sho)

Actually, youā€™re wrong :stuck_out_tongue: EX KRK is fully invincible for 16 frames, same as Ryuā€™s EX SRK. If both were activated at the same time then neither one will get hit, which has happened to me before. Itā€™s the case of the one activated last coming out on top since the one activated firstā€™s invincibility will wear off first.

really??? Its happened at the same time with Akumas and I got beaten out before.

You can actually beat Akumaā€™s EX Shoryuken (18 frames of invulnerability) if you launch into EX Koryuken on the very first active frame, though itā€™s not a reliable strategy, obviously.

Remember, if youā€™re doing a straight Koryuken gambit on your opponentā€™s wakeup against a character like Ryu, the sweet spot is 2 frames after the Reversal Window. This means all throws get stuffed, youā€™ll stuff most invincible reversals with lose Invulnerability as they reach Active Frames, and youā€™ll catch backdashes on certain characters. It can be a good way to keep momentum if youā€™ve read your opponent properly.

Some characters are easier than others, so read up on what works.

I never get upset when losing in a good fight, but I compensate that by getting REALLY (REALLY) upset when the losing happens because of practical terms e.g. lag (urghhhā€¦) or this gameā€™s f**king input shortcuts system. I canā€™t tell how many times Iā€™ve gotten out a Gadouken instead of Kouryuuken when I intend to anti air a cross up, this gameā€™s system thinks Iā€™m doing a QCF motion which Iā€™m clearly not. And sometimes it happens by just holding diagonally back while the opponent jumps over you and you press punch afterwards. Several times Iā€™ve gotten out a Quick Spinning Knuckle with Cammy with just that input, itā€™s retarded. Ok, maybe Iā€™ve ā€œslippedā€ a bit while holding and slightly hit back and/or down, but stillā€¦ itā€™s unacceptable. Sorry, I got off topic.

About Hondaā€¦ like I said in the combo thread, you can effectively counter Hondaā€™s wake up Sumo Smash with L Dankuukyaku, it sort of like ā€œmeats inā€ to it and always hits, donā€™t know for sure about the EX version though. An airborne L Dankuukyaku will beat Hondaā€™s intended anti air Sumo Smash, as I also mentioned. Another thing is keeping meaty L Dankuukyaku pressure on Honda at his wake up, itā€™s something I havenā€™t practiced that much yet but I think thatā€™s a really tricky situation for Honda. Also, because of Hondaā€™s weird hitbox the L Dankuukyaku can more easily cross up him (orā€¦ I think so at least). My tip overall is that donā€™t be stingy with the L Dankuukyakus, I feel theyā€™re extremely useful and important in this matchup. And be sure to be prepared to focus Sumo Smashes at your own wake up, but also be prepared to escape his command grab.

Iā€™m still losing to vega(claw). Been doing trying to do FADC, sometimes I get s HK after HP. I know i can absorb vega claw dive and wall bounce that he does, but when he does that stupid mix up of grab it just gets me -_-.

Must of my online stuff is usually 2-3 bars, but mostly 2 bars :/. I should take some screen shots of the hate messages from folks that get upset over a Dan smack >>.

Itā€™s important to not BE the one that is blocking, try to get the Vega to block the whole game. B/c Vegaā€™s pokes are gdlk, but our Dan Knee answers back

I think I just saw you online a few hours ago, But yeah your right. Most of the vegas I have been playing just do the same thing when i chaseā€¦ or run up. Backflip to void getting hit. Then i mix it up with L danky and M too throw them off. IF they start doing that 3 poke gdlk. I usually catch them with U1(risky).

I need to find more folks that play online with different toons. :o

If itā€™s obvious theyā€™ll backflip then just do an HK Dankuu to catch them.

It gets a bit annoying when they start doing Izuna Drops rather than the attack, obviously the best counter is to hit them on their way up to the wall (nj.HK) but that can be hard to predict. You can use the backdash invincibility to avoid Izuna Drop but probably still get caught by claw attacks :confused:

I use either forward dash or backdash (whatever feels most appropriate) just in time for his Izuna Drop to turn into the claw attack and then focus it. :slight_smile:

Here are lists of the difficulties/possibilities of Danā€™s c.sMP -> L Dankuukyaku -> U2 combo, cHP -> L Dankuukyaku -> U2 combo, and c.sMP -> c.sMP combo, on all of the characters. :slight_smile:

Danā€™s c.sMP -> L Dankuukyaku -> U2 combo (on standing opponent)

Works really easily on:

[LIST][]Ryu[]Ken[]E. Honda[]Akuma[]Dan[]Guy[*]Adon[/LIST]
Works quite easily on:

[LIST][]El Fuerte[]T. Hawk[/LIST]
Works strictly on:

[LIST][]Ibuki[]Gouken[]Sakura[]Dhalsim[]Cody[]Fei Long[/LIST]
Works quite easily, but ONLY when youā€™re really close to the opponent (e.g. with the help of a jump in attack), on:

Works strictly, but ONLY when the c.sMP is done at about the max distance at which the attack becomes the close version (meaning, doing the c.sMP right next to the opponent does not work), on:
]Dudley[]Chun-Li[]C. Viper[]Dee Jay[]Rufus[*]Rose[/LIST]
Works strictly, but ONLY under one of the two upper conditions, on:

[LIST][*]M. Bison[/LIST]
On the rest of the characters this combo does not seem to work.

A general conclusion is that thereā€™s usually a higher chance of landing this combo when it starts with a jump in attack that positions you very close to the opponent or when the c.sMP is done at about the max distance at which the attack becomes the close version.

Danā€™s c.sMP -> L Dankuukyaku -> U2 combo (on crouching opponent)

Works quite easily on:

[LIST][]E. Honda[]Ibuki[]Makoto[]Dudley[]Seth[]Gouken[]Sakura[]Juri[]Abel[]Cammy[]Dee Jay[]Cody[]Guy[]Hakan[]Guile[]Blanka[]Rufus[]El Fuerte[]Vega[]Balrog[]Fei Long[]T. Hawk[]Adon[]Rose[/LIST]
Works quite easily, but ONLY when the c.sMP is done at about the max distance at which the attack becomes the close version (meaning, doing the c.sMP right next to the opponent does not work), on:

[LIST][]Dhalsim[]M. Bison[*]Sagat[/LIST]
On the rest of the characters this combo does not seem to work.

Danā€™s cHP -> L Dankuukyaku -> U2 combo

Works strictly on:

[LIST][]Ryu[]Ken[]Ibuki[]Makoto[]Seth[]Gouken[]Akuma[]Gen[]Dan[]Sakura[]Chun-Li[]Dhalsim[]Abel[]C. Viper[]M. Bison[]Cammy[]Cody[]Rufus[]El Fuerte[]Vega[]Fei Long[]Adon[/LIST]
This combo very frequently requires you to be far away when hitting with the cHP, or else the knee will hit too early. The combo is just about always very strictā€¦ and since itā€™s so strict, itā€™s slightly possible that Iā€™ve accidently messed up and that it actually works on some other characters as well.

Danā€™s awesome c.sMP -> c.sMP combo

Works on:

[LIST][]Ibuki[]Seth[]M. Bison[]Dee Jay[*]El Fuerte[/LIST]
Doesnā€™t seem to work on the rest of the characters. For it to work you must be really close, e.g. with the help of a jump in attack.

I never investigated the last two combos with a crouching opponent, but I donā€™t know if that actually matters.

The L Dankuukyaku -> U2 combo without anything before furthermore works on the whole cast if Iā€™m not mistaken, you just have to make sure it hits as late as possible and thus do it quite far from the opponent or before his/her wake up. Iā€™m aware of that the L Dankuukyaku -> U2 combo often isnā€™t extremely useful since it pushes you away to the edge of the screen, but itā€™s so awesome so who cares? :slight_smile:

It all hinges on hitting the opponent during the last active frames of the Knee. This means itā€™s all hitbox specific, and super-wonky depending on character and spacing.

This information should actually change once AE drops and cl.MP becomes +8. Weā€™ll have to wait and see. Thanks for the list.

I would like to say. Iā€™m going to spend some time in the training room once AE comes out. :D. I havnā€™t really played in the last 2-3 weeks. I still have a bunch of saved and pre recorded matches of me being still a solid noob :O.