Street Fighter JOKES

Why is Urien such a vain character?

  • He is always looking at his Aegis Reflection.

Why is Ken so boastful?

  • Because he surrounds himself with underachievers (Sean).

What do Ryu and Ken like to drink before a fight?
Dragon Punch.

How did Cammy beat Ryu and Ken?
She cannon spiked their dragon punch.

:u: LoL. I like those, especially the 2nd one because it works as a fighting game technique too [unless it’s ST and :lp: Shoryu’s].

What do you call Vega when he does nothing but block?

A ninja turtle.

i’m kinda drunk so sorry i know that one’s lame hahaha

Chuck Norris can tech a raging demon.

Akuma gets scared and does the Running Demon when he fights Chuck Norris.

Evo is either a fighting game championships


a gathering of the world’s worst drivers.

I laughed

Why doesn’t Zangief like movies.

Because he can’t change the channel!

Ryu, Ken, and Guile walk into some bar.

They save it for FADC.

here is a street fighter pick up line:

damn girl…is your name denjin? cause you left me stunned!

drum loop

what does crazy japanese fetish porn and RC electricity have in common?

…they both shock you unexpectedly

drum loop


i’ve NEVER felt cooler hahahaha

I’m not gonna lie, this totally caught me off guard. I lol’d heartily. :rofl:

Am I missing something?

Why are guile matches always the most intense?

-They always start with a boom!

Why wouldnt blanka last 30 seconds on the battlefield?

-hes green

haha SF movie humor, probably the only funny scene in that whole film.

here is my own lame one:

Q: What is Zangief’s tool of choice to complete a job?
A: A pile driver

That whole film was laughs. And it was also awesome, even with all its inaccuracies.

How can you NOT like the sf movie =/


It’s not that I don’t like the movie. Trust me, I enjoy the hell out of it every time I see it. It’s just a terrible movie itself IMO.