Blanka’s free on his wakeup until he gets meter, yeah. Electricity and the Upball both have no invincibility and lose to meaty moves. EX Upball and EX Rainbow Roll can get him out of trouble more reliably, and as always, be wary of backdashes. I don’t see Blanka players backdash too often on wakeup as opposed to trying moves, but it can happen. I personally get caught relatively often by T. Hawk and Zangief players who backdash from my throw attempt on their wakeup and then SPD me. Of course, any time I can condition a big grappler like that to backdash from me, I consider that a small victory!
So I guess the problem is timing, and Dan only has moves with 2 active frames in general and Blanka has a deceptive wake-up animation to boot. I’ll have to put some practice in that then.
If you can condition grapplers (or anyone for that matter) to back dash it’s a free Dankuu on wake-up, might want to opt for EX Dankuu vs grapplers, probably safer.
Edit: Confirmed with s.MP on Blanka’s wake-up, no meterless reversal was able to hit it. However I can’t seem to punish Up Ball on block unless in corner
Upball on block is punished by Shisso Buraiken, but that’s it.
Yeah, sucks unless you’re in the corner. Can’t get a decent punish on a whiffed Up Ball either, he recovers practically the instant he’s grounded so you’re better off trying to hit him out of the air.
Incidentally in the corner you can punish both balls on hit with Shissou or EX Dankuu methinks.
Oh, little titbit about Blanka’s Ultra 1. We all know it comes in 3 parts, 1st hits low, 2nd high and 3rd can be blocked crouching or standing. The first hit actually does no chip damage, so if you need to avoid chip you can block the first low hit then do an EX KRK to get yourself out, can’t Shissou though you’ll get hit on the head.
Anybody else think that Dan/Yun is 5-5?
I know that XBL=/=High super competitive play, but I have a 80% win rate against Yun. Just sayin.
No. Yun’s Divekick pressure isn’t all that useful, but his grounded options are more than enough to make the match in his favour.
Most Yun players are just ass, and don’t know how to mount an offensive.
Yun has pretty awesome footsie and pokes, his far s.MP has massive range and is special cancelable also his s.MP > s.HP > b.HP chain combo is so brain dead with great range and a pretty respectable 160 damage or so, what’s more is it can be super cancelled for massive damage off a proper Genei Jin juggle combo. Far s.MK has good range and is pretty fast, also works quite well as an anti-air, only downside is it misses crouching opponents. s.HK has massive active frames and causes knock down pushing you way across the screen, very easy to walk into. f.HP good range and does knock down again pushing you way across the screen.
I’m not even going to comment on his awesome specials either.
Watch Daigo’s Yun roll over Champ’s Dhalsim, makes him look very scary. At least we have a good dragon punch…
Heh, well, what matchups do you think were improved with Dan’s buffs, and which ones got worse with Dan’s changes? I know the Zangief match got a little worse, but its always been bad for Dan.
I feel with Dan’s new normals he has 5-5s/slight 6-4s against most the cast. All shotos, most rushdown characters(Abel, Mak, Viper, etc.) …all those matches feel pretty even (for Dan anyway lol)
I only feel Dans REALLY bad matchups are Yun, (maybe Yang and Fei idk) all charge characters, and grapplers(…not Hakan) Zoning guys (Sagat, Chun) can be kinda tough too, but not nearly as bad as the other characters.
Gief got worse to me because of LP SPD. Dan already could hardly zone him out, now gief can grab you at and gadouken range. EX Glove not knocking down takes a lot of getting used to, too. Its tough man.
Dan’s buffs don’t really help out his match-ups since he still has problems getting in to use his improved normals and start his mix-ups. If anything has helped his match-ups it’s the nerfs to other characters.
According to Ultra “Shirt & Tie” David having an increased LP SPD range doesn’t make up for lack of knock down on EX Banishing Flat and I’m inclined to agree with him. KRK FADC is practically a free out, so is back dash and we don’t have to worry about his horrible wake-up games nearly as much any more. Trade KRK gone means we just have to burn meter or time the KRK better.
LP SPD range totally makes up for the lack of knockdown on EX Flats. Fucker can practically whiff punish far.MP
Yeah, I have to agree on that. Its still a pain to get in on everyone, but we can make it count more now.
I feel that the EX Green Hand not knocking down is pretty good in dif ways…he can simply SPD or backdash, and that covers most of our options
Giefs grab me out of Gadouken and far True facts.
Difference between old EX Banishing Flat and current one is before he had an 100% offensive mix-up, now he does not. So before he was always able to push the advantage but not any more. I’ve seen matches where he just sat back afterwards and lost momentum. The fact that we could throw a reversal makes him more cautious and gives us more breathing room.
Gadouken was trading with s.MP from half way across the screen before, getting snatched out of it is just very unlucky, same with s.MK if using it on the tip. Walk up LP SPD probably be a completely nightmare though, footsie has got worse. Wouldn’t be as much of a pain if we had decent footsie.
I feel like Dan still loses to Gief even though Gief is nerfed. Gief’s footsies are better, and while Dan has good regular defensive options, he doesn’t have any good corner escapes. So you have to battle to not get backed up into the corner, but it’s hard to put up a good wall against Gief’s superior normals. That said, at least Gief’s footsies are less dangerous than before, ie he’s not gonna get a jab/short buffered into a knockdown anymore. And his mixups are worse because he’s just not gonna get a crossup on you almost ever. So you have more opportunities to stay alive and do good things than before. Unfortunately Dan’s buffs are really just about buffing his up close pressure, but you don’t want to get in and do that on Gief much anyway.
I mean Dan has secret tricks against Gief that people just don’t know. Like, a properly timed meaty instant air lk danku beats lariat, escapes over ex hand, beats backdashes, is safe on block, and can be timed to cross up or not cross up. And that’s nice, opens up lots of fun games. Meaty jump back lk is an instant overhead, meaty ground lk danku beats lariat with one timing and is safe against ex hand with another, and so on. Dan has some tricks. I just feel like Gief is still good enough that he still wins the matchup.
hm, you could be right there Dave, but if you think of it, I think footsies wise, dan is better. The Gadoken is a good poke, is also good. And the lovely back-dash. I also use anti-air U1 b/c most Giefs I play do a jump and try to HP me. i have little problems with Gief players.
Zangief’s s.MP owns s.MK and Gadouken. The Sanford (Dan) vs Mariodood (Zangief) match is a testament to that, link to that is probably somewhere around here.
oh yeah i remember that vid, no need to find it for me. But that’s because that Gief knew the Dan matchup from a mile.
Either I’ve never noticed it before, or this is some new phenomena in AE, but why can’t i anti-air dudley’s j. HK? It either trades or just clean beats my HP Koryu. I’d really prefer not to have to start burning meter to AA Dudley, of all characters.
That’d be the elbow? Don’t think they made any changes to it, could just be bad luck. If you can time your KRKs so that you’re still invulnerable during the time he would be hitting you then should be fine.
They buffed Dudley jump hk, the hitbox is better and it knocks down in air to air situations.