Super Saikyo Dan Match-up Thread

Sweet, I’ll keep that in mind. Have to pay more attention to what the big dumb ape is saying :stuck_out_tongue: I’d be surprised if a Balrog ever uses the “Final” charge of TAP :rofl:

Hey guys, last night I played BLG Juicebox, a really good Abel amin that placed well at EVO. I want to share some things aboutt he match up now that I have a better understanding of it.

First off, getting in on abel is a weird chore. both of you dont have very good pokes, but abel does have mk to dash. Your mk is pretty good here, along with dankuus.
Light dankuu beats pretty much everything, including wheel kick. However, falling sky can grab you out of it.
If abel lands foward mk, i would say throw a koryuken. Yes this is risky, especially when you have no meter, but most abels think you are going to jump to avoid the tornado throw, or block to avoid the change of direction. They will rarely block after they land a foward mk+ dash. Koryuken stops both of those, except EX change of direction.
Once one of you are knocked down, the match up goes greatly in your favor. Dankuu on their wake up beats everything except ultra (it beats super lol) and sometimes ex falling sky. Sometimes they can roll away but sometimes you can hit them out of start up, I think.
I tried to do st mp on abel’s wake up and a lot of the time standing fierce would beat it. Standing fierce is a good move, it has combos and it is very good anti air, surprisingly.
After blocked Dankuu, a lot of the time i did backdash to try and bait out whatever they want to try. I noticed that abel would also backdash, so I started throwing another dankuu after the first one to catch the backdash. Just another mix up game.
When you are knocked down and getting up, I ussually did a backdash to just take a hit and get away rather than having to deal with all the mix up.
We played four games, i lost three and won 1. Once abel gets going hes very hard to stop. Dont give him that momentum.

Thanks XHM. ill have to try that on their wakeup when i predict a head butt. Does it have to be spaced or can i litterally just do in their face/grab range, or max range? also, how do you guys up your reaction time? I seem to have slow reaction when it comes to koryukening jump ins and punishable moves (balrog punches, blanka balls, honda heabutts, bison moves, jaguar teeth, etc.)

also any Sagat tips? this stupid shit has been happening where Sagat jumps back into the corner, I throw a dankuu and then he does ultra :confused: If I do nothing then he just shoots tigers shits till im far again, and AAs my jumpins, even beating dan knee. Then when I get knocked down I have to deal with his dumb blockstring to tick throw/tiger shot which grabs me and i get sent flying/pushes me away. Mostly tips on getting in on Sagat and then keeping the pressure while maybe being able to avoid the tiger uppercut fadc ultra? thanks again.

You did well to win one against a good Abel, they usually walk over me even if they’re not that great :frowning: Front Kick Dash is pretty fast, sadly I’m not quick enough to react to it with a Kouryuken or I totally would do a couple of times at least :frowning: LK Dankuu should hop over his Ultra 1 if done close enough, of course all Dankuu will beat Ultra 2 :wink: Surprised he never tried doing Tornado Throw after a blocked (MK/HK) Dankuu, they usually like doing that.

My reactions suck, I can never AA KRK unless I’m waiting for it. I think the trick is to be on the lookout for them, and also use the DF D DF shortcut.

You want tips against good Sagats or bad ones? :stuck_out_tongue: If they’re good then you’re basically fucked :frowning: Air Knee is good at beating f.HK but it will obviously lose to Tiger Uppercut (sometimes trade). They key is generally patience, need to slowly and carefully walk them into a corner then look for a way in. Keep an eye on their meter, 2 bars is a likely TU FADC on wake-up or after blocking something like a Dankuu. I think I’ve seen XHM do a neutral Air Knee and it avoiding a wake-up TU then landing the Knee square in his face, it might be strength specific but I don’t see any reason for Sagat to use LP or MP TUs shrug

I ussually love fighting abels because they are ussually free wins, just pressure with knee all day imo but not Juicebox of course, he pretty much wrecked me and the one game i won was super close.
When you “react” to front kick dash you might feel like a masher, but if it works it works XD
Juicebox always pick u1 and never does it randomly, so that doesnt matter much.
Does tornado throw after mk/hk dankuu always work? If so, that sucks :confused:

Yeah, same here. even when im waiting for it i mess up and just get a crouching mp instead :confused:

Well ive decided to try and get better instead of just beat scrubs online like I used to so good ones please :smiley:
Yeah, ive noticed that Sagat v Dan can be a 9-1 matchup PX
I suppose ill try and be patient, simply bulldogging through tiger shots and then throwing the occasional mk, getting ready to aa their jump in or work them into the corner. Ive got to stop jumping/stop jumping and using lk dankuu, bad habit.
Another crappy thing is lk dankuu doesnt armor break :confused: I didnt know this, and i personally like to use short hop lk dankuu for some extra distance/different arc, but then i got focused -> ultra’d :frowning:

You’re -2 on block so if you try any attack other than a Kouryuken you’ll get grabbed, it’s not a free punish so you can still neutral jump or back dash out the way of it.

I presume you mean Air Knee, since all version of regular Dankuu do armour break but yeah Air Dankuu sadly doesn’t :frowning:

No spacing requirement for c.MK against Balrog wakeup headbutts at all. I try to time it so that the active frames coincide with his first vulnerable frames on getting up. Timing it too late means if he wakes up with a throw, he’ll catch me before the MK comes out.

To up your reaction time, just play more and work on quickly doing uppercuts. It helps to be looking for the jump-in, of course, so keep an eye out for situations where you expect the opponent would jump. If you want practice, try playing a different character with an easier anti-air or a bigger zoning focus for a little while. Use Ryu and work on the Hadoken > Shoryuken trap, or play as Dhalsim and use his b.HK anti-air in conjunction with stretchy limbs/Yoga Fire to zone. While Dan can, in theory, zone with Gadokens, it’s risky because you’re either throwing them from a range where a jump-in will punish you or you’re throwing them from too far for them to hit. Tinkering with a Dhalsim or Ryu or Sagat might help boost your reaction time because it’s more integral to their game.

I’m happy when a Sagat corners himself. :wink: Just work your way in carefully. Duck high Tiger Shots, since they have quicker recovery. Force him to throw low ones to hit you, and try to predict one to jump in on and punish. Don’t jump in predictably yourself or else you’ll eat a Tiger Uppercut, which thankfully is a lot less damage now than it used to be. You need to outthink him and force him to make a mistake, rather than just blindly charging him and eating an anti-air.

Be wary whenever he has two bars. TU > FADC > Ultra doesn’t do nearly as much damage as it once did, but it’s still better to avoid it entirely. Thankfully, Tiger Uppercuts are incredibly punishable, even light ones, so you should always get max damage on block. Mix between pressure against his wakeup and baiting against his wakeup to keep him on his toes, and don’t be afraid to go for crossups, as the Tiger Uppercut sucks against them.

Wha bout Blanka? Punishment options?

Mostly you can’t :frowning: If he’s stupid enough to do a slide close enough a c.MK xx EX Dankuu is free, not sure if s.MP will be close enough to be the close version so maybe try s.MP xx HK Dankuu as well.
If you see him do the Rainbow Ball or whatever it’s called start Focus, if he hits you in front you get a free FA3 combo, if he hits behind you’ll have to dash cancel it (not sure if punish is still available here).
If he does a Vertical Ball and misses you can’t get a proper punish on it (or it’s extremely hard) since he seems to recover as soon as he lands so you need to hit him out of the air; KRK is easy enough, s.HK perhaps, HK Dankuu might be possible or EX Dankuu shouldn’t be too hard.
I think blocked Vertical Ball and Horizontal Ball are both punishable in the corner, I’ve pushed a Blanka into the corner and punished Horizontal Ball with Shissou back in SF4, punishing with Haoh might not be possible though :frowning:

Best way to deter Horizontal Balls is to spam c.LP but make sure you’re outside of his stupid slide since that’ll beat c.LP. If you’re quick enough you can beat Horizontal Balls with KRK or if you’re feeling lucky and try predicting one and countering with a KRK.

Blanka that like to wake-up with Electricity hit them with a c.MK combo. If they wake-up ball then KRK in their face. As XHM once said sometimes the best option is to be really random against them. I’d also be careful once they have meter, most Blanka aren’t above using wake-up Ultra as I found out recently >.>

Otherwise it’s just a very annoying match where as usual you need to be really patient and careful with your approach.

Yeah I try to focus on getting the KD’s because I can really turn the match around from there. Either it’s because of Blanka’s options, or that there are few smart Blanka’s out there. : )

OP post is empty as hell cuz…

Sorry about that, I’ll update it, since I’m done with my Super break.

Bison matchup seems to be a bit tough, what have you guys been doing in those matches?

I feel that if Dictator has no meter and he’s in the corner with Short Dan Kyaku pressure , he is screwed . Sure he can teleport but he’s going to get right back to pressure mode again . But once he gain meter , he’s probably going to use that EX Psycho Crusher .

Maybe his Cr.Jab can hurt his scissors kick but I haven’t tested it yet .

Why did this thread die?

Dan Hibiki speaks on the Abel match-up!!

Going to update ASAP. I haven’t been able to play cause my Xbox is pooping out and I don’t have the game for PS3. I should check the other thread too and pull stuff out.

Whoa. Where did this thread come from? :rofl:

Yeah, take anything that still applies from the Vanilla posts and toss it in too, I suppose.

Edit: Also, you may be getting blessed with Mod status soon if you want it (from what I can tell from the Nominate Mods thread). So we’ll be able to get the proper shit stickied and organized. You’ll also be able to trim completely off-topic posts like this one!

Good Dhalsim’s are a pain. If you’re jumping fireballs on reaction, Dan functions much like Zangief at a certain range, except with less comeback factor on a miracle Lariat. So long as you don’t get tagged with any fireball/teleport traps, you can keep Sim in the corner. Once you do, you can’t afford to let him out. The EX Danku OS has a drawback, in that the opponent has a 1-frame window to throw you afterwards provided Throw doesn’t benefit from any kind of reversal window or input buffer. It doesn’t, from what I can tell.

Save LK.Danku for when you’re in range to tag Dhalsim’s body, don’t try to smack a limb with it, it won’t end well. The landing recovery on it is too gaping to just throw out, and it’s only good for fucking with Dhalsim’s anti-air normal timing, which means they need to be expecting regular jump-ins from time to time, so you can’t just keep defaulting to the Knee. His b.HK and more consistently, his b.MP, will beat it all clean if he times it right, and those things have a whopping amount of active frames (5 or 6).

When jumping in from a distance, I like to throw out j.LK when it’s not imperative to empty jump (Say you’re about to land close to a fireball). j.LK will stuff Dhalsim’s normals in certain situations, so it may reward you with some extra distance gained where you’d normally get a Yoga Boot to the Face.

If you find yourself in a situation where you’ve managed to pull an “Ume-Jump In” over his fireball or slower normals, don’t throw out LK.Danku, make sure you land a full j.HK combo to maximize your damage and stun. Sometimes you’re just in range for a cr.MK xx EX Danku. If you are, spend that EX for a knockdown, don’t settle for a meterless cr.MK xx Gadouken. You can also try a cr.MK xx HK.Danku at max range, though Dhalsim is usually holed up in block unless he’s mashing throw.

Obviously, if you’re in range for cl.MP/cl.HP xx HK Danku, do it. Even better, cl.MP/cl.HP xx Gadouken FADC cl.MP/cl.HP xx HK Danku. You should even be able to j.HK > Shissou Buraiken if you know you’ve got the jump-in.

When there’s a fireball on the screen, don’t Focus if he’s in range to tag you with a normal (That means 9/10ths of the screen). If you find your Dhalsim is a bit friendly with s.HP or cr.HP, fire that sucker up. You can catch him with a Level 1 or even a Level 2 if you catch a heavy limb before he can react. If he’s throwing out light attacks, he’s going to blow through you, and I don’t think you can react fast enough, especially online, to dash back to safety.

If you know your opponent has the fireball trap game down. Curse yourself and everyone you know. There’s this magical distance where Dan doesn’t have any options to avoid a fireball trap outside of jumping, Dhalsim can FADC to make this distance so much larger. This means you may actually have to block a fireball as a yomi option. Don’t block endlessly. Don’t let a good Dhalsim read your block. Even if it means dashing back for a moment to cover your options. Using Gadouken in range of Dhalsim’s normals is dangerous as well, since he can tag you cancelling out a fireball, or even air teleport on reaction. Dhalsim may teleport backwards instead of initiating a trap in an attempt to psyche you out and eat a fireball.

If Dhalsim gets a trap on you, successful or not, you’ve got a long trek back to the other corner. Hope you don’t die of dysentery. Make sure you punish any teleport traps that he fucks up, or even naked teleport if he’s an idiot. Make him pay for his insolence with a good Koryuken, cl.HK, or LP if you’re not sure about the timing or height.

I have this habit of just doing naked Koryuken FADC on my opponent’s wakeup. Don’t. If Dhalsim uses wakeup Teleport, you’re free. You have that meaty cr.LK. Use it. You can also do super-meaty EX Danku for frame-advantage and profit. Watch out for wakeup Supers, though. :S

I suppose the rest is just standard shenanigans. Don’t let him throw you. Watch out for the anti-air potential of his Super and Ultras, which makes moonshot jump-ins a terrible idea, and don’t get discouraged. Take it slow. You have about two chances a round to get your damage in on Dhalsim. I’d even Ume-Koryu if the Dhalsim is getting predictable with the rhythm on his normals.

I’d call it just barely in Dhalsim’s favour.

I like Shissou Buraiken for this matchup, simply due to the chance of landing a Focus Attack, and I never have meter for Koryuken FADC Haoh Gadouken due to the amount of EX Danku I use in footsies (if you can call it that) and on wakeup.

There’s two kinds of Hondas. There’s Real Hondas and Internet Hondas. Here’s my strategy for both.

Internet Hondas:

I neutral and back jump like a maniac. Online, since you can’t Koryuken fullscreen Headbutts on reaction, this serves as a harsh deterrent to random headbutts, which easily lose to j.HK and nj.HP at range. This is going to be awesome in AE, since nj.HP is probably going to wreck a headbutt you manage to catch one.

You can also use Reversal Shissou Buraiken after HP.Headbutt.

That’s only one level of retardation that you need to deal with. It’s imperative that you learn how to punish random Buttsplashes. EX Danku as he lands after a total whiff is an easy one that covers a lot of ground. All Buttstomps whiff if you’re crouching. The only thing you can reliably land in this situation, regardless of distance, is a Level 1 Focus. You want to do this and dash back. If it’s a reversal Buttsmush, you’ll get blown up. EX Koryuken will work as an end-all-be-all in this situation if it’s laggy and you’re having trouble timing it. Mash it using 32123 and you’ll be able to Auto-Correct it mindlessly.

On the subject of Honda’s Neutral Derping.HP, you can anti-air it using Ultra, but that’s about it. However, while he’s doing this, he’s not building meter, and you can by sitting back and chucking Gadoukens. Once he stops, or decides to build his own meter by whiffing Oicho Throw, you can start your approach.

With that out of the way, we can get started…

Real Hondas:

The poking game in this kind of sucks. His normals all have really nice hitboxes on them, especially his far.HP. The combination of his strong normals and the safety of nj.HP means your strategy is to get the knockdown where ever you can find it, and hopefully, Honda has no meter when he does. Real Hondas tend to covet their meter, so this can be a real pain. The only solution to get a Real Honda to burn meter is by knocking him down.

Once you’ve got Honda on his back with no meter, you can do a late Knee to beat all of his non-EX reversals outside of Super and Ultra I. You want to time the Knee to start just before he wakes up, so that you blow through any invincibility frames of the Headbutt. You need to start the Knee about 9 to 12 frames before his wakeup, and you want to space it properly so it covers all of his wakeup options due to hitbox shenanigans. I’m not sure if there’s a position where it covers literally everything, due to the myriad of normals he can use before LK.Danku will actually reach it’s active frames, but feel out what works.

After he’s afraid to do anything but block, mix up with tick-throws, a sneaky crossup, etc. After blocked LK.Danku, it’s your call. Read the Honda and don’t get tagged by a reversal or something.

Oh yeah, no MK and HK Danku if he’s got Oicho Breaker stocked. Jesus Christ. You’ll be a Saikyo Pancake.

Watch out for tick-Oicho Throws, too.

I call it a 6.5/3.5, worse if the Honda is smart with his meter and has Ultra II.

even knowing all this stuff, I still cant beat any kind of Honda. maybe im just impatient.

Haven’t posted here for ages but here’s what I’ve learnt from my experiences from playing with Dan:

Abel: I’d had quite alot of experience in playing against Abels with Dan and with other characters. In Dan’s case, I feel the difficulty of this matchup depends really on how good this Abel is. Very good Abels that I’ve played with Dan are full-on rush-down and won’t give you any space to breath with his step sM-kick into a command throw and cartwheel kicks. One of Abel’s main nemesis are standing jabs so abuse as much as possible to keep him away. Most of the time, I will be waiting for him to do a roll towards me so I can poke with sL-punch then use cM-kick into gadoken or Light hop-kick. As for his cartwheel kicks, you can dp it with medium koryuken or poke him once for free after block with sL-punch and maybe cMK into gadoken. Your main aim is to score a knockdown and then apply pressure by doing Light hop-kick on his wake-up or cMK into Light hop-kick. If he’s in the corning and you keep doing his cMK into Light hop-kick bread-and-butter there isn’t much he can do until the third hop-kick in which he can anti-air with falling sky. In that case, step forward slightly and do another Light hop-kick to confuse the hell out of him. This also works in mid screen too. Try also to make use of jump in/cross-up opportunities whenever possible, they can be used to set up his cMK into Light hop-kick bread-and-butter.

Adon: I’ve only played a few good Adons. He will out jab you most of the time so when you do get a jump-in opportunity, don’t poke with cLP, then cMK. Instead go straight into cMK into Light hop-kick bread-and-butter. Medium Koryken with be your best friend in this match-up so try to bait jump-ins and jaguar tooth.

Akuma: One of the most difficult match-ups. I would focus dash air fireballs and approach with caution. Bread and butter opportunities will be low cos he will out poke you. cross-ups and jump-in opportunities on wake-up is low cos he can teleport away. In this match-up my main weapon will be my focus attack and well timed dashes. Try focusing demon flips where possible but just block cHK sweeps when he has ultra since it can be canceled into raging demon.

Balrog: In my opinion, a match-up of average difficulty depending on the skill of the opponent. Focus attacks would definitely be useful in this case so try to bait dashing straights and focus or you can keep him away with gadoken’s and sLP or score a knockdown with hop-kick or a throw. By all means, abuse his bread and butter since balrog will have a hard time trying to punish it. Surprizingly, neither his normal nor ex-head butt can hit you out of cMK. He’ll just go straight up and you’ll score a free combo. Please be cautious of his sweeps.

Blanka: Another one of Dan’s nightmares. A good Blanka doesn’t really need to do much to out-play you. He may abuse his forward dash to pass through and try to throw you or use electricity. If you try to jump in, you’ll eat an up-ball. Bread and butter will not work well for you in this match-up since a cMK into hop-kick will miss a crouching blanka most of the time. In this situation, I will try to bait and focus attack his slide by doing a few gadoken’s from a distance. Also focusing rainbow balls is a good idea to consider. I would stay on the ground most of the time. Medium/Hard Koryuken jump in attempts and cLP to tag horizontal balls.

more to come… to Dan kicks isnt the best one to be using. You should be doing to knee. This gives the most possible frame advantage. Only use to dan kick when poking or at max range. But be careful because is rather slow and also slow to cancel, so its more prone to reversals (all the frame traps are though unfortunantly)