Super Saikyo Dan Match-up Thread

Horizontal? You sure? As I can’t seem to punish even HP Horizontal Ball with dash forward > KRK (maybe I’m just slow but eh).

Shissou for Blanka seems like the best choice with all the EX Dankuu for punishing you won’t have much meter for KRK FADC and Shissou punishes HP and MP super easy for meaty damage.

It does punish horizontal balls, yes. s.LK has a longer range on its first active frame than a Koryuken does, so you can go and test it. :wink: It’s a very tight punish, though, but it’s not like you’re risking anything if you miss the timing. Oh no, our s.LK is blocked! What shall we do?

He could throw out a reversal ball. :\

Can he reversal after a blocked ball? Not a reversal technically but might still beat out the s.LK I suppose.
Well blocked LP Ball can go for the s.LK I suppose, landing the hit isn’t as important as getting in and applying pressure.

Derp. You’re right. It’s not a reversal. He can still throw one out immediately if he charges after he launches the first ball.

The only balls that have invincibility are EX Upball and EX Rainbow Roll, though. If he tried another horizontal roll immediately after we blocked the first one, and our s.LK wasn’t timed right to get the free hit, it would instead stuff the followup ball attack entirely for a counter hit.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Blanka player try an EX Upball after a blocked horizontal roll. Though of course, I’m not usually playing a character capable of really punishing a horizontal ball (until AE), so maybe I’m just not properly inside a Blanka’s head.

Would it be better to rush down a blanka player? A good bait for a blanka player is the lk Danku, because for some reason it misses the block hit, so it’s a good chance to throw them.
Well, IDK I need my Saikyo masters to tell me that.

IMO, there’s no point in turtling versus a Blanka. His approach and footsies are so strong against Dan that you might as well try to capitalize on the momentum if you grab it.

I feel like charge characters+ grapplers are still Dans worst matchups in every way.

I’m with you on that one. Just don’t need to try and swat balls out of the sky with LPs and KRKs, just block and punish :slight_smile:

You make it sound easy Sugami…I don’t like that. >_<

There’s quite a big window to punish HP Balls with EX Dankuu, don’t need a reversal. Same is true for punishing MP and HP Balls with Shissou.

Mmhmm. The matchups a bit easier in that sense, since closer-range HP Ball was a disgusting footsie tool. Still, Blanka’s pokes shut down Dan pretty good, and his wakeup options make pressuring very tough. It’s generally just a bad dynamic versus Dan’s close-range game.

Yeah he’s still a pain in the ass and one of Dan’s worst match-ups but at least they can’t stand back and spam HP horizontal balls all day long. Most Blankas don’t tend to block on wake-up, they usually do Electricity or Up Ball, very unsafe but running at them and doing a KRK in their face once or twice teaches them to actually block more. Just need to be careful of when he has Ultra (EX KRK should beat that methinks).

My KRK always loses to Ex Upball. Wtf? I ussually do or block on his wake up cuz beats elec.

EX Upball has 5 frames of invulnerability. Koryuken has 4.

This means you need to do it 2-frames after their reversal window to not get stuffed/trades, provided they do reversal Upball.

Edit: I feel really stupid. He doesn’t have invulnerability on regular Upball? When they don’t have meter, you can meaty pretty much anything if that’s the case. Herp derp. So much for my matchup knowledge. Just cl.HK him on wakeup or something.

hmm…blocking and punishing seems much safer, eh?

Upball normal has no invul, but it sure as hell feels like it does. Ill give a shot.

Hmm, what about Electricity vs meaty? Wont’ that win?

Use a low move I spose. works well…

No. Electricity has no invulnerability. Find any normal with a good enough hitbox and it’ll bop it out of startup.