Stunfest 22-23 May '10 - Rennes, France. EU HDR could live if you guys support it

Are the official recordings for this ever coming out ?

The TE turbo function is quite slow. IIRC, it is 8 HZ at the highest rate. I can get around 11 Hz or 12 Hz on Sawna buttons and 13 Hz with Happ ones, which have seem easier due to the stronger-yet-rather-soft spring and shorter activation rate, when using two fingers. I guess any Blanka, Chun or Honda player should get higher rates.


Looks interesting i am saddened by the lack of ST or HDR footage though.


ICHIGEKI SSFIIX 2010 complete results:

[Résultats & Comptes Rendus] ICHIGEKI SSFIIX 2010 - AH2R Français

Any word on when the rest of the final matches will be uploaded ?

Ichigeki SSF2X:New videos uploaded here: YouTube - AH2R’s Channel

dav it has you down as playing chun-li in the tourney?

He played Chun in the 1v1 ST tourney and Ken in the HDR tourney.