I did this quickly… it may have some use.
Can we make a quick list of what Yun specials can be punish with what move?
You do realise that the advantage or disadvantage is dependant on where the Dive Kick hits you? Good players will aim to hit you low on your shins or feet. If they hit high up then they’re probably at disadvantage, just throw them unless expecting them to do a DP.
Zesshou Hohou (dashing punch) - all bar EX punishable with s.MP/c.MP xx KRK (-9/-7/-9/+1)
Tetsuzan Kou (shoulder) - LP punishable with throw (or s.LK > KRK), rest punishable s.MP xx KRK but that’s really tight, better to do raw KRK. Think there’s a problem with it depending on whether it hits meaty or not. (-3/-6/-7/-6)
Kobokushi (palms) - LP is feint, MP/HP is + on block, EX punishable by ANYTHING except Haoh (-/+1/+1/-13)
Nishou Kyaku (DP kicks) - LP throw or KRK, everything else can be punished by ANYTHING (-5/-23/-29/-23)
Ultras - punished by ANYTHING
Also an un-jump-cancelled cl.MK (launching kick) is punishable by throw or KRK.
Yun can’t FADC his DP kicks, not sure if that’s common knowledge in these parts.
Thanks Sugam. and yeah i know about does dive kicks ( <- also Cammy player ) . But i have yeah too meet a Yun that can dive kick.
What got me was the Zesshou Hohou. It really screws up my backdash bait game.
I was talking to NoStylin about the dive kicks since he made the video Apparently they’re -3/-3/-4 on block, that’d be point blank so if they’re not properly spacing their dive kicks just try throwing them
Yun doesn’t actually seem to have a cross-up other than his Dive Kick, and it’d be really hard for him to time that properly so I’d get ready to mash out a KRK if he tries crossing up with that.
Just suggest back dashing less, try to catch them spamming those dash punches and punish accordingly. Trying to bait his DP kicks? Like I said, they can’t be FADC’d (actually surprised can back dash those considering their arc) so just let him pass over you and punish him on landing.
What’s Dan doing to Cammy in your avatar? And where’d you get it? :o
You’re forgetting that if a lot of those moves hit in the later active frames, they become safe. All dash punches at near-max range are safe. EX Dash Punch should actually give him up to +8, I think. The same goes for the palms. They offer such a gross frame advantage done meaty that I’m pretty sure they can blockstring with almost anything afterwards.
Yup. When dive kick hits high easy to punish. When dive kick hits low it still can be punished, but the frame data sugami providesis right. I just find it hard to punish on reaction
Thanks for the info sugami
I’m glad crouching yun dp kick whiffs if your crouching. Also I notice that yun dive kick can be blocked low or high. Its you just have watch out for the cross over dive kick.
Well if they’re randomly throwing out the dash punches then they’re probably not trying to space them correctly so yeah could try to bait either that or DP kicks up close for a free punish. Wake-up palm is nasty and they can fake out with the LP feint as well so you’re looking at blocking a super meaty or getting a reversal blocked/avoided worst case scenario
You don’t want to block dive kicks low, they get the advantage in that instance. Even if they hit with a cross-up dive kick and you’re standing they won’t be able to combo afterwards due to having to hit so high up. Of course they may be able to time it on your wake-up but that’s another story.
All this information is very useful, I’m new to AE and still consider myself very noobish(still can’t fadc yet,lol). Last night i played 2 Yun’s. The first one did low pokes into standing kick then DP kick. The other Yun I fought was at a lost when I was running around back and forth, Then he just stopped approaching me. When this Yun would hit with meaty combos… but it was interesting.
I got AE yesterday, I’m new to it too I’ve just seen a few matches (including Daigo playing Yun) and done some experimenting to have a good idea how these things work.
Yun is two years too late to the party to be trying close range mixups on me. This is my territory. Kekeke.
Also, it seems Dan’s horizontally-challenged Koryuken is great for stuffing/trading with ambiguous dive kicks. Get mash happy and see what works, but watch for distinct crossups. The Yun matchup doesn’t seem so bad thanks to Dan’s defensive/offensive pressure and improved poking game. Certainly not in Dan’s favour, but definitely doesn’t have it as bad as other characters. I have a feeling Yun’s option-selects would prove me otherwise, though. Luckily that’s something mostly beyond XBL-level play.
I’m having tons of fun with Yun matchups. Most frustrating thing is having my Dankus stuffed by the Palm. Goddamn Yun is unbalanced. ):
Luckily for Dan the “top tier” characters are all ones that like to get in your face so we won’t have to go through obstacle courses. Concerning Yun’s dashing punch, yeah it can be made safe with proper spacing but it is hard to get the spacing right, I’ve been playing around with him a bit trying to figure out the right ranges for it and it’s kinda like Rose’s Soul Spiral, or even trickier in that aspect. If the Yun doesn’t seem that good then he probably isn’t trying to space them, punish with a back throw.
Also Oni tip, block the other way You can jab him out of his Berserker Slash attacks (maybe not the light one) but on wake-up or during a block string expect them to try it. Especially if they start glowing yellow. All versions bar light are punishable on block and only the light version is FADC’able. EX version you can punish with Shissou, it has that much recovery.
Gootecks said in the interview him and Mike Ross gave at E3 that Yun is less scary if you play a character that can deal with him. Take it from Krackatoa: Saikyo CAN stand up to Yun’s kung-fu.
On a side note, nice avatar. I’m replaying the Phoenix Wright trilogy on the Wii in anticipation of his epic meeting with Layton on the 3DS, but I can’t find a copy of Apollo Justice anywhere (and Capcom has no plans to re-release it on the Wii)!
Dammit he already said that? Fuck, was going to use that in my video Oh well, should still be fun(ny).
What? No, I was referring to his post above about the match-up not being so bad (that’s why there’s no quotation marks :)). The Yun Ultra II reference was my doing, don’t feel bad about using it, I’m sure someone else beat me top it and I’m not aware of it.
I guess it was all too obvious a joke then if we both thought about it :lol:
So true! :lol:
Just FYI about Blanka’s Horizontal Ball now:
HP punishable by EX Dankuu, Shissou and Haoh (4-6 hits).
MP Punishable by Shissou (EX Dankuu out of range) and Haoh (4 hits).
EX occasionally punishable by Shissou if blocked standing though nothing I’d want to bet on.
LP completely safe.
All versions punishable by EX Dankuu, Shissou and Haoh in corner, and if in range c.MK xx EX Dankuu (no change there really).
And judging from something I learned right towards the end of SSF4’s lifespan, Dan can also punish all horizontal rolls by dashing forward and using s.LK. An incredibly dinky punish, but a punish no less!