Super Saikyo Dan Match-up Thread

A few questions:
Is dan airborne as soon as the dan kicks start? If no, how long does it take him to go airborne?
How much lag is there when landing from an aerial dan kick?

No, he’s not. I don’t know how long it takes either. As for landing lag on an aerial Dankick, it’s pretty ridiculously gigantic on the MK and HK versions, smaller on the LK and EX versions. You can end up at about neutral if you land the aerial LK Danku and EX Danku low to the ground.

These are values not in the standard frame data, you’ll have to make it yourself. I may do it one day if I feel like it. :\

thanks for the responses, a shame you can’t beat techs with another dan kick. Even lk version to lk doesn’t work : (

You CAN beat techs with an instant air lk dan kick, which is also pretty safe on block. Its very annoying that all grounded dankuus, while appearing airborne, are not for quite a while.

I NEEEEED great solid awesome amazing Dan vs


matchup experience ASAP!!! (before staurday! GOT TOO MANY CRAZY MATCHES COMING UP) I havent played this game in forever, pretend I forgot everything and gimmie a crash course in Saikyo PLEASE!

It’s a stupid matchup. Start by using late-tech against his mixups. If he steps up a Yomi-level. Compensate by not using an OS. Treat like Ryu for the purposes of pressure and remember to punish bad Danku with Ultras and junk. Jump-backwards and Neutral Jump MK at max footsie range can give Dan a lot of trouble in trying to approach. Turtle up if you get the lead.

There’s not a lot you can say about this matchup. You have the same tools and pokes he does. Be better. Guess better. Watch his habits and read.

Treat like Vanilla Ryu. You know the drill. Bait Shoryus. HK.Danku in footsies goes over cr.MK, so get him poking by looking like you want a normal poke war (You don’t. cr.MK is nutso-fubar with it’s active frames), then use it to blow him up. A Ryu that knows the matchup will use Neutral Jumping MK to turtle just outside of footsie range. It’s tough to tag. I can’t think of a solution. :\

I hate this matchup. Bison has the advantage so long as he’s not knocked down. Bison can shaves tons of time off the clock with Devil’s Reverse, and his normals are such a great deterrent. Get that knockdown, pressure with Knee, and jump-back HK to blow up a wakeup EX Psycho Crusher like a champ (Spacing is odd for that. Hit up Training Mode).

Neutral jump HP > Phat Combo his scissors if he’s obvious with them.

Build meter. Use early Air EX Danku to beat an Air Throw. Taunt or press the advantage. Pray he doesn’t know how to do anything else. Once you get in, stay in his face, and don’t let him out of the corner.

Footsies are tough, but once you get the knockdown, go nuts. EX SBK is so easy to punish, so keep them guessing with backdashes. Don’t be afraid to throw out an meaty EX Danku to blow up any backdashes on wakeup. That thing can leave you at like +5 done right. nj.LK and j.LK are immune to EX SBK on wakeup, but doesn’t lead to damage.

Those are my tidbits. We need to get some comprehensive shit going here.

What input/timing do you use for instant air dan kicks? I can instant dive kick with cammy/juri all day, but I have trouble doing it with dan kick for some reason.

<b>(NoStylin) also remember that, if his doing pokes which is lp lp lk mk scissors and you know the scissors is coming up LK Dankykick it will beat it, but if your late to guess it. You will eat his kick :(. Also cr. lp and st. hk will beat your dankykicks.

Another thing I noticed with Dictator is you can bait him by walking forward-back-forward then focus attack cancel back dash. Also you can absorb head stomp, but make sure your not in the corner if your doing this or his follow up will get you hit.

another thing if his doing that stupid footies with HK and your distance is a little bit off the 2 solid squares) you can jump in with either lk or a well timed Dankykick. Other wise you will get hit.

Now if your using ultra one. You block his p.crusher, wait until it does the 1 tick block then as soon as it passes half way into you punish with U1. </b>

As for Ryu…
remember this Bnb combos cr. lp cr. mp cr. mp cr hk, if your too close he can sweep you off a bad timed danky kick.
His hurricane kick, if he does it cr. mp or cr Fp then dankykicks. Also his if you see his hurricane kick you can punish it with ultra 1(distance is about 2 solid blocks).

Also pay attention to his meter to see if his built meter to srk u1 cause you don’t want to be jumping in.

Oh yes, if his doing his fireballs and you jump over them. He will try to guess to either C.HK or hurricane, by this time if you have U1 punish him with it

I hope this information is helpful for you. If wrong anywhere please note kk. :slight_smile:

Thanks a million guys. I have a tournament this weekend that will be very vital and crucial (complete with some crazy money matches) If I do good ill post videos haha.

any more random matchup stuff will help. you guys said things I already know but some other things I just learned that will help! (ex air kicks beating guile air throw?! WTF!)

Don’t know if you read my post at the combo thread, but I had som information on Bison and Guile in it. Here’s that part of it.

I have to say I don’t agree at all with that the Dan vs Bison matchup is a pain, it’s actually one of my favourite matchups.

Super early, and it stops him from doing it, which let’s you approach.

Thanks a lot more guys. Can you beat EX SBK with knee? (air or otherwise)

Also, is there any reliable ways to get out of these characters footsies? (besides Dans)

No. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, Knee won’t beat EX SBK if the hitbox collides. It’ll trade in your favour if you do air Danku, but you’re forced to the other side of the screen. Trying to bait it with a backdash nets you more damage.

I also made it a habit to not jump at all when facing guile. For some reason lk jump will stop it but not sure if its my timing. That the guile misses his air grab. Also if you see the you can punish him with u1. If his poking. I need to do testing.

Sooo…I played a 20,000bp Honda named soOne i think. I was close to beating him except that i choked on the last round. He loved to taunt me with Honda’s laugh…made me feel a little salty. Needless to say I had little trouble with this Honda b/c i didn’t want to risk a move, kinda like saying “Let me see if this will wor- oh no it didn’t”. But after the fight i msg’d him saying “You can laugh at dan! But Dan slap’s back! GG” No msg, dunno if he was one of those "fuck you, onto the next scrub"
So I need some tips. What can dan counter on some of Honda’s moves?

from the small amount of fights I’ve had with Hondas. I can tell you his S.FP is a nasty AA.

A well timed Danky .lk will trade in the air with his AA s.HP

if your trying to jump in watch out his head butt has a invisible amount of frame on start up(that is if your kind of jumping far to hit him) anything so far you throw from this distance will result in his headbutt smacking you.

If he does his head butt you can do U1 to punish him same with ex version. You can view thelefthandedmonkey Thursday video with his match up with honda.

oh watch out with doing danky M,Hk. By doing that you can be punished by his grab.

If your caught in that nasty cross up with his sumo splash block the other direction you should think you should block. Don’t remember very well but you might trade with L. DP and with M.H. Dp you will miss(not sure need to test)

Danky kicks can be poked out with Honda’s Lp

watch out for Hondas 100slap followed by his S.HK

(if anything seems a lil off please correct me) thanks in advance.

His command throw is 5 frame startup like abels, so no.

Only in rare cases. Air LK.Danku functions as an anti-anti-air because it delays his downward momentum, causing you to connect in later active frames. If Honda times it right, he’ll beat you, regardless. If he has charge, especially if he has EX Meter he simply blow you out of the air with EX Buttsplash or EX Headbutt. Dan’s hitbox on LK.Danku is actually pretty shitty, resting inside his hurtbox. Against any moves by the opponent that have their hitboxes outside their hurtboxes, he’ll get stuffed clean. This goes for Honda’s far.HP, I think.

It’s only HP Headbutt, I think, due to spacing. Definitely not EX, which only leaves him at -8.

The only thing he can punish Danku with guaranteed is Orochi Breaker.

You can just auto-correct Focus the second hit if you Focus at the peak of his Splash and dash away to safety. Sometimes you can get Crumple. When you wake up, if he’s too high you can Focus easily. If he’s too low, you can HP.Koryuken.

See my previous post for Internet Hondas.

Hey doods. I’m going to start a Weekly Saikyo Matchup Symposium thread. How about it? We could do three characters in gross detail every week. Pool our resources.

Not for long, haven’t they extended the activation in AE (possibly to make up for it being “easier” to execute)?

I would be interested. I play about 2-3 times aweek. but my skill is rather lacking.