Stunfest 22-23 May '10 - Rennes, France. EU HDR could live if you guys support it

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Account Number
Bank Code (don’t know which number that is too)
Code of your Bank office (no idea)
the “Cl RIB” is some sort of verification code for your account, I guess there’s nothing comparable in Sweden (and Switzerland either)
IBAN - International Bank Account Number, should be written on your account statement
BIC - Bank Identifier Code, another international verification code for you Bank

If all codes are required I guess you won’t be able to pay by bank transver.

Up to down

Account Number
Bank Code (don’t know which number that is too)
Code of your Bank office (no idea)
the “Cl RIB” is some sort of verification code for your account, I guess there’s nothing comparable in Sweden (and Switzerland either)
IBAN - International Bank Account Number, should be written on your account statement
BIC - Bank Identifier Code, another international verification code for you Bank

If all codes are required I guess you won’t be able to pay by bank transver.

I’ll just send them a message about changing the invoice payment to a paypal instead.

Thanks for trying to help though.

No problem, I hope paypal works fine (it should).

This is basically a french/international bank account identifier, you’ll need this to do online money payment, but your bank’s online transfer system may not allow you enter foreign accounts ? Contact your bank, they’ll be able to handle it. :wink:
PayPal is a good solution too. :slight_smile:

I’ll give my bank a call on monday if that doesn’t work i’ll try to switch it to paypal.




“characters have to be different in the same team”

oh ****!

(dav 35 and Sharizord will understand why). :frowning:

pick up vega !


haha, I could attempt to pick up anyone theoretically, but only having a few weeks means this is rather late to do so! I checked the official website just now and it backs up this rule as well. Hmm, well I will have a chat to Bogeuk about all of this and come to a decision. I can play Guile ok in certain matchups… the real question is, do we want to go this distance and money etc whilst not having very high hopes for a good performance!

Claw has always kinda been on my official hate list I’m afraid! hahah. What I mean is that there were certain characters I always hated growing up as a kid playing SF2 who I never liked and never respected etc. For example I will NEVER play shotos seriously just because they seem too popular and boring (apart from Dan). However when I started to try and play tournaments properly, I had to put that stuff aside. It was a tough road to learn to respect someone who was actually good with Ken or something, but I’ve just about got there. :wink: But attempting to main a character who’s on my traditional “dislike” list would be very very hard to do!

Alternative answer: Yeah sure! It’s easy, just walldives allday, I can’t be beat amiright? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

so you and boge are confirmed for this event? good stuff. I look forward to playing all you guys offline.

Man you should come anyway.

Just to play with some good people and get to meet everyone.

It will be lots of fun.

And you could compete in the 1v1 ST tournament :slight_smile:

Nope, not confirmed. But we’re seriously thinking about it! Good thing is he lives quite near to me, so we could travel together.

Bad thing is, we both main the same character, so we can’t play together in the 2 v 2 team tourney.

Shari - Playing good people and meeting people is of course good! :slight_smile: … but it’s a long way to go, I just wish it was somewhere like Paris where I could easily find more other fun attractions for making the trip :slight_smile: (not saying there isn’t in Rennes, just that I don’t know any, and a search turns up none of my kinda nightclubs there :P).

As for ST… I really dunno. I kinda suck at ST as I’ve barely ever played it. Whilst I love the graphics, they just confuse my eyes nowadays, since I’ve only really played HDR. I’m shocked at what a difference the visuals makes, and GGPO actually always feels worse to me than HDR netcode for some reason. Maybe just the PC introducing lag through USB stick, or graphics output via HDMI, I dunno… And the moment I get some silly O.Sagat or Claw knockdown walldive stuff (even O.Ken and O.Honda make me scream) I just want to give up and play HDR, cos it’s significantly better IMO. Even Sim drives me nuts in ST with the throw range & nuggie damage. Just overall, playing ST makes me go :-/ a lot. Don’t get me wrong, I like it more than almost all other fighters still, and it’s fun to play, it’s just a totally redundant game from a tournament competitive standpoint to me.

Anyone know what console they are using for HDR too?

double post

Well I hope you and Boge make it. I’m sure the team thing can be figured out. Chromium said he lacks a teammate still, Orf was thinking about going and he plays Ryu, and does ScarGFX have a teammate already? I’ve also heard Guile75 expressing interest and he doesnt have a teammate either.

Regardless, SF2 needs support at Euro tourneys. So I insist you come along lol.

edit, hdr is on 360.

Hey, glad to hear that, great news ! This will definitely be a great (and tough !) tourney, you have to come ! :lovin:

Oh, this is not sure, my bad … but once again : you have to come ! ^^

Last year there was a trip to Mont St Michel planned for foreign competitors the day before tourney. Dunno if there gonna be something like that this year …

How do you guys find/choose a teammate btw?
There isn’t anyone I know really well in the HDR community. I mean, I know a load of you guys from XBL, but I can’t really feel like I’m on a “team” with any of you yet. I never get to play offline with anyone outside of tournaments… and “Team XBL” would be a bit too big!

Boge is from the same UK county as me (Yorkshire) so we’ve got a geographical association that is cool - but we can’t really team up due to the tournament rules as discussed.

I guess me and Scar worked on the tournament stuff together so that sounds possible… hmm.

Hehe, hope you don’t mind my public procrastination here!

I’m not meaning to sound unfriendly… there’s lots of other games I play where I do have actual friends that I play with a lot and so we feel like teams (Left 4 Dead, Starcraft II), but there’s no-one like that for HDR. I’d be terrified of letting the side down!

Being on 360 is awesome though! Top marks for that! :smiley:

I just got a new stick (HRAP EX) and I’m wanting to mod it with Seimitsu parts… so that’d be good to be able to do that and actually use it too. Hmmm.

Well I’m teaming with a personal friend within the dutch community, so that was easy lol. He goes by R-Jive on GGPO.

But before he asked me to team I was planning on asking Shari and Billjm via XBL. That was when I never heard either of their voices (Shari has a mic now) but I just liked their game. That was what was important to me, I just guessed I’d get to know them personally at the event. (but Billjm is not coming :()