Street Fighter JOKES

I think this set of jokes wins the thread :rofl:

(3:24:46 PM) Sabator: do any sf games have chars that can lay traps
(3:24:58 PM) bellreisa: yeah, hugo

Why will Mokoto never go on a date with fei Long again?
Because he has a one inch…

Yo dawg, I herd you liek Smash bros, so we put a key in yo console so you can stay free while you stay free.

Yo dawg, I herd you like online play, so we put sasuage on yo shoulders so you can drop links while you drop links.

Yo dawg, I herd you liek flowcharts so we put a DP in yo bed so you can wakeup shoryu while you wakeup shoryu.

kinda explicit


Yo dawg, I herd you like shotos so we put a stick in yo stick so you can shoot fire while you shoot fire.

This thread made me laugh.

Why was Ken impressed by Sakura?

Because Sakura Shouoken her moves

Why would Chun-Li be good at soccer

Cuz she has good footsies

Girl was like the machine cuz her body was bangin.

/blowed >_<

Kind of a bad joke.

Why does Zelda like Street Fighter 2 (or 4?)

Because it’s got lots of “Hard Links”

Why was Bisons father ashamed of him?

He realized that he had a Bi-son.

And that his nickname was Dic.

Not necessarily jokes but will make your fights more entertaining.
what it sounds like characters say:
Cammy: Can of Sprite (dsp gets credit in that one)
Sagat:Tiger crotch

Why is Ken jealous of ryu?
Cause he’s always sure-ryu-can

yeah i know, epic fail lol

Why couldn’t Balrog compete in the X-Games?

Because someone stole his Bike Money.


Why is T. Hawk banned in coastal regions?

Because he’s always causing typhoons.

What do you call a scrub Chun Li?

Chun Free

What do you call a scrub Ibuki?


What do you call a scrub C. Viper?

Free Viper

What’s Balrog’s favorite zoo exhibit?

The Turtles

Why is Adon’s car insurance so expensive?

Because he has a Jaguar

What would you call Guile if he ever strapped a bomb to his penis?

A Flash Explosion

Why was Akuma so unimpressed by Portal?

Because he already knows how to teleport.

What do you call a slutty ninja?


Q:Why did Ryu leave his meter at home, when having dinner with his girlfriend?
A:He didn’t want to bring up his EX

So obvious but so gold. :smiley:

Anyone got anymore good Chun jokes? That one about her destroying the car in two seconds by parking it just slays me still. So good.

Whats a different word for hadoken?
FIRE FROM MY HANDS ( I know its a sentence)

Why does Bison avoid the gym?

He still has Knee Press Nightmares…

Ok ok I gotta try out these other ones…

What’s Fei Long’s favorite day of the week?

Day of Rekkaning

What was Adon’s favorite childhood activity?


What’s T.Hawk’s favorite sport?

Skateboarding, obviously…

How did Seth react when he saw Zangief spamming headbutts?
He was stunned.

Why does Sakura like Ryu so much? swept her off her feet.

Why would Rose make a terrible doctor?
She asks “Are you alright?” then violently throws you.

Why hasn’t Dudley gotten his car back?
No seriously, why?

Why was Dudley pursued by the cops?
It was reported he had blow and uppers.