Couple weeks ago someone made a dramatic post saying HDR is dead in Europe because of SVB not running it.
It’s an official game at Stunfest in France though, so who’s going? Last years Stunfest was too sick, aside from the tourney games loads of different console games and arcade cabinets (incl. ST). It was open all day and night so there was some real addict business going on.
So far I know about Aerorockman, Dav35 and Chromium, ScarGfx are going, and of course myself. So who else wants to put their money where their mouth was back in that SVB thread?
The attendance for the entire event was pretty damn huge, couple 1000 (not everyone entered tourneys though, it was a huge casual gaming event next to the tourney stuff too). For HDR I’m not really sure, I was too deeply involved with the darkness that is SF4 at that time, I have since broken free from it’s grip.
I was waiting for an official announce before posting this here, but Stunfest X will definitely be a huge event, even bigger than previous ones (new location is really big !).
Last year Justin Wong, John Choi, Marn, NKI, D44 BAS, Buktooth, etc … were there. Can’t tell for now who will come this year except those cited by Fulaani (AeroRockman should come too), I just hope this will be a major meeting for HDR EU players, proving HDR isn’t dead and not even close to.
Which is why I opted not to use those names to entice people. Stunfest was sick and would’ve been sick even without wong, choi, nki etc. There were some issues with scheduling but really Stunfest was an awesome example of what events for players ran by players should look like. Except for the 8 bit music LOOOOL (but have been told there will be no bleep bleep bloop music this year).
Looking back though I’m upset at myself for having abandoned SF2 at that point, so I couldn’t play ST anymore when freaking Choi and NKI were there. They were cool peoples though. Very approachable.
Anyways Egotrip, it’s not like HDR gets much respect over here but that’s why I feel the euro players should try to come. Everyone was bitching about SVB, well now I’m curious to see how many of those players will make it to Stunfest.
I have to think about this one. It’s about 2 weeks before exams (which is baaad) and I’d like to go to Evo too. Shari, what’s up man? Will you go to Vegas or not? Planet and me are still looking for a person older than 20 to book a room with us.
Edit: I’m back from Canada now and learning to play with stick. It’s a huge pain in the ass…