we need Q jokes .
why would ryu fly overseas just to get dessert ?
because he keep saying " I’D LIKE SOME FRUIT CAKE" when he spins in the air .
What’s Sagat’s Favorite Sexual Move?
why does Ken hit so many Uppercuts
Because hes a Ken Mastersbaiter
what is Blanka’s hobby?
Creating shock sites.
There was a Street Fighter sushi making competition. Who won and with what sushi?
Abel with his Marseilles Roll.
hahaha to funny
So a scrub walks up to Alex Valle at a tournament and gives him his car keys.
Alex says “What’s up with the keys man?”
Random scrub says “That guy over there told me your were valet.”
Sorry best I could come up with.:xeye:
What is Rufus’ favorite song?
Bitter Sweet Space Opera Symphony
YEY! A Niels Henrik Abel joke! Epic! Extra love because he’s from my Country:blush:
Abelian = Commutative
Those were in my studies as well. You rock.
I am so happy someone got that joke :bgrin:
roflol. Is your name T. Hawk and your scalping???
How do you know Necro is a metal head?
He slam dances.
hahahaha i liked that one
These are jokes we can relate to but if it was somebody who wasn’t into SF they would look at us like WTF?
i tried to come up with a joke but couldnt…
Why was the player suspected of using auto in a tournament?
Because he was winning with a HONDA!
Ha ha. That question is funny.
I feel very happy. Thanks.
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why did the E honda Accord bounce off the ford instead of crashing into it?
It got Ford Focus cancelled