Stunfest 22-23 May '10 - Rennes, France. EU HDR could live if you guys support it

I’m not a fan of team tourneys. I prefer 1 vs 1. But I prefer team tourneys to no tourneys at all. I’m prolly not gonna come to this tourney, but why isn’t it 1 vs 1? It was a singles tourney last year…just wondering.

I actually love team tourneys, I think they’re fun (personal preference) but I also believe they can promote character variety. I think they are doing a team tourney because they are also hosting a VST singles one.

1hitparry, the superstarcup in Japan is actually a one man 3on3 for ST. Though there is no rule against picking the same character 3 times.

I expect there will be some UK triple Ken teams.

Hi guys, I’m definately looking into heading to this having just got my first taste of what an international tourney is like with the WGC in Cannes. I want to pick up HDR as a new game now with the hopes of entering the 2v2 at Stunfest come May. Thing is seeing I’m just starting out I’m a bit overwhelmed by learning a new game. Could you guys give me a short breakdown of how to go about learning the game please?

I was thinking work out:

Punishments on blocked moves
AA moves
Throw setups

But I’d appreciate a nudge in the right direction, is the above adequate? should I leave frame data alone for now? I was thinking about learning the game with Ryu with a view to maining Fei Long later, is this wise or a waste of time, should I start with Fei?


g Well it sounds like it could be fun, does look like a great system… IF you have a team! I guess ideally you want 2 good players who play characters with very disparate matchups.

Well, if I can make it to Stunfest (I’m not sure until I can check travel plans and hotels etc), I’d need a partner for my average DeeJay! The only local ‘RL’ SF playing friends I have these days I am sure wouldn’t be able to make it. :frowning:

Really glad you’re interested in HDR as a new game. :smiley: Good luck!
IMO the game is so matchup dependant you are best to pick a character to main and stick to them. Personally I rarely use frame data, it’s stuff you implicitly tend to pick up anyway from playing it. I’d check the (huge) character thread for the character you want to play on HDR as a starting point. The amount of info on here is rather overwhelming and time consuming to trawl through. I only really know decent matchup level stuff with DeeJay these days, one day I plan to post up all the SRK stuff in an easier to digest format!

any updates mister chromium? do you know what platform ST will be played on?

neo empire are fucking stuck up pricks lol

they got rid of SVB cause everyone bums SFIV

am gonna try to attend this event :slight_smile:

What the heck! Man if you told me the leader of Team White and Nerdy was going, Chun and Cammy could have worked together to destroy the rest of those European Imposters! White and Nerdy Americans FTW! Oh well its too late now… lol.

Seriously, I hope this is a huge success, Europe and HDR should go together like peas and carrots, tea and crumpets, baggetts and cocoa… whatever people eat in scandanavia with whatever they drink… it SHOULD JUST GO TOGETHER!

It’s very likely i will attend this rather than EVO for money reasons.

And i mean Very likely.

So anyone need a team partner ?

Tone down the crazyiness just a little. :wonder:

I already have a teammate but good shit dude. Hope you can make it!

@ chronicdynasty, they aren’t all bad. I really like the UK heads actually, the guys that were there before SF4 are really safe. Hope you can make it too!

And zass, good shit trying to fly over from the US!

Sorry but we don’t know yet. A dude called “Kareeeeem” joined our forums to discuss that, but it’s not decided yet …

Some minor improvements were made to the website, and registrations are now opened, but there is still a lack of information for now, except there will be many Tougeki SBO quals as usual …

Allow me to re-introduce myself, my name is Kareeeeem :slight_smile:


Aaaaaaah, I was wondering if it was you or not, now I’ve got the answer … hello again, mister Kareeeeem ! :bgrin:

So seems me and Dav35 will be teaming up for this =)

Good shit Shari! Looking forward to bit… meeting you!

I’m booked and ready to go, I’ll actually be in London Thursday the 20th of May because there are no direct flights. So London heads come see me in Casino that night, I’ll be keeping the SF2 cab warm.

hey guys,

I think I’ll be going to the tourney over in France so if anyone who knows me is up for teaming up then send me an email at Also I’ve recently moved towards London area… so are there any good arcades I could goto to practice? Where’s Casino? Theres a good HMV gamerbase in Reading if anyone wants to play there, think we’ll have to petition to get HDR on their machines though but they should be cool about it.

So just tried to actually register but ran into a little problem.

Picked bankwire since i figured that would be the easiest way but all the info is in French.
And i didn’t feel like making a paypal account.

Could anyone help me with this ?


Numro de Compte : *****
Code Banque : ****
Code Guichet : ****
Cl RIB : **
IBAN : *************
BIC : *************


Order total amout is 19,00

Basically what do these things mean and how would i go about doing it since i don’t think i could do this online with my bank’s online transfer system.