Stunfest 22-23 May '10 - Rennes, France. EU HDR could live if you guys support it

Well there are tons of people I like their games! I know many good people better than me… the trouble is, by pairing with them I don’t feel like I’m bringing much to the team! :-/ (other than a loss!).

R-Jive is a great player too, that’s lucky for you. I’ve not seen him online much at all lately though.

I’ve got other personal friends who play SF, who I might just about be able to bring along; but they are all either very new or pretty casual. Hmm. I guess SSFIV’s team mode will actually help me for this kind of thing. I am sure I’ll be able to get a few friends to team with me… then I’ll just need to convince them to switch to HDR (shouldn’t be too hard!). But it’ll be way too late for this event obviously.

Nah, that outlook is way too pessimistic lol. Build confidence and just ask. Doesn’t have to be someone you have a personal connection with. If they don’t want to team they can say so, otherwise team up and have fun. It’s not *that *serious.

Yeah well, I am feeling a bit pessimistic cos I know I’m only bringing my C game at the mo - although I had moments I was playing pretty good last night… (either that or Shari was giving me a chance!), and I’m not that great and rather erratic anyway - but I’m still WAY off my general form compared to my pre-SVB’09 stuff, and that was dead easy for me to get to compared to this… (plus I had a solid Plan B should the tournament turn out to be a washout - being in London!).

Well I’ll see if the new stick and Seimitsus inspire me… or if Boge is mad for it and we can both find ourselves other partners.

EDIT - I guess what I mean is, if it was a single player tournament, I could just shrug and go to “see how I do” more easily than in 2P teams, when I feel like I’ve gotta perform better for the team. That’s usually a GOOD thing as it brings out the best in me, but in this situation, it’s not too cool.

I never sandbag.
I do tend to try out a lot of different things to learn new stuff.

But this was not one of those times.

You did well because you played well.


There are a lot of HDR UK players.

If you and BogeUK can’t get around the 2 character rule look around there is bound to be someone to team with.
Many probably don’t even know about Stunfest.

And if not.
Go ask some people from the EU league.
etc etc etc.

I didn’t know Dav35 all to well before teaming up.
99% of the people in the community are completely reasonable and intelligent people don’t worry too much about it.

i need a teammate !
i might ask Kurodaan from netherlands tho , but hes too obsessed with vanilla ST :slight_smile:

Kurodaan doesn’t go to tournaments. maybe you can find a teammate on here?

Check with Remy and BogeUK they were having trouble finding teammates earlier.

well i’m talking with Rax from spain , me and him would make an ok team, but if anyone is reallly wanting to team up with me im the norwegian champ in this game. and im a pretty nice guy i dont smell or anything.

:nunchuck: WILL YOU BE THERE ? :nunchuck:

Time for planning the transportation of foreign players from St-Malo/Dinard airport to Rennes. :slight_smile:

Looks like most of english players will land friday, the 21st, around 5pm, am I correct ?
Could you please tell me who needs to be picked there ? :slight_smile:

I’m landing in Paris at 08:00 on the 21’st.

Any chance anyone knows anyone that is going to Rennes from Paris i could get a ride with ?

Dude, ST and HDR! I have so much respect for your guys now. [2]

I just had to post this.

HDR: 2v2

1: NKI/Tokido
2: Cuongster/? Cammy Player
3: Sharizord/Dav35
4: Fuulani/R_Jive

I played Tokido first round in finals and did good but after that my nerves crashed and i played like shit.

ST 1v1 is tomorrow.

good shit shari

Posting this from a webcafe in Paris.


1: NKI
2: Tokido
3: Cuongster
4: Sharizord
5: was either Fuulani or Dav35 i got confused by the bracket.

Same thing as in HDR NKI and Tokido just stomped me.

I have time to waste before my flight back and the only thing i really wanted to see in Paris was Maison de Victor Hugo which i just went to so i figured i would write a little travel log for Stunfest for my own entertainment.

I landed in Paris on the 21’st and then took a train to Rennes where Chromium picked me up.
Chromium and Dav35 are the nicest guys i have ever meet and helped me with everything Before the event and after. They went as far as letting me, Fuulani and his friends sleep at their place not enough thanks to give them.

So we went to the Event which was held outside in an enclosed area with a roof.

I just hung around and watched while they set everything up for the event i offered to help but was told by Chromium that he didn’t want me to since i was there for playing not building.
To be honest i would rather have helped out but i would rather respect his wishes.

A girl that worked at the event named Morgan came and talked to me cause i was just sitting around not doing anything cause she thought i was bored.
She was extremely nice and helped me out during registrations since i ran into an issue since i had registered online.
She was also totally the cutest and coolest girl there.

Then after a while Dav35 showed up and hung out with me until everything was setup.

Eventually NKI and Tokido showed up and it was like.
I went to say hi to NKI who was playing HDR casuals and made a total idiot out of myself acting like a little schoolgirl that had just met her Idol.
I apologized to him about it the next day and he was really cool about it both he and Tokido were very approachable and it was a lot of fun to get to meet and talk to them and play them.

later at night We meet up with Fuulani and his friends that were traveling there since we were going to play some casuals at Dav’s house but it got really late and we were all tired so it didn’t amount to much.

Next day was the actual event and i spent the entire morning playing HDR casuals with everyone there.
Then the tournament started and we did really well our first loss was against Tokido and NKI in winners Finals.
After the first round against Tokido which was actually pretty close my mind just shut down and i played like crap for the entirety of the rest of the finals my hands were actually shaking for 20 minutes after the finals ended.
We lost to cuongsters team who we earlier sent to losers which annoyed me cause i think if i had been playing my best we could probably have beaten them.
Most hype moment during Pools was when R-Jive beat Tokido Ryu vs Claw, Unfortunately Fuulani and him lost to NKI after that but that was still the single hypest moment that day everyone was just screaming. :bgrin:
Also Ken Bogard the announcer and commentator for Finals was amazing in getting everyone riled up during the matches.

After the tournament we just played ST on Arcade the rest of the day.

The last memory i have is falling asleep in a chair while a live band was playing rock versions of 8 and 16 bit music on stage.

Next day:

Everyone myself included played ST casuals until that tournament started.
Single most hype thing and what i believe to be the most hype moment of the entire tournament was when Milenar a french Honda player took out Tokido 2 games to 0 with a perfect last round.
That had us going for i believe 10 minutes straight before it calmed down and we could do the next match.
Unfortunately towards the end of the tournament the Cabinet broke down and we had to use another one with not quite as good sticks and buttons.
Still the tournament was amazingly fun and i was a lot less nervous during those finals and did a lot better.
I still couldn’t take a single round from Tokido though that guy is just way too good at Claw mirror i think NKI actually told me Tokido is considered the best Claw vs Claw player in Japan.
Him and NKI just slaughtered me like they did in HDR.

After that it was pretty late and most people started to leave.
We said our goodbyes and such.
Stunfest was amazing and i hope they have ST/HDR next year aswell.

Random Moments of Awesome:
Live rock renditions of Castlevania and Super Mario music do i need to say more ?
A little girl in a pink dress playing counterstrike and owning people.
An entire wall of classic retro consoles with people playing them.
A tent running TAS speedruns with live commentary and explanations.
Tons of arcades with tons of different games all on freeplay.

The best thing though was meeting everyone and having fun together.

Merci a tout.
Hope to see you all next year.

Stunfest was great!

Just an example here!

SSF2X: Tokido vs milanea : [media=youtube]TryvhyKMRhA[/media]

You guys are slippin’ when you let Shari get all the womenz. Cool to see pics and stuff, would’ve liked to attend this :frowning:

EDIT: Forgive my ignorance but is Tokido Japanese? I’ve always assumed so because of his gamertag.

Great stuff!

How much did the tourney run on time? I.e. were there massive 6 hour delays and stuff?

I was pretty nervous my first tournament Shari. Next time you’ll see a difference. :stuck_out_tongue:

And I wish I could’ve been there. Good stuff.