Wow, sounds like you guys had a great tournament! Congrats to all the people that placed and special congrats to NKI for taking #1 in both games! Good shit!
Great stuff guys! Still sorry I couldn’t make it - the dates and team tournament really put me off in the end. Also guys, get your info up SOONER on the web next time, please! I need it early when I have to book time off work etc. I also only got my new joystick sorted out like 3 days before Stunfest - would never had time to practice enough (and been playing FAR too much Starcraft II, Halo Reach, and even SSF4 right now).
Nice to see all the top finishing players are guys who’ve beaten me in tournament play (at least online anyway in the case of Shari and Fulaani!) or I am sure I would not beat! I feel a bit better about losing (twice) to Cuongster now at SVB last year (I still say HDR Ken is underrated though).
Looking forward to some HDR vids!
Oh and Jiggly, yeah Fulaani has improved a ton! I used to be able to beat that sucka sometimes
g I got tons of comments “Wow it looks just like you!” when I first created mine
Even though the avatar editor doesn’t quite have my haircut, it’s a very good caricature of me for sure. I reckon there should be a law made that you have to make your avatar look like you really do IRL
Also, since I didn’t spell it out properly earlier - huge congrats to Fulaani and Shari!
Thanks Jiggly, I hope so too. Maybe some of the Amreekans can make it to SVB in august for HDR too, would be awesome. I will be there taking heads off shoulders with Blanka.
I’ve also uploaded HD Remix finals. Overview only of the main stage, all matches have been encoded and will be available in good quality (soon, hopefully).
HD Remix Winner Bracket Final : [media=youtube]0Ad8sGoIziM"[/media]
HD Remix Looser Bracket Final : [media=youtube]1TnhrkPJZYE"[/media]
Grand final is coming
HD Remix Grand Final : [media=youtube]jmJUnlyKMuI"[/media]
His English is also very good for a japanese guy, I could hold a fairly normal conversation with him about anything. I talked to him quite a bit about a bunch of things. But his facial expression when I asked him about (S)SF4 said things that could never have been conveyed in the English language lol.