Stunfest 22-23 May '10 - Rennes, France. EU HDR could live if you guys support it

Please, elaborate! :razzy:

Any hd remix videos?

The scary part about Tokido is that i asked him about what i should be working on for Claw or if he could give me any tips and he told me he couldn’t really because he doesn’t play SF2 anymore.

And he still slaughtered us all.

We are actually still waiting for any of the official videos all of the ones that are up now are simply handheld recordings done by Dav and Chromium.

Yep, it was really shiny, we actually needed 2 linked projectors to see a thing … and I’m loosing way too much quality with my actual uploading method, I’ll have another try :-/
Those are only an overview of HDR finals, with comments, audience, and so on … games were recorded in HD, hopefully they’ll be available soon, wait & see … :slight_smile:

I summed up HD Remix elimination chart if anyone cares (if there is any nickname misspelling, please let me know) :

I’m guessing Tokido thinks SFIV is crap too. What a surprise, another top player who can see that SFIV is garbage.

Tokido plays a ton of IV/SSIV, in fact I’ve been watching his Akuma videos for some pointers. I have to imagine he at least likes it a bit if he’s investing so much time into it?

He probably puts the time in it for the same reason the rest of us put any time into it, because for better or worse it’s “the” game that the masses are playing.

I’m with possum. A lot of top players are putting on a brave face and playing it because that’s where the interest is, good or bad game aside. I mean, do you really expect these guys who have been going to tournaments for years to just suddenly stop because there is a new game out and that ST has taken a back seat? No they will play it and become good at it because regardless of which game it is, they love competition.

Zero nailed it. Also the FG genre doesn’t have the community size to support a bunch of different games on a large scale basis. If you like shooters but hate MW2 (which I do) you can just play Bad Company 2, or GOW2, or Halo3, or whatever, and find lots of comp. If you don’t like SSF4, sure you can still find lots of comp to play in HDR, but fire up BlazBlue, KOF12, BattleFantasia, etc. and there’s not many people playing. Don’t know about 3D fighters, don’t really play them.

It seems that recently new (this console generation) FPS players will go on to play just about any decent FPS. But the same recently new FG players seem to just want to play SF4, and that’s it :(.

It’s partly due to mainly terrible internet modes in games though. The way FPS games do lobbies and auto-matching (like Halo or COD) means that even with a small(er) community, you can find a game.

I am actually really impressed by the way SSFIV does it’s internet ranked match mode, it’s not perfect but it’s by far the best. Even if SF4 had a small community, it wouldn’t be too bad cos you could put it on Fight Request and play until someone with decent skill/connection match to you came along.

Hmm, I could write a lot more about the comparisons of these modes, I shall have to find the time to do some more proper articles. :slight_smile:

Call me crazy but I could see a bunch of us having fun in an endless battle lobby of SSIV. The game is definitely an acquired taste, and believe me when I say some of the mechanics of the engine have me pulling my hair out. It took me about 75 hours to finally become accustomed to SFIV, that’s a pretty long grind. I admit I bought the game strictly because of its name, I mean I’ve been playing SF since '94 on the SNES (though I never played it seriously, the most I did was face the AI on 2 stars lol).
I’m going to be looking for you guys on Live when I start some endless battles, and I urge all of you to at least give the game a fair chance. It is inferior to ST/HDR gameplay-wise, yes, but it has an excellent roster and many matchup possibilities. I am fairly certain we have collectively discovered everything there is to see in HDR, though its a game that I’ll definitely be playing all the time.

/2 cents.

I’ve tried this. It ends up with me raging about how badly balanced the engine is toward defense, and how basic decisions made for a fundamentally flawed game. One of the bigger problems as I see it comes down to hitboxes. The hitboxes seem to try and be true to the character’s state on screen, but that doesn’t always make for clear cut rock, paper, scissors type decisions on jump ins or pokes. You get an anti air that will sometimes hit clean, or sometimes get beaten, or sometimes trade depending on exactly how high up you are in the dragon punch (as the arm extends creating a bigger gap between the fist and head).

One example is DeeJay vs Zangief. Using DeeJay I was grabbed out of a Sobat as the leg should have hit him in SFIV, but in ST the Sobat would win. I get the feeling that this game was designed in a way to alienate ST players, and to give the new players a bit of a chance (since it would be new ground to everyone). Just things like greatly reduced number of active frames on moves making meaties less effective, and reversals having a 6x longer window of execution hugely skews gameplay in a defensive manner.

I was thinking the other day. SFIV is probably just as badly affected by turbo as ST. The reversal window in ST is 1 frame. There are 60 frames per second and a turbo contol operates at 30Hz (once every two frames), making a reversal a 50/50 chance. In SFIV, in the time 6 frames have passed, the turbo would have been able to make 3 inputs virtually giving you a 100% reversal rate providing you execute the motion right/quickly (which also has relaxed timings and inputs).

You’re probably forgetting the existence of negative edge, or else instead of writing 50/50, you would have written 100%.

Oh shit, I did forget about that. Guess that makes that point null and void.

Wow, I hate turbo even more now.

None of the major controllers have turbo that operates at 30 Hz. The HRAP switches are set to 23 Hz according to Hori’s documentation and the TE is at a demonstratively slower frequency even at the faster level. Not sure why that’s the case though.

me vs Tokido

Getting very close to 30 hz is a bad idea because as soon as the high/low time is shorter than a frame, you’ll get turbo/sampling interference. Consider, for a moment, what it happens if you have a game running at 59.85 fps, and a controller producing turbo at 30.00Hz square wave. Because the high and low states will occasionally get skipped, you’ll effectively end up with a cycle of varying turbo rates. In HDR projectile slowdown will skip every other frame’s input, so having the turbo frequency synched can also lead to some interesting behavior there. (I’m not sure that 20 Hz is a whole lot better in that situation though.)

Oh ok, for some reason I had it in my head that the TE was 30 times per second. Not sure where I got that now.

Kind of a late reply but Stunfest was siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick, It was good seeing NKI and Tokido not totally dominating us EU players. European ST level is pretty good imo.

Nice to see you’re still playing, man. Haven’t seen you around online in a while.