Super Saikyo Dan Match-up Thread

Just never use mk or hk dankuu against guy with u2, or ex dankuu unless at a far away distance- guy’s u2 (and ibuki’s u1) will punish it clean. Feel free to pressure them hard with lk dankuu until they get fed up and try it anyway, however :smiley:

EDIT: I miss :rofl: :frowning:

For the Cody MU, is U1 a viable punish for rocks? I ask because it seems pretty easy for Cody to bait the ultra, but at the same time, I notice they ease up on throwing them out all together when I do have it.

If he fakes a rock, you’re done. <_<

Yea , but good Codys know how to fake them . Use U2 in that match .

made this video a while back (coty) I just uploaded it.

I also uploaded a bunch of matches i had in the last two days… have fun. :smiley:

Mmm! You can throw Cody immediately after Dankukyaku if he tries to activate Bad Spray. Hilarious!

The best thing is, a throw attempt after Danku in the corner seems completely safe, even if the Cody decides to Quick Stand. This means you should always be able to safely stuff Bad Spray in the corner after Dankukyaku knockdown. It might prevent you from using Meaty LK.Danku, but your other offensive options on wakeup will still be good.

I figured rock faking would ruin the punish potential overall :I. The Bad Spray grabbing seems helpful though so yay for that.

You guys have any tips for fighting chuns who zone really well? I have an issue finding a way in when chun does lp fireball and walks behind it. If i block i get put in a mixup, if i move back i lose space, if i neutral jump i get hit by AA J. HP or nj. HK. After i get in its fine, its just getting there is the problem

That’s Chun’s game. The trick is to not let her put the Kikoken out in the first place. But predict her approach option and Ume-punish to grab the momentum.

A quick, low-to-the-ground Aerial LK.Danku can work, or get you close, but you cannot whiff it or you’ll just get punished. The same goes for grounded LK.Danku over the fireball.

Meeting her air-to-air can only work if you’re stuffing her air-throw with a preemptive Aerial EX Danku or you’re tagging her jumping normals out of startup with a preemptive jumping aerial of your own. This requires you to commit on prediction that she’ll try to react to your jump. Many Chuns play like this if they think they have you locked down. Of course this leaves you open to standard anti-airs, but that’s when you mix it up with your own aerial options like LK.Danku momentum shift to bypass their grounded normal’s active frames.

You can hold down-back and hit Focus after Kikoken blockstun to OS against any improperly timed Sweep/Hazanshu mixups or a Sweep attempt to catch you you stand-blocking the Kikoken. You’ll get blown up for mad damage and stun if the Chun adjusts with late cr.HP or repeated lows. Always dash backwards if you connect on hit or block. She has enough 3-frame options to make you pay on Level 1 Focus recovery (You recover from Level 1 Focus xx Dash Forward at -4, I think, on Block and Hit).

Mash crouching KRK through blockstun, react to block-string’d overhead Hazanshu with Block. Fuckin’ legit.

Sit back and build meter. Dan’s not necessarily at a disadvantage when both characters have a meter supply. EX Danku’s range and startup is crucial for footsies and EX SBK baits pay sweet, sweet Shisso Buraiken/Sweep-to-OS dividends. Catching Chun with no meter at all leads to a lot of damage potential, so pick your poison and roll with it.

I swear I’ve asked this/seen it answered before, but I have to know… a meaty Knee of Justice will completely stuff non-3 frame reversals, right?

Also, speaking of matchups, anyone had a chance to play against Yun and Yang? Any thoughts/tips on those two, or should we hang up the pink gi for good? About a week until us Super players can get our hands on Yun Edition…get hype!

Nope. You’re looking at the wrong aspects of the moves here. Startup doesn’t matter. You need to focus on whether or not a reversal is hit-invulnerable. If the reversal has no invulnerability frames, or doesn’t have invulnerability frames that extend into it’s active/hitting frames, it will get stuffed.

Hitbox shenanigans matter as well. An opponent’s reversal may have invulnerability frames that extend into it’s active frames, but LK.Danku may put Dan out of range of those invulnerable hitboxes, allowing LK.Danku to trade or stuff the opponent’s reversal when it connects in a later, non-invulnerable part of the move.

While it’s not going to be good, I can’t see it being as bad as some other characters have it. We have a good DP.

My selection of ultras against characters

  • Abel: U1
  • Adon: U1
  • Akuma: U2
  • Balrog (Boxer): U1
  • Blanka: U1
  • Cammy: U2
  • Chun-Li: U2
  • Cody: U1
  • C. Viper: U1
  • Dan: U1
  • Dee Jay: U2
  • Dhalsim: U1
  • Dudley: U1
  • El Fuerte: U2
  • E. Honda: U1
  • Fei Long: U2
  • Gen: U2
  • Gouken: U2
  • Guile: U1
  • Guy: U2
  • Hakan: U1
  • Ibuki: U2
  • Juri: U2
  • Ken: U2
  • Makoto: U2
  • M. Bison (Dictator): U2
  • Rose: U2
  • Rufus: U2
  • Ryu: U2
  • Sagat: U1
  • Sakura: U2
  • Seth: U2
  • T. Hawk: U1
  • Vega (Claw): U1
  • Zangief: U1
    I’ve realized in some cases that when you zone with Dan, it can really help out

Ok thanks, I understand now. I actually just played my friend’s Fei Long, and kept stuffing wake up flame kicks. Now I know why it was happening.

What tricks can Dan pull on Bison? I hear he’s pretty susceptible to knee pressure, but I have a difficult time getting around his scissor kick pressure. I know that I should be breaking his charges, use the air knee to jump over his standing roundhouse…what else?

Keep a hold of your meter for mainly 2 things- dp fadc and ex dankuu to punish wake up psycho crusher/get in. Bison is bad against dan kicks pressure because his best out is ex psycho which takes meter and on wake up can be punished with u1 or ex dan kicks or you can screw up his charge by doing knee over his corpse a couple times, if he tries ex psycho anyway he will probably get an ex headstomp or a teleport or a punch of some sort, use this knowledge to your advantage. Finally you can hk dankuu him all day on his wake up if he doesnt have u1 or meter, he can only punish hk dankuu with u2 in the corner. So this may make some bisons pick u1, but then you can zone him with gadoukens easier. I have beaten some good bisons, but they are still really hard to get in on and their pressure is very similar to ours. Tbh, Bison is a better version of Dan.

I’ve seen various Dan vids where the player almost always Dankuus over the opponent on knockdown. Against charge characters I can understand this, but what about non-charge characters? Is the cross up worth it compared to what else we can do?

Yang is a little more watered down and manageable from what I can tell. Spacing s.MK and watching out for dive kick pressure shenanigans is pretty important.
Yun is retarded. I have zero clue what to do other than playing very patience and getting in meaty Dankuus. T_T

Crossup Danku against non-charge characters is a positional gimmick. The most it will do is make your opponent hesitate. I find their more liable to try and throw tech. It makes for a good Koryuken Trap setup, when you do a Koryuken 1 to 2 frames after their wakeup to stuff most of their defensive options. If you were merely planning to do it from the front, the extra bit of shenanigans is good to baffle them.

That’s all though. It’s not really a legitimate thing.

Its also good to switch sides to get them closer to the corner.

MK Dankuu cross-over is a fake-out the first time used. Assuming your opponent is unaware of it, the idea is to make them think you messed up and are vulnerable when you aren’t, it’s highly unlikely they’ll stay blocking when they think they could at least get a free throw. Hit them with a KRK or c.LK xx EX Dankuu and now they’re aware you’re not vulnerable so the next time they’re more inclined to block, that’s where you catch them with a throw and start it up all over again. Now you’ve got a mix-up of whether you’ll throw or attack (or back dash if there’s a threat of reversal). Taunting after back throw works on the same principle.

My favourite set up for Haoh is back throw > MK Dankuu over > KRK FADC > Haoh :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay guys. I hate the Zangief matchup a lot now that Trade KRK > HK.Danku is gone, or in the instances where it works, nerfed.

Tell me it ain’t so bad. It certainly feels like this matchup is far worse that it was in Super.

I think it goes Vanilla Gief > AE Gief > Super Gief. and in Super the match is like 6-4 Gief. In short, were screwed :rofl: