Sub 1 frame HDTV/Monitor Input Lag Database

well you can plink it by rewiring the extra buttons to select/back. ‘‘blink’’ is what its called so you get one more frame to do it. i dont think i will rewire my stick just for 1 combo tho.
I just do that link because its funny to do in training mode. probably never going to pull it off in a match but Sako does it all the time O.o

Was the Panasonic TC-L32X1 @ 8.9ms and the other 32" TV’s under 14ms tested via HDMI?

Anything at 14ms & under for any none commercial grade 32" LCD TV IPS panel is amazing via HDMI.

I am going to test the Panasonic TC-L32U3 with Guitar Hero II at the store via HDMI.

Is there a way to convert some of the UK model numbers to US model numbers?

or should i just look for the same physical model in an american catalog and call it a day?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but 1080p input lag values are important only if you play on PC(as almost all console games run in 720p)?
Does anyone know if internal scaler in xbox is causing additional lag?

Does anyone know the input lag for the screen in the GAEMS G155 portable system case? All I can find is the company claiming its “Lag Free” and great for gamers… Any help is much appreciated, thanks bros.

Pretty sure the Sharp LC-XXE77U/UN need to be added to this list. There’s a post on the AVS forum somewhere where it was tested.

I have one myself, but I don’t have the equipment to test my own. Given that I’ve played on a myriad of different displays, I can safely tell you my set is the most lagless I’ve played on, and do notice lag on other sets I’ve played on. Granted, I’ve never played on an “EVO monitor.”

With that said, it only seems to perform in such a manner when using an HDMI cable if I remember correctly, and also only in “Game” mode. In fact I recall it being an oddball in that, where most HDTVs tend to have lower response times in PC mode, my particular set actually has a higher, fixed response time of 8 (maybe 6?) frames.

The internal X360 scaler does not cause additional lag. If anything the PS3 version has more native input lag. (Search this forum you’ll find more info on it.)

@SaibotMK: Previous pages I had emailed HDTVtest and they said they tested the input lag using HDMI unless specified otherwise.

Maybe consider breaking the list down by display size as well.

It seems extremely difficult to find a 32" display you can drop into a vewlix cab these days. Something more obtainable then the old Panasonic TC-L32X would be nice to find.

32" seems to be the real oddball. Tons of monitors that meet the criteria but they don’t really get above 27", and after that there are a few 40"+ HDTVs with acceptable input lag as well, but yeah, I don’t really wanna have to rebuild my Vewlix cabinet to accommodate a 40". 32" is the perfect size, especially for the distance you’re sitting from it.

that ps3 input lag is like the lie that won’t die. much like trickle down economics…

So, this stuff is a lie?

[media=youtube]h6yW3CQ_5FE[/media] <- Marvel 3

Seems like some pretty damning proof of the native input delay in PS3 version of Capcom games compared to X360.

I know I can notice it when switching between platforms for SF and Marvel, and the method of testing they use is pretty comprehensive. Though, if you have proof that says otherwise I’d love to see it. (Not trolling PS3 or X360 just as personal knowledge)

so is this stuff a lie?

and your questioning of specifically capcom games means skews the argument of whether input lag exists at all…anyhow, back on topic, with the sub 1 frame displays.

Well, I’m talking about Capcom fighters, since this is SRK after all. (I should have made that more clear in my first post, my bad. Though, I did in my second.)

End of the day there is no real argument to be had. We have proof that there is native input delay in PS3 version of the Capcom fighters. And, no native input delay in T6. And, when most people bring up this issues I’ve always seen it being referred to in regards to Capcom fighters. (Since we don’t such test data for other fighting games…that I have found)

So, to clear it up:

T6 no native input delay between console versions.

SF4 and Marvel clear input delay difference between console versions.

what you’re not understanding is that it’s the programming of the games, and not the consoles. there’s a difference to be had and since this is the sub 1 frame monitor database, speculation like that doesn’t help.

I know it is a programing / engine issue. I never said it was a problem across all PS3 games due to the console.

Yes, I read about it before.

So, 1080p input lag results are great if you are playing on pc and xbox 360.
If you are playing on ps3, 720p is all that matters, right?

The PS3 version of the games are inferior. It might not be Sony’s fault, but it is one con of owning the PS3 versions of the game. Not like it matters because those versions will be played at Evo anyway.

xbox 360 games run at native 720p too. tho I doubt its 720p on most games on both consoles.

So has anyone found a decent 27",30" or 32" tv or monitor thats no more than $400? I want to start a cab build and I cant find anything sub 1 frame. Also im from Australia so finding some of the models is hard. Thanks

^ there is a whole FUCKING LIST of monitors on the first page :wasted:

Thanks captain obvious, did u not read my post?? No more than $400? All of the monitors 27" and 30" are over $400 here and most of them are old models and out of stock. Same with the tv’s, all old models and out of stock, even looked for second hand.
Thanks anyway