Super Saikyo Dan Match-up Thread

Need some good advice on fighting Adon, seems like he’s one of the harder match ups for me. I’ve found some success with pressuring like crazy, running all over the place, but I’ve got no clue on how to punish his specials.

The only one you can punish is a blocked Rising Jaguar, and if he does the LK version that’s harder to punish too so it isn’t quite as easy as punishing blocked SRKs. I think it’s possible to punish all of them with a s.MP xx HK Dankuu but haven’t really checked it myself.

Jaguar Kick and Jaguar Tooth are like -1 to -2 on block (but that’s if it’s blocked on first active frame), he’s not at advantage but stupid Adon players will use a stupid “mix-up” after them (mostly after Jaguar Tooth) where they either do an instant Rising Jaguar or throw you. Needless to say your priority should be to avoid blocking Jaguar Teeth(:rofl:) and look to counter them instead. Stupid Adons will always do HK Jaguar Tooth so if you’re fast enough you can probably just Kouryuken each one on reaction. The other thing to do is jump back as you see/hear him start the move, if he does the HK/EX version he’ll miss and you should be able to hit him with a j.HK as you come down, you’ll be too far for s.MP to be considered close so ending with c.MK xx EX Dankuu is probably your best option at this point (maybe c.MK xx KRK, have to test it out). If you’re forced to block the Jaguar Tooth then back dashing will get out the way of HK Rising Jaguar and throws but you have to be quick, also you could try doing a reversal KRK if you’re fast enough, it’s likely they won’t be blocking. If playing a good Adon he most likely won’t go for Rising Jaguar after Jaguar Tooth unless he has meter to FADC it so might be an idea to do c.LP xx Knee.

Another thing to note about Adon is his regular jump doesn’t seem to go very far, like the opposite of Gen’s in that sense but what it does mean is that he can continually do j.MK cross-ups all day long.

His Rising Jaguar is good enough to cleanly beat wake-up Knees so don’t abuse those, I’d try cross-ups or back throw tricks instead.

To beat out the Jaguar Tooth > followup throw/Rising Jaguar mixup, do a late tech. That way you’ll block the knee if it comes, or tech the throw if he tries that instead. Backdashing isn’t safe because the LK Rising Jaguar moves forward far enough to catch backdashes. All Rising Jaguars, even the LK one, can be punished on block with c.HP > HK Danku, but you have to be somewhat quick to get the LK. A Koryuken will beat Jaguar Teeth or trade with it (in your favour), but watch for light ones that bait you. Koryuken also beats out the Jaguar Kick. Be wary of Adons pulling our own tricks against us and altering their jump arcs with midair Jaguar Kicks. Be on point with your anti-airs to try to prevent that.

Adon is frail, so you don’t have to hit him as much as most characters in order to beat him. As such, don’t be afraid to take some risks against him. The potential payoff is bigger for you than him, as long as he doesn’t have two bars of meter and U2prepped. If you can bait him into throwing wakeup Rising Jaguars, it can only bode well for you in the long run. It just might take a bit of conditioning to get there, because most Adon players aren’t going to be as braindead as the typical Ryu or Ken.

You say that now but they are almost as typically brain dead from the stories I’ve heard, ontop of which after Gamerbee defeating Justin Wong you’ll bet your ass there’ll be a lot more of them :rofl:

If he gets you on the defensive watch out for into Rising Jaguar and EX Jaguar Kick (its an overhead) mixups, I’ll land two or three EX JK in a row after conditioning my opponent with the for the first match. If the Adon is pulling off instant air Jaguar kicks be wary as he isn’t likely to suck TOO much. I’d say in a week or two the number of Adons will drop back to what it was pre EVO.

Thanks for adding info while I was away on my honeymoon with Chun.

I’ll begin updating ASAP.

Hey guys taking a look through the thread we still got some things missing, or I’m just lazy. I haven’t been on SFIV for a while so… yeah.

I’m still working on it myself. I can’t do it very well from 1P side. From 2P side I’m generally OK. In a few matches VS Juri I have been able to do it without thinking from 2P side. Which stick are you using?

What’s missing? We’ve been using both threads these past few months or so :confused:

There’s a “revised” tier list out and TBH it still looks like crap. Super Street Fighter 4 Tiers ? Character Rankings :

Chun-Li top? Honda 2nd? Sagat actually having unfavourable match-ups? You kidding me? Dan is joint penultimate with Hakan, Hakan being our only favourable match-up apparently. Only character I truly think is a 3-7 match-up for Dan is Blanka, maybe Honda and Chun, rest I don’t think are that bad, would probably have to call them 3.5s since 4 seems a little too good for some.

What crap. I ran into Dan the other day waiting in line to file for an extension to his unemployment and according to him not a single person on that list has ever beaten him…

Also, Adon loses that badly to Honda? Rubbish.

Another ridiculous tier list, take a good look and laugh :rofl:


Sakura’s now been lumped as the worst character (0.5 less than Dan) and somehow Guile managed to go straight to #1 from being “low tier” in SF4. What’s even more ridiculous is how Ryu and Sagat are only B tier, piffle. Honda A tier as well, wasn’t he pretty low in SF4? How are these characters making such huge jumps?

Honda got buffs, and DPs around the board got nerfed. Honda was already mid-tier and completely viable except for his uphill Sagat matchup. Now that it’s not scary to jump in on Sagat anymore, he’s more than viable. He’s really really good.

Also, Guile getting better normals and a significantly reduced charge buffer on his Booms tossed him up on top of the pile.

I’ll let Honda slide since I thought he was low but was pretty much bang in the middle (unless you pay attention to the Japanese arcade list) but Guile was 4th from last in SF4, I really don’t think the changes would make such a dramatic difference to his tier placement. Honda’s damage also took a bit of a dive.

i posted this in the barlog forums but i thought id ask here too

how do you beat balrog?? as you may or may not know cr jab beats pretty much everything dan has, and after a blocked dankuu which is where most Dan’s start their mix up game, cr.jab stuffs all options. it beats another normal (cept which only works close) it stuffs any version of dankuu, it beats grab, if dan backdashes balrog has enough time to headbutt while he runs away, and it ussually allows balrog to block the reversal.

Aside from that, any other tips?? Im also having trouble with footsies, as dan’s st mp, mk, and gadouken dont cut it versus balrog. And i also tried using focus more to beat rush punches, but then i get hit by torpedo. Can torpedo rush punch be punished on block? Thanks for the help.

Pretty nice thread, do you think you guys could post up a compilation of mix-up strategies. Something like:


Blocked HK/EX Dankuu > Grab/Srk FADC/ into danku/Backdash danku

On wake-up : etc…

Also rank normals for usage at certain distances.

Couple of Kouryukens will hopefully teach Balrogs to stop mashing c.LP after blocking our Dankuu, problem is with online lagness it tends to not come out :frowning: If he’s mashing jab he won’t Headbutt your back dash, that’s not to say he won’t try Headbutting straight off. It’s probably a good idea to restrict use of MK/HK Dankuu and stick to LK when possible, EX to close space quicker when you can.

Balrog’s footsie is too good for Dan too, can try sneaking in the odd s.MK or Gadouken but it’ll be tough. Try to look for patterns where you can Focus their c.HK ('cause Balrog just love spamming that shit) and if they don’t use TAP or Smash Focus their dash punches too.

A well timed meaty c.MK will beat a Headbutt, not too sure about EX though. c.MK xx HK Dankuu will combo on counter hit if you’re feeling frisky, you can try abusing this if they don’t catch on.

Couple of XHM matches vs Balrog might help :slight_smile:

Thanks Sugami. Im actually refering to offline matches mostly, because most online balrogs abuse lag or arnt good.

I was wondering if and how I can punish blocked torpedo punch or TAP?

Whats the timing? Right when hes waking up?

Thanks again :smiley:

Well even offline it can be tricky to get out a Kouryuken or back dash the very first frame available after an MK/HK Dankuu. Since you’re -2 on block if you don’t do what you want on the first available frame then vs someone like Balrog, if they start attacking on their first available frame you’ll get hit. So frustrating to get hit when you know that if the stupid Kouryuken actually came out you’d have hit them >.< Of course jumping is easy to do since you can just hold up during the animation (and hope they don’t do a Headbutt) and the other thing is (slightly delayed) OST but that’s not really the ideal follow-up.

It depends on what level TAP (Turn Attack Punch innit?) he does, Lv1 is completely safe (-2 on block) but Lv2 and higher is punishable by reversal Kouryuken, easy as pie. I’m not Balrog but I think they mostly use Lv1 and I don’t know how to tell the difference between them either :frowning:

Timing vs Headbutt? Ideally you want the c.MK to be active the first frame he’s up and it’s active for 2 frames making it a bit hard to hit a proper meaty. However Headbutt takes 11 frames to be active, I’m not sure but I’m guessing as long as c.MK is active before it then it should win. EX is invulnerable for 15 frames so pretty sure it won’t beat that unless it’s only upper body invulnerable.

Balrog tips!

Yes, his jab is very strong. However, if you know he’s going to be doing the jabs, Dan has the tools to make him pay. Against Balrog you definitely need to be able to analyze your opponent. If he’s just a jab masher, then Koryukens will teach him to find another button. Focus Attacks will chew up most of his pokes and dash punches. The level one Turn Punch is safe on block, but you can see it coming and hit it before he hits you (you see me do that with Koryukens a couple of times in one of the Balrog matches linked above). The armour-breaking Torpedo Punch is safe against Dan, I believe, but like the Turn Punch it has a slower execution. If you’re looking for it you might be able to interrupt it with a Koryuken or even throw him before he does it.

c.MK is your anti-Headbutt tool. The Headbutt only gives upper body invincibility, so c.MK will beat it clean every time, and on a counter-hit it’ll combo into Dankus. You can also easily safe jump Balrog due to the incredibly slow startup of the Headbutt, though I find that I’m usually very close to him and not at the right distance to do so. To safe jump, you jump in at a fallen Balrog with a heavy kick timed so that the kick will connect with him just as he gets up. If you time the jump properly, if he attempts a Headbutt you will have already landed and be able to block due to the Headbutt’s incredibly slow startup, and you can punish it with a throw or s.MP > HK Danku. If he doesn’t attempt a Headbutt, your jumping kick either hits him or he blocks it and now you can pressure him. A note on EX Headbutt, it does have complete invincibility, but c.MK puts Dan’s hitbox so low to the ground that the Headbutt will whiff, even though your c.MK will too. You recover first and can do whatever you want to Balrog when he comes down. :wink:

Finally, for Sugami, it’s easy to tell the difference between Turn Punches. It’s an audio cue! Balrog calls out the level of the Turn Punch as he executes it. If you hear him shout “One!”, it’s a level 1 punch. If you hear “Two!” or “Three!” then it’s a higher level one. If you hear him shout “Final!”, then you’d better block or you’re losing half your health!